J Hoffmann: 41 books

Book cover of Fortress of Terror: 550+ Horror Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Macabre Tales

Fortress of Terror: 550+ Horror Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Macabre Tales

The Phantom of the Opera, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Turn of the Screw, The Dunwich Horror, Frankenstein, The Vampire, Dracula, A Haunted Island, Black Magic, The Beetle, The Picture of Dorian Gray…

by Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James, Algernon Blackwood
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2018

Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Edgar Allan Poe: The Tell-Tale Heart The Cask of Amontillado The Black Cat… Henry James: The Turn of the Screw The Ghostly Rental…...
Book cover of Football and American Identity
by Frank Hoffmann, Gerhard Falk, Martin J Manning
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Learn the value of football to American society No sport reflects the American value system like football. Visitors to the United States need only watch a game or two to learn all they need to know about the American way of life and the beliefs, attitudes, and concerns of American society....
Book cover of Presidential Swing States

Presidential Swing States

Why Only Ten Matter

by Gibbs Knotts, Rafael Jacob, Christopher Larimer
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2015

The 2016 presidential race is arguably already over in 40 states and the District of Columbia. If recent presidential election trends are any indication of what will happen in 2016, Democrats in Texas and Republicans in New York might as well stay home on election day because their votes will matter...
Book cover of Minor League Baseball

Minor League Baseball

Community Building Through Hometown Sports

by Frank Hoffmann, Rebecca S Kraus, Martin J Manning
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

Examine the big-league benefits of minor league baseball! The Minor League Baseball: Community Building Through Hometown Sports examines the role played by minor league baseball in hundreds of cities and towns across the United States. Written from the unique perspective of a sociologist who...
Book cover of THE SPELL HAS BEGUN: 550+ Supernatural Mysteries, Macabre & Horror Classics

THE SPELL HAS BEGUN: 550+ Supernatural Mysteries, Macabre & Horror Classics

Black Magic, Sweeney Todd, The Vampyre, Dracula, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Frankenstein, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Tell-Tale Heart, A Haunted Island, Northanger Abbey, The Horla, The Willows…

by Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2018

This meticulously edited horror collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Mary Shelley: Frankenstein The Mortal Immortal… John William Polidori: The Vampyre Bram Stoker: Dracula The Jewel of Seven Stars… Gaston Leroux: The Phantom of the Opera Marjorie...
Book cover of Irreconcilable Differences?

Irreconcilable Differences?

Explaining Czechoslovakia's Dissolution

by Ján Carnogursk?, Václav Havel, Stanley Hoffmann
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2000

This unique volume brings together a multi-disciplinary group of scholars as well as Czech and Slovak decisionmakers who were personally involved in the events leading up to the separation of Czechoslovakia. Asking whether the dissolution was inevitable, the contributors bring a range of different...
Book cover of HALLOWEEN Ultimate Collection: 550+ Horror Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Macabre Stories

HALLOWEEN Ultimate Collection: 550+ Horror Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Macabre Stories

The Dunwich Horror, Frankenstein, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Black Magic, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeney Todd, Dracula, The Monk, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Northanger Abbey, Wuthering Heights, The Beetle…

by H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, M. R. James
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2018

e-artnow presents to you this unique Halloween collection of the greatest horror classics, the darkest mysteries and supernatural tales: H. P. Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror. From Beyond… Washington Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Rip Van Winkle The Spectre Bridegroom James Malcolm Rymer &...
Book cover of Violent States and Creative States (2 Volume Set)

Violent States and Creative States (2 Volume Set)

From the Global to the Individual

by Grace Lee, Christopher Scanlon, Annie Stopford
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018

This is a provocative collection exploring the different types of violence and how they relate to one another, examined through the integration of several disciplines, including forensic psychotherapy, psychiatry, sociology, psychosocial studies and political science. By examining the 'violent states'...
Book cover of The P-Files

The P-Files

Die Phönix Akten

by Nele Sickel, Laurence Horn, Jessie Weber
Language: German
Release Date: May 26, 2018

Warum nur ein Leben leben, wenn es auch tausend sein können? Das ist der Leitsatz des Phönix, der aus der Asche wiedergeboren wird und unsterblich ist. In 31 Kurzgeschichten rund um den brennendsten Vogel der Welt werdet ihr alles finden: Wahrheit und Wahnsinn, Evolution und Revolution, Abenteuer...
Book cover of Arbeitsschutzrecht


Ein Einstieg in die Materie

by Jana Brauweiler, Markus Will, Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Language: German
Release Date: April 12, 2018

Die Autoren stellen in diesem essential in der 2., aktualisierten Auflage den umfangreichen Themenbereich des dualen Arbeitsschutzrechts in Deutschland übersichtlich und kompakt vor. Dadurch verschaffen sie dem Leser einen schnellen Überblick über die betrieblichen Handlungspflichten für Arbeitgeber,...
Book cover of Identitäten des März

Identitäten des März


by Susanne Beckenkamp, Monika-Katharina Böss, Harald Braem
Language: German
Release Date: May 4, 2011

Es ist einerseits ein normaler Werktag, nämlich Mittwoch, der 15. März 2006, ein Tag kurz vor dem Beginn der Leipziger Buchmesse, und es sind andererseits die Iden des März, ein Datum, an dem sich einst Caesars Schicksal vollendete und für den jungen Werther die Leiden ihren Anfang nahmen. Zugleich...
Book cover of Agile Unternehmen

Agile Unternehmen

Veränderungsprozesse gestalten, agile Prinzipien verankern, Selbstorganisation und neue Führungsstile etablieren

by Jürgen Hoffmann, Stefan Roock
Language: German
Release Date: January 24, 2018

Agile Softwareentwicklung ist in vielen Bereichen längst zum Status quo geworden. Die agilen Prinzipien lassen sich jedoch vielfältiger anwenden, um Abteilungen, Unternehmensbereiche oder auch komplette Unternehmen agiler zu gestalten. Solche Unternehmen agieren flexibler am Markt, sind innovativer...
Book cover of Das Handwerk ärztlicher Begutachtung

Das Handwerk ärztlicher Begutachtung

Theorie, Methodik und Praxis

by Ulrike Hoffmann-Richter, Jörg Jeger, Holger Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: April 12, 2012

Die Erstellung ärztlicher Gutachten ist eine komplexe und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe. Vor allem im Sozialversicherungsbereich haben Gutachten große Bedeutung, ein fundiertes Wissen um die Methodik und deren Umsetzung in die Praxis ist daher wichtig. Das Werk zeigt in 12 Schritten, gebündelt in die...
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