Irene: 1253 books

Book cover of A Devoted Domestic
by Miss Irene Clearmont
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2014

What more could an upwardly mobile couple wish for than a trained domestic to take care of all those irksome household chores? A lot more, actually, if the price is going to prove the loss of the very freedom the upwardly mobile couple in question cherish so greatly. And especially when the female domestic...
Book cover of Wish Fulfilment
by Miss Irene Clearmont
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2014

Cliches are only cliches because they contain universal truths. So when Miss Irene Clearmont's latest tale, "Wish Fulfillment", poses the warning: "Be careful what you wish for", you can be sure the results are not going to be good for the husband with a yearning for female domination. This particular...
Book cover of Destiny's Faces
by Irene Asuen
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2014

how would you react if your best friend betrays you on your wedding day in the most heinous way possible? worse still, can you imagine your parents fabricating your past to ensure that you live your life according to their desires? what if you fall in love with the ‘wrong’ person? Or what if the...
Book cover of Magna Bloody Carta

Magna Bloody Carta

A Turning Point in Democracy

by Phyllis Irene Radford
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Is the Magna Carta better than the US Constitution?  Was it a power grab by English noblemen, or is it a rights of man declaration penned by Robin Hood?  The answers may surprise you as author and historian Irene Radford picks apart the clauses and explains them in context to the history...
Book cover of Forging Trust Communities

Forging Trust Communities

How Technology Changes Politics

by Irene S. Wu
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2015

Bloggers in India used social media and wikis to broadcast news and bring humanitarian aid to tsunami victims in South Asia. Terrorist groups like ISIS pour out messages and recruit new members on websites. The Internet is the new public square, bringing to politics a platform on which to create community...
Book cover of Preschools by the Bay
by Irene Byrne
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2013

This book is designed to get parents started on their search for the right preschool for their child. This process is a personal one and each family will approach it in their own unique way. It is the author’s wish that everyone will find some good pointers throughout the book. There is a lot of...
Book cover of Self-Management Tips to Prevent Migraines Without Medication
by Irene S. Roth
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2016

We all know people who suffer from migraine headaches. They are quite prevalent. Yet, few people who have migraines know what to do about their condition. Some don’t even know what it is or how to manage the pain or how to prevent an attack.The good news is that there is a lot that we could...
Book cover of Receiving Guidance By Runes
by Irene Von Rosenau
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2015

These are challenging times for each and everyone of us. You need Light, YOU need Truth, you need Guidance through the mist of this reality. Find the wisdom of the Olds and receive their Grace and their Help in day to day life. Rediscover the meaning of the runes and let their magic advise you in your...
Book cover of The Brass Candlesticks
by Irene Levy
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2015

There is a special bond between a daughter and her father. In this loving memoir, Irene Levy pays tribute to her father, Harry Rubin, who was only fifteen years old when he escaped Russia and fled to America. He soon joined the American Army and made tremendous sacrifices to bring over his parents...
Book cover of La giustizia del papa

La giustizia del papa

Sudditi e tribunali nello Stato Pontificio in età moderna

by Irene Fosi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Tra Sette e Ottocento si crea e si rafforza una sorta di leggenda nera sulla giustizia del papa, espressione della generale decadenza italiana. Ma quale era veramente il rapporto con i tribunali laici ed ecclesiastici di uomini e donne comuni, di nobili, di religiosi e di intere comunità soggette...
Book cover of La cultura de las máscaras

La cultura de las máscaras

Disfraces y escapismo en la poesía española de la Ilustración

by Irene Gómez Castellano
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2013

En las páginas de La cultura de las máscaras Irene Gómez Castellano desvela por vez primera el lado más íntimo y vacilante del "hombre ilustrado", iluminando algunos de sus misterios: ¿Por qué a los que perseguían a los borrachos con leyes y decretos les gustaba deambular poéticamente...
Book cover of Le plus beau des cadeaux - Un médecin sous le charme
by Scarlet Wilson, Irene Hannon
Language: French
Release Date: July 15, 2012

Le plus beau des cadeaux, Scarlet Wilson Amy n’a plus qu’un espoir pour sauver son enfant : le Dr Linc Adams. Enceinte de sept mois, elle vient d’apprendre qu’elle risque d’accoucher prématurément, et le meilleur obstétricien de la région, le seul qui puisse l’aider à éviter...
Book cover of San Lorenzo
by Irene Grazzini, Chiara Zanini
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 1, 2016

Cosa c'è di meglio per un gruppo di appassionati di giochi di ruolo dal vivo che trovarsi nel bel mezzo di un'invasione di maghi e draghi della propria città? Forse niente. Ma a volte i sogni possono trasformarsi in incubi. Continuano, con la penna di Irene Grazzini vincitrice del concorso W&B 2015, le avventure di 3000 ab Urbe condita.
Book cover of Ightul
by Irene Grazzini, Joe Kerr
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 3, 2016

Il guerriero, reduce da una battaglia di cui é l’unico sopravvissuto, si dirige alla città di Aurelia per trovare riparo. Lì incontra e libera Yasmina dal giogo delle guardie; ma la sua azione é presto nota, e gli viene comunicato di essere atteso al palazzo perché il sovrano della città intende...
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