J Michael Sullivan: 48 books

Book cover of Magical Muse

Magical Muse

Millennial Essays on Tennessee Williams

by Philip C. Kolin, Albert J. Devlin, Jeffrey B. Loomis
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2009

In this unique and engaging collection, twelve essays celebrate the legacy of one of America's most important playwrights and investigate Williams's enduring effect on America's cultural, theatrical, and literary heritage. ** ** Like Faulkner before him, Tennessee Williams gave universal appeal...
Book cover of The Riyria Sampler
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2015

Three short stories and an excerpt from the upcoming novel (The Death of Dulgath) provides an introduction to Riyria, a team of rogues featuring Hadrian Blackwater (an idealistic swordsman) and Royce Melborn (a cynical thief). This sampler provides some examples to help the reader determine if the...
Book cover of Sorge un impero

Sorge un impero

The Riyria Revelations

by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 19, 2018

Continuano le gesta di Royce e Hadrian, accorsi in difesa di Melengar impegnata a raccogliere la sfida del Nuovo Impero! Ancora una volta, Royce e Hadrian sono stati ingaggiati per un’impresa disperata: stringere un’alleanza con i Nazionalisti del sud. Mentre cresce l’influenza...
Book cover of What Is Crime?

What Is Crime?

Controversies over the Nature of Crime and What to Do about It

by Stuart Henry, Mark M. Lanier, Mortimer J. Adler
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2001

For decades, scholars have disagreed about what kinds of behavior count as crime. Is it simply a violation of the criminal law? Is it behavior that causes serious harm? Is the seriousness affected by how many people are harmed and does it make a difference who those people are? Are crimes less criminal...
Book cover of Instilling Ethics
by Stephen Salkever, Cary Nederman, Jeff Macy
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2000

Instilling Ethics casts a fresh light on both the historical sources and the contemporary issues of a major preoccupation of our time: ethics. Norma Thompson has compiled essays from prominent scholars in a wide-range of disciplines to address the problems, pretensions, and positive potentialities...
Book cover of Les Voleurs d'épées

Les Voleurs d'épées

Les Révélations de Riyria, T1

by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2014

La fortune sourit aux audacieux... Royce et Hadrian, voleur et mercenaire, n’ont jamais reculé devant une mission. Le danger, c’est leur fonds de commerce. Alors, quand on leur propose la fortune servie sur un plateau d’argent, ils pensent n’en faire qu’une bouchée. Ils n’avaient...
Book cover of Institutional Diversity in Self-Governing Societies

Institutional Diversity in Self-Governing Societies

The Bloomington School and Beyond

by Paul Dragos Aligica, Rosolino Candela, Dario Castiglione
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2016

The work of Elinor and Vincent Ostrom represents a distinctive contribution to the study of political economy, public policy and administration, collective action, and governance theory. Efforts to present a comprehensive overview of the Bloomington School that grew around the Workshop in Political...
Book cover of Ladri di spade

Ladri di spade

The Riyria revelations

by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2017

A volte si deve rubare la gloria. Uccisero un re e ne attribuirono la colpa a due avventurieri... Brutta scelta! Royce Melborn, ladro matricolato, e il suo degno compare, il mercenario Hadrian Blackwater, si guadagnano comodamente da vivere portando a termine imprese rischiose per conto di...
Book cover of L'Héritier de Novron

L'Héritier de Novron

Les Révélations de Riyria, T3

by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: French
Release Date: August 22, 2014

Une double exécution approche. Mais les deux voleurs condamnés ont d’autres projets... Le Nouvel Empire compte illustrer sa victoire sur les nationalistes par une sanglante célébration. Au cœur des réjouissances d’hivernal, la sorcière de Melengar sera brûlée et l’Héritier de...
Book cover of L'Avènement de l'Empire

L'Avènement de l'Empire

Les Révélations de Riyria, T2

by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: French
Release Date: July 11, 2014

Le sort de l’Empire est entre les mains d’un voleur... La guerre a atteint Melengar. Une fois de plus, Royce et Hadrian sont recrutés pour une dangereuse mission : former une alliance clandestine avec les nationalistes, en guerre contre le pouvoir. Tandis que la domination de l’Empire...
Book cover of An Bord der Smaragdsturm
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: German
Release Date: August 30, 2018

Das Diebespaar Hadrian und Royce, bekannt unter dem Namen Riyria, wollte sich eigentlich längst aus den gefährlichen Geschäften zurückziehen. Da erreicht die beiden ein Auftrag des Königs: Sie sollen des Agenten Merrick Marius habhaft werden, der allem Anschein nach im Kampf um das Königreich...
Book cover of Der Aufstieg Nyphrons
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: German
Release Date: March 21, 2015

Die Bedrohung – ein neues Imperium. Die geheime Macht – die Kirche Nyphrons. Zwischen allen Fronten – Hadrian und Royce. Riyria und die Welt von Elan sehen sich der größten Gefahr seit Jahrhunderten gegenüber. Die berüchtigten Diebe mit Namen Riyria übernehmen einen Auftrag als Spione des...
Book cover of Der Turm von Avempartha
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: German
Release Date: August 23, 2014

In einem Turm – ein uraltes Geheimnis. Das Problem – ein Ungeheuer. Die Rettung – zwei Diebe. Hadrian und Royce möchten eigentlich nur ein paar Bauern in einer armen Gegend helfen. Und auf einmal sind sie in die undurchsichtigen Pläne des Zauberers Esrahaddon verwickelt. Das mittellose Mädchen...
Book cover of Das Fest von Aquesta
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2016

Der Erbe – in den Händen des Feindes. Die Hochzeit – eine tödliche Falle. Der Gegner – ein alter Bekannter. Beim Winterfest will das Neue Imperium seine ganze Macht und Grausamkeit zeigen, doch Hadrian und Royce haben vor, diese Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Mit den Feierlichkeiten will Saldur,...
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