J J R : 3742 books

Book cover of Communiquer son projet artistique

Communiquer son projet artistique

Menez à bien votre création artistique !

by Jérôme Ramacker
Language: French
Release Date: September 3, 2014

Vous avez un projet artistique à faire découvrir ? Ce livre est fait pour vous ! Musicien, comédien, plasticien, circassien... Et si on parlait de votre projet artistique ? Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux artistes en création, qui sortent d'une école supérieure artistique ou qui se lancent...
Book cover of Fraternité secrète
by Jacques Chessex, Jérôme Garcin
Language: French
Release Date: January 25, 2012

En 1975, alors qu’il a tout juste dix-huit ans, Jérôme Garcin écrit pour la première fois à un écrivain qu’il admire, Jacques Chessex. C’est le début d’une correspondance passionnée et passionnante, qui durera plus de trente ans, jusqu’à la mort de Chessex en 2009. Ces lettres sont...
Book cover of Simester and Sullivan's Criminal Law
by G J Virgo, Professor A P Simester, Professor J R Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2016

This is the new edition of the leading textbook on criminal law by Professors Simester and Sullivan, now co-written with Professors Spencer, Stark, and Virgo. Simester and Sullivan's Criminal Law is an outstanding account of modern English criminal law, combining detailed exposition and analysis of...
Book cover of Night Fighter
by Wing Cmdr. J. R. D. Braham
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2017

ONE OF BRITAIN’S MOST DECORATED FIGHTER PILOTS TELLS HIS RIVETING TRUE STORY OF AERIAL COMBAT… Fast-paced, hard-hitting and personal, Wing Commander J. R. D. “Bob” Braham recounts his brilliant career as a World War II fighter pilot. Beginning with his pre-war training, he takes us...
Book cover of Simester and Sullivan’s Criminal Law
by Professor A P Simester, Professor J R Spencer, Dr F Stark
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2019

This is the new edition of the leading textbook on criminal law by Professors Simester and Sullivan, now co-written with Professors Spencer, Stark and Virgo. Simester and Sullivan's Criminal Law is an outstanding account of modern English criminal law, combining detailed exposition and analysis of...
Book cover of The Lang men O' Larut
by J.R. Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a British writer, poet and a novelist, the first English Nobel Prize winner in literature. His most famous works include “The Jungle Book”, “Kim”, a lot of short stories and poems. His language full of metaphors contributed a lot into the treasury of the English...
Book cover of Menu réunionnais - À table avec les Grands Explorateurs
by Jérôme Delcourt
Language: French
Release Date: October 24, 2012

Menu réunionnais est tiré du beau livre Ulysse À table avec les Grands Explorateurs. Ce petit livre numérique est l’outil idéal pour découvrir des plats typiques et des coups de cœur culinaires de l'Île de la Réunion, mais aussi les récits savoureux et les anecdotes d’un grand voyageur....
Book cover of Sobre os montes - Uma meditação sobre o Salmo 121
by J.R. Miller
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 7, 2015

Esse Salmo faz parte da coleção de cânticos dos degraus ou canção das subidas, é uma ascensão não apenas física, mas espiritual de peregrinos desejosos por habitarem nos montes de Sião, na Jerusalém de Deus, símbolos da habitação eterna com o Pai celeste. Sobre os Montes conduz o leitor...
Book cover of Frontiers in European Radiology
by I. Fernström, B. Johansson, P. Günther
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The dramatic evolution of new technology in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology has changed the whole field of medicine. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and digital radiography are those new techniques which are undergoing continuous development, providing us with...
Book cover of 37, étoiles filantes
by Jérôme ATTAL
Language: French
Release Date: August 16, 2018

Sous le ciel étoilé de Paris, un jour de 1937, Alberto Giacometti n'a qu'une idée en tête : casser la gueule à Jean-Paul Sartre ! C'est cette histoire, son origine et sa trépidante conclusion, qui sont ici racontées. " Grognant dans son patois haut en couleur des montagnes, Alberto a déjà...
Book cover of Le Voyage près de chez moi
by Jérôme ATTAL
Language: French
Release Date: October 29, 2015

Après dix-sept ans passés dans le même petit appartement, Jérôme décide de déménager dans la rue d'en face. Ne souhaitant pas ennuyer ses amis, il transbahute une vie entière dans un cabas jaune à roulettes. C'est lors de ces voyages près de chez lui qu'il se lance un dernier défi : aborder...
Book cover of La Petite Sonneuse de cloches
by Jérôme ATTAL
Language: French
Release Date: August 22, 2019

Deux époques entrelacées, deux histoires d'amour qui se confondent en une chasse au trésor fiévreuse et romantique dans les rues de Londres. 1793. Le jeune Chateaubriand s'est exilé à Londres pour échapper à la Terreur. Sans argent, l'estomac vide, il tente de survivre tout en poursuivant...
Book cover of Colour Atlas of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery E-Book
by Anthony G. Tyers, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Ed)
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2017

Known for its superb, step-by-step photo sequences, Colour Atlas of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, 4th Edition, by Drs. A. G. Tyers and J. R. O. Collin, remains your first choice for gaining essential knowledge in oculoplastic surgery. Ideal for both novices and experienced surgeons, this award-winning...
Book cover of Flowers for the Altar
by J. M.R. Larman
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2016

Flowers for the Altar has a Bible Verse on each page plus a photo of Flowers. A perfect gift for a friend or someone who likes to arrange Flowers.Flowers are a Blessing from God and can give much pleasure to many people.Sometimes it is good to give a flower to a person to take home after the Service....
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