J J R : 3742 books

Book cover of Leaping Hearts
by J.R. Ward
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2012

A.J. Sutherland knows her own mind. She also knows a champion when she sees him… Everyone thinks A.J. Sutherland is crazy to buy a rogue stallion that no rider or trainer has been able to tame. But if anybody has the hustle to make something out of that hell-raiser, it’s her. She can’t...
Book cover of Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action
by Steven J. Kraftchick, R. Barry Matlock, Robert Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2016

In the 1940s and 1950s, Albert Schweitzer was one of the best-known figures on the world stage. Courted by monarchs, world statesmen, and distinguished figures from the literary, musical, and scientific fields, Schweitzer was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952, cementing his place as one of the...
Book cover of Chemical Engineering: Solutions to the Problems in Volume 1
by J R Backhurst, J H Harker, J.F. Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2013

This volume in the Coulson and Richardson series in chemical engineering contains full worked solutions to the problems posed in volume 1. Whilst the main volume contains illustrative worked examples throughout the text, this book contains answers to the more challenging questions posed at the end...
Book cover of Chemical Engineering Volume 2
by J H Harker, J R Backhurst, J.F. Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2002

Chemical Engineering Volume 2 covers the properties of particulate systems, including the character of individual particles and their behaviour in fluids. Sedimentation of particles, both singly and at high concentrations, flow in packed and fluidised beads and filtration are then examined. The...
Book cover of Haloforms and Related Compounds in Drinking Water
by T.D. Lekkas, J.B. Jahnel, C.J. Nokes
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Drinking water quality has been a matter of concern for several decades. Disinfection of drinking water improves its microbiological quality and prevents disease outbreaks. However, continuously increasing scientific research concerns the presence of organic and inorganic contaminants in water. Many...
Book cover of Hematologic Malignancies
by J.R. Durant, F.W. Gunz, E.S. Henderson
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This new series on the treatment of cancer is sponsored by the VICe. The editors and authors feel strongly that more standardiza­ tion is needed on a worldwide basis in cancer therapy. This, of course, is only possible if experts from all countries subscribe to a joint policy of making their treatment...
Book cover of Tristesse ou dépression ?

Tristesse ou dépression ?

Comment la psychiatrie a médicalisé nos tristesses

by Jérôme C. Wakefield, Allan V. Horwitz
Language: French
Release Date: December 9, 2015

Quand on a fait de la tristesse une maladie… Critique du diagnostic de la dépressionCe livre dresse une critique rigoureuse de la manière dont la psychiatrie américaine a réformé, dans les années 1980, le diagnostic de la dépression. Selon les auteurs, le diagnostic actuel de la dépression...
Book cover of Surgery of the Abdominal Wall
by Lloyd M. Nyhus, M. Caix, G. Champault
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2013

The abdominal wall has always been of interest to surgeon-anato­ mists. It was recognized as a barrier, and volumes have been written demonstrating how to breach this wall. Similarly, great importance has been placed on the methods of repairing the abdominal wall, whether that repair is necessitated...
Book cover of Blagues de merde
by Jérémy Richard, Olivier Picault, Boris Limière
Language: French
Release Date: January 11, 2013

Le meilleur / le pire ! Drôles ! Que dit un rouleur de PQ déguisé en Dark Vador ? J'ESSUIE TON PERE... Que manque-t-il à une fille qui a 400 "J'aime" et 200 commentaires sur sa photo de profil sur Facebook ? Ses vêtements ! ou Nulles ! Quelle est la différence...
Book cover of Cryptorchidism


Management and Implications

by W. J. Cromie, F. Hinman, B. Höcht
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Ferment, a sign of progress in any scientific field, has previously been lacking in the area of cryptorchidism, where the only activity has been in improving operative methods. Now, however, profound changes in the care of boys with cryptorchidism are being brought about; ideas are arising from a...
Book cover of Sushi nerveux
by Jérôme Noirez
Language: French
Release Date: September 12, 2012

« Tu sais ce qui arrive quand ta sœur boude ! Le soleil disparaît ! Un terrible hiver commence ! Et même les dieux tremblent de froid ! J'm'excuse, papa… J'voulais pas…Tais-toi ! Je ne veux plus rien entendre ! Pour te punir de ta stupidité, poursuit le géant, je te bannis de Takamaga-Hara !...
Book cover of La grâce efficace
by Jérôme Leroy
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1992

« Une si douce apocalypse », paru en janvier dans « Le cabinet noir », a été une révélation pour de nombreux lecteurs, révélation que la presse a également saluée, Le Monde, Le Magazine littéraire, Le Figaro littéraire, Valeurs actuelles, Le Figaro magazine en particulier. Dans les cinq...
Book cover of Télé en séries
by Marie-Christine Lambert-Perreault, Jérôme-Olivier Allard, Elaine Després
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2017

« C’est grâce aux récits que les Homo sapiens ont pu s’éparpiller sur toute la planète. […] Le récit oral, c’est ce qui nous permet non seulement de communiquer les uns avec les autres, mais aussi de transmettre […] du savoir, du savoir-faire, des émotions, des valeurs, des souvenirs,...
Book cover of Les cheveux de la chèvre chauve

Les cheveux de la chèvre chauve

Musicus Delirium : une conspiration

by Jérôme Alberola
Language: French
Release Date: October 20, 2017

La musique adoucirait les moeurs. Mais, avec l'avènement de la techno transhumaniste et de la révolution industrielle qui a aussi bouleversé rock et metal, elle peut aussi les transgresser, en se révélant une arme de séduction lascive, voire de destruction massive. Reste à savoir - et à accepter...
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