J Ward: 279 books

Book cover of Amante Libertada
by J.R. Ward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 26, 2015

O nono volume da série mais instigante sobre vampiros é palco de grandes revelações do mundo criado por J. R. Ward. Um turbilhão noturno, com personagens perigosos, faz da Irmandade da Adaga Negra uma saga assustadora e de paixões arrebatadoras! Amante Libertada traz Payne, irmã gêmea de Vishous,...
Book cover of Na Sombra da Vingança
by J.r. Ward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 22, 2012

Os romances da Irmandade da Adaga Negra, de J. R. Ward, apresentaram aos leitores um mundo diferente, criativo, obscuro, violento e completamente incrível. Agora, enquanto os guerreiros vampiros defendem a raça dos seus assassinos, a lealdade de um macho para com a Irmandade será posta à prova -...
Book cover of A Besta
by J.r. Ward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 20, 2016

Nada é igual para a Irmandade da Adaga Negra. Depois de ter sido evitada a guerra com os Sombras, algumas alianças sofreram alterações e criaram-se limites. Os assassinos da Sociedade dos Minguantes estão mais fortes do que nunca, aproveitando-se das fraquezas humanas para conseguir mais dinheiro,...
Book cover of O Rei
by J.r.ward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 20, 2015

Vencerá o verdadeiro amor… ou a linhagem real ficará comprometida?Durante séculos, Wrath esteve de costas voltadas para as obrigações do trono. Mas agora, com a ajuda da sua amada companheira, resolve finalmente assumir o manto e o trono do pai. No entanto, o peso da coroa sobre a sua cabeça é...
Book cover of Na Sombra da Vida
by J.r.ward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 18, 2013

Desde a morte da shellan que Tohrment é uma sombra do líder vampiro de outrora. Fisicamente debilitado e profundamente destroçado, foi levado de volta à Irmandade por um anjo caído egocêntrico. De regresso à guerra com um desejo de vingança implacável, não está preparado para enfrentar um...
Book cover of Possessão
by J.r.ward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 23, 2014

7 pecados mortais... Sete almas para salvar. Esta é a quinta.Quando Cait Douglass decide recuperar do seu desgosto de amor, despojar-se das suas inibições e começar realmente a viver, não está preparada para os dois homens sensuais que se atravessam no seu caminho. Dividida entre eles, não sabe...
Book cover of The Masonic Degrees' Handbook
by J. S. M. Ward
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2013

John Sebastian Marlow Ward was deeply involved with the subjects of Freemasonry and occultism. His handbooks about the Degrees of Freemasonry can still be found in today's Lodges and libraries. This edition contains his works: The Fellow Craft's Handbook The Master Mason's Handbook The Higher Degrees' Handbook
Book cover of The Cambridge Modern History Collection
by J.b. Bury, Mandell Creighton, R. Nisbet Bain
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2019

The Cambridge Modern History is a comprehensive modern history of the world, beginning with the 15th century Age of Discovery.  The first series was planned by Lord Acton and edited by him with Stanley Leathes, Adolphus Ward and George Prothero.  The Cambridge Modern History Collection...
Book cover of The Ethics of Destruction

The Ethics of Destruction

Norms and Force in International Relations

by Ward J. Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2014

Many assume that in international politics, and especially in war, "anything goes." Civil War general William Sherman said war "is all hell." The implication behind the maxim is that in war, as in hell, there is no order, only chaos; no mercy, only cruelty; no restraint, only suffering. Ward...
Book cover of Global Journalism Ethics
by Stephen J.A. Ward
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2010

Stephen Ward argues that present media practices are narrowly based within the borders of single country and thus unable to successfully inform the public about a globalized world. Presenting an ethical framework for work in multimedia, the author extends John Rawl’s theories of justice and the human...
Book cover of Corazones desbocados
by J.R. Ward
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 19, 2016

A.J. Sutherland se conoce a sí misma. Y también sabe reconocer a un campeón cuando lo ve. A veces la recompensa merece el riesgo. Todo el mundo piensa que la joven A.J. Sutherland se ha vuelto loca por gastar una pequeña fortuna en un caballo que se ha ganado a pulso la fama de indomable....
Book cover of Structured Development for Real-Time Systems, Vol. III

Structured Development for Real-Time Systems, Vol. III

Implementation Modeling Techniques

by Paul T. Ward, Stephen J. Mellor
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 1986

In the first two volumes of Structured Development for Real Time Systems, authors Paul Ward and Stephen Mellor described a comprehensive modeling notation and a set of guidelines for using the notation to build an essential model. In this final volume, the guidelines are extended to encompass the...
Book cover of Ethical Journalism in a Populist Age

Ethical Journalism in a Populist Age

The Democratically Engaged Journalist

by Stephen J. A. Ward
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2018

“Fake news,” “alternative facts,” and daily attacks on the media from the Trump White House are redefining the media’s role for a new generation. Mainstream media has traditionally allowed journalists two roles. In order to remain ethical, they must either be neutral observers reporting...
Book cover of Leaping Hearts
by J.R. Ward
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2012

A.J. Sutherland knows her own mind. She also knows a champion when she sees him… Everyone thinks A.J. Sutherland is crazy to buy a rogue stallion that no rider or trainer has been able to tame. But if anybody has the hustle to make something out of that hell-raiser, it’s her. She can’t...
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