Irene: 1253 books

Book cover of Il Ritratto
by Irene Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 10, 2014

Cosa può nascondersi dietro un disegno apparentemente inspiegabile? Quali segreti e bugie può far scoprire l’incontro con un ragazzo misterioso quanto affascinante? È quello che dovrà scoprire Isolde, diciottenne trentina alle prese con le conseguenze della separazione dei genitori, con il trasferimento...
Book cover of Blöd, wenn der Typ draufgeht
by Irene Rodrian
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2017

Großstadt, Neubauviertel. Eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen beherrscht das Viertel, begeht Einbrüche. Bert, 16 Jahre, würde gern dazugehören. Es gelingt ihm mit einem Trick. Doch schon bald kommen die ersten Zweifel an den Typen der Gruppe. Nur das Mädchen Isa scheint okay zu sein. Bert will aussteigen....
Book cover of Die Jagd nach dem Serum

Die Jagd nach dem Serum

Leo Schwartz ... und die Schatten der Vergangenheit

by Irene Dorfner
Language: German
Release Date: October 23, 2016

Kriegsende 1945. Der Soldat Demmelhuber bringt ein tödliches Serum nach Peenemünde. Damit sollen Bomben bestückt und über Feindesland abgeworfen werden. Aber dazu kommt es nicht mehr. Peenemünde wird von den Alliierten bombardiert und das Serum wird dabei vernichtet. Demmelhuber kann einen kleinen...
Book cover of Camilla e la fattoria Sole
by Irene Lucia Quarta
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 13, 2017

La protagonista del racconto è Camilla, una bambina molto carina e vivace. Vive in una fattoria chiamata Sole, a pochi chilometri di distanza da Erchie. Affezionata agli animali della fattoria, alla libertà della campagna nella quale abita, la ragazzina non sopporta l’idea di cominciare la scuola elementare.
Book cover of Two Countries, Two Women

Two Countries, Two Women

A Story Based on True Events of Adventure, Faith, Tragedy, and Courage

by Irene Cote Single
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2014

Odile Jalbert never dreamed, at age fifteen, that her father would arrange a marriage for her and that her future would hold so many challenges and changes. As her family grows, so does her faith and strength as she embarks on her lifes journey. After a tragedy strikes her family, she finds herself...
Book cover of Body of a Woman
by Mickey Irene Machado
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2017

Body of a Woman follows the story of Bridget Sorenson’s struggles as a teenager. Bridget is beautiful and breathtaking, but she is a bit of a challenge for her father and mother and outshines her sister, Paige. A rebel of sorts, she discovers the pleasures of sewing one’s wild oats of sinuous...
Book cover of Master and Mistress
by Irene Borca
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2012

A group of young women who apply for a job as a maid find that they really are 'servants' of their new masters.  Erotica for open minded adults only.  All persons depicted in this work of fiction were at least 18 years of age or older at the time of the depcition.
Book cover of Grandma's Quilts
by Irene Olds, Sheryl Kennett Garrett
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2014

Chocolate chip cookies, a glass of milk, warm cozy quilts, and a wonderful Grandma with whom to share it all! Little Sally loves to visit Grandma Harriet who talks about writing a history book with the quilts she makes. Although Sally doesn't quite understand what Grandma is talking about, Sally listens...
Book cover of Figuratively Speaking

Figuratively Speaking

Contemporary Naive Art from Finland

by Irene Wai Lwin Moe
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Figuratively Speaking. Contemporary Naive Art from Finland, is an introduction to new wave of popular art in Finland. The reader will meet ten artists, who have renewed, revived and reformed the concept of Naive art. Naivism is the lingua franca for all sorts of people. It does not require a guide or...
Book cover of Cristoforo Clavio e la cultura scientifica del suo tempo

Cristoforo Clavio e la cultura scientifica del suo tempo

Atti del Convegno tenutosi presso il Liceo Ennio Quirino Visconti 18 ottobre 2012

by Gennaro Auletta, Irene Baldriga, Romano Gatto
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 9, 2015

In questo volume vengono pubblicati gli atti del convegno che si è tenuto in occasione dei 400 anni dalla morte di Cristoforo Clavio, avvenuta il 12 febbraio del 1612. Viene ricordata l’opera del padre gesuita, insigne matematico traduttore e commentatore di Euclide, principale artefice della riforma...
Book cover of Andreas Prime the Legend Home

Andreas Prime the Legend Home

A Beary Maxumus Adventure

by Charles Nickerson, Irene Nickerson
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2013

It has been 12 months since Beary has arrived at the Academy from his tour aboard the Saber Claw. He enjoyed teaching the classes he had been assigned. At first, some of the older cadets resented the fact that their instructor was younger than they were. Then they would see the ribbons on his uniform...
Book cover of Home Coming

Home Coming

A Beary and Ti Maxumus Adventure

by Charles Lansford, Irene Nickerson
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

Homecoming is that surreal feeling that a soldier has when he has returned home. For our heroes, each is facing new challenges, hopes, and fears. Ti is worried about what the shape-shifter major told him. He wonders what other secrets might be hiding in the shadows and what dangers they might hold...
Book cover of The Empress Angelina's Quest

The Empress Angelina's Quest

A Beary Maxumus Adventure

by Charles Nickerson, Irene Nickerson
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2015

Epilogue The Pratis system is being resettled and the friends have been recalled to start construction on a new Warship. Sinister forces are trying to infiltrate Bearilian Society. Even after the fall of the Gang of Seven. Decent bears are wondering if some of their leaders arent still for sell. Bearys...
Book cover of Ni todas las mujeres quieren flores ni todos los héroes llevan capa
by Irene Hall
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 18, 2018

Existe un piso en Madrid donde conviven tres inquilinos: Maravillas, Arantxa y Eloy. Maravillas trabaja en los multicines del centro comercial y desde su taquilla sueña con un buen desenlace para el largometraje de su vida. Arantxa se está volviendo imprevisible. Ahora resulta que busca emociones...
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