Irene: 1253 books

Book cover of La catedral del miedo

La catedral del miedo

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 4

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 11, 2014

La familia de Irene se ha mudado a Évreux, en Normandía. Allí, una dama desconocida aborda a Irene y, tras murmurarle oscuras palabras sobre el peligro al que está expuesta su madre, se esfuma misteriosamente. No es más que el primero de una serie de acontecimientos inquietantes que Irene, Sherlock...
Book cover of El puerto de los engaños

El puerto de los engaños

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 11

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 10, 2017

Un viejo amigo le propone al padre de Irene un negocio provechoso y ciertamente singular: la adquisición de un castillo en Escocia. Irene, Sherlock y Arsène acompañan al señor Adler en su viaje al norte. Pero la belleza de la morada feudal no basta para ocultar la atmósfera amenazadora que reina...
Book cover of Sterben und Lieben

Sterben und Lieben

Selbstbestimmung bis zuletzt

by Dietmar Mieth, Irene Mieth
Language: German
Release Date: February 18, 2019

Völlig überraschend erhält Irene Mieth die schockierende Diagnose: Krebs im fortgeschrittenen Stadium. Eine Operation scheint die letzte Rettung, die Zeit drängt. Doch Irene Mieth entscheidet anders und sich gegen den Eingriff. Sie stirbt 2017. Dietmar Mieth war gegen die Entscheidung seiner Frau...
Book cover of L’Italia esplode

L’Italia esplode

Diario dell’anno 1952

by Irene Brin
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 12, 2015

Irene Brin, pseudonimo di Maria Vittoria Rossi (1911-1969), è stata scrittrice di costume e giornalista di moda. Icona di stile, fu esportatrice del made in Italy nel mondo e collaboratrice della leggendaria «Harper’s Bazaar», oltre che di numerose riviste italiane tra cui «Omnibus» di Leo...
Book cover of Imre Kertész

Imre Kertész

Leben und Werk

by Irene Heidelberger-Leonard
Language: German
Release Date: March 2, 2015

Die erste Werkbiographie über den großen ungarischen Schriftsteller. Lange vor der Niederschrift seines weltberühmten »Romans eines Schicksallosen" hat Imre Kertész einen kurzen Text geschrieben, der sich wie eine Grundschrift seines Werkes liest: In »Ich, der Henker", einem lange Zeit unpublizierten...
Book cover of Looking for Anne of Green Gables

Looking for Anne of Green Gables

The Story of L. M. Montgomery and Her Literary Classic

by Irene Gammel
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2008

In June 1908, a red-haired orphan appeared on to the streets of Boston and a modern legend was born. That little girl was Anne Shirley, better known as Anne of Green Gables, and her first appearance was in a book that has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide and been translated into more than...
Book cover of 'We Are Going to Pick Potatoes'

'We Are Going to Pick Potatoes'

Norway and the Holocaust, The Untold Story

by Irene Levin Berman
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2010

Irene Levin Berman was born, raised, and educated in Norway. Her first conscious recollection of life goes back to 1942, when as a young child she escaped to Sweden, a neutral country during World War II, to avoid annihilation. Germany had invaded Norway and the persecution of two thousand Norwegian...
Book cover of Finding The Rainbow On Land And Sea
by Irene Kueh
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2012

Finding The Rainbow Over Land And Sea is the third book in our Land And Sea (with Lane and Shelby) series.In this picture book, Lane and Shelby will be introduced and they are the main characters. It all started when Lane and Shelby wake up and find out that the rainbow is gone. They search over land...
Book cover of 123 From Land And Sea
by Irene Kueh
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2011

This is the second series of the "Land And Sea" (with Lane and Shelby) series. Just like ABC From Land And Sea, 123 From Land And Sea is filled with colorful pictures and cute rhymes to help your child learn their numbers (1 to 10) the fun way. You and your child will have a smile or two or three:-) - Kathy Kesner & Irene Kueh -
Book cover of A Light in the Dark Poems
by Irene Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2013

Irene Cohen was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She started writing at 13 and did not have anyone to turn to so she made her own journal. And just the same way, she turned to the journal and music. She is very passionate about music. Writing and music helped her to sustain. A Light in the Dark...
Book cover of Lass niemals den Mut sinken

Lass niemals den Mut sinken

Unterwegs mit meinem Großvater, einem Leipziger Metallarbeiter und Stadtgeschichtler. Mit Illustrationen von Jörg Zoch

by Irene Zoch
Language: German
Release Date: July 28, 2016

Wären nur einzig und allein die Erinnerungen von Irene Zoch an ihren Großvater der Stoff dieses Büchleins, so wäre es eine liebevolle Familiengeschichte geblieben. Aber es ist bei Weitem mehr. Irene Zoch zeichnet das Bild eines dramatischen Jahrhunderts und versteht es dabei, den Leser zu fesseln....
Book cover of The Bible War in Ireland
by Irene Whelan
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2012

'With evangelical politics born again on a global scale, Irene Whelan's vivid and compelling account of nineteenth-century Ireland is a timely reminder of the intolerance and intensity that accompanies civil wars of the soul.' - Luke Gibbons, Notre Dame University NB. We cannot supply North...
Book cover of Russia Under Three Tsars
by Michael N. Kalantar, Irene Vartanoff
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2015

REDISCOVERED: EYEWITNESS HISTORY  Opening with an intimate, dramatic account of the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, this long-lost partial history describes the personalities and actions of the last tsars during the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. Glittering royals, politicians,...
Book cover of Il pastore di stambecchi

Il pastore di stambecchi

Una vita fuori traccia

by Louis Oreiller, Irene Borgna
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 10, 2018

«La montagna mi ha visto nascere, mi ha nutrito, insegnato, curato. Così sono diventato il signore delle cenge rocciose, la sentinella dei valichi secondari e l’esperto delle morene nascoste: ho regnato su quel reame di sassi non perché era mio - ma perché gli appartenevo. La montagna mi ha...
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