James L : 962 books

Book cover of A Short History of the American Revolution
by James L Stokesbury
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

The first one-volume survey of the American Revolution that is both objective and comprehensive, this outstanding narrative history traces the growth of a conflict that inexorably set the American colonies on the road to independence. Offering a spirited chronicle of the war itself -- the campaigns...
Book cover of Glory in the Name

Glory in the Name

A Novel of the Confederate Navy

by James L Nelson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Then call us Rebels if you will we glory in the name, for bending under unjust laws and swearing faith to an unjust cause, we count as greater shame. -- Richmond Daily Dispatch, May 12, 1862 April 12, 1861. With one jerk of a lanyard, one shell arching into the sky, years of tension explode...
Book cover of CliffsNotes on Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground
by James L Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 1970

This CliffsNotes title contains everything you need on Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground.
Book cover of CliffsNotes on Faulkner's Light In August
by James L Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 1999

This CliffsNotes guide includes everything you’ve come to expect from the trusted experts at CliffsNotes, including analysis of the most widely read literary works.
Book cover of Devil's Sanctuary

Devil's Sanctuary

An Eyewitness History of Mississippi Hate Crimes

by James L. Dickerson, Alex A. Alston Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2009

Recalling the state’s shameful racist history of lynching, arson, denial of rights, false imprisonment, and other heinous crimes, this riveting narrative explores how Mississippi became a safe haven for the most violent and virulent racists, who were immune to prosecution for their crimes. This...
Book cover of Like a Family

Like a Family

The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World

by Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, James L. Leloudis, Robert R. Korstad
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2012

Since its original publication in 1987, Like a Family has become a classic in the study of American labor history. Basing their research on a series of extraordinary interviews, letters, and articles from the trade press, the authors uncover the voices and experiences of workers in the Southern cotton...
Book cover of Saving Congress from Itself

Saving Congress from Itself

Emancipating the States and Empowering Their People

by James L Buckley
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2014

Saving Congress from Itself proposes a single reform: eliminate all federal grants-in-aid to state and local governments. This action would reduce federal spending by over $600 billion a year and have a profound effect on how we govern ourselves. The proliferation of federal grants-in-aid programs...
Book cover of 日本史:1600~2000 從德川幕府到平成時代
by 詹姆斯‧麥克萊 James L. McClain
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 17, 2017

**如果你只能透過一本書 洞悉近代日本的生成原因及歷程 本書將是最佳的選擇 以清晰易懂又生動的散文風格 對政治、經濟、社會、文化與藝術、外交事務 以及日本社會其它層面的重大趨勢 進行全面性的完整分析** 本書全面敘述了從德川家康就任征夷大將軍直到當今時代的400餘年日本歷史,將政治、經濟、社會、文化等各個方面熔為一爐。美國的《圖書館學刊》評論說:「這份全覽式的研究是個了不起的成果,實際上敘述了日本從十七世紀迄今現代史的每一個層面,勝過其它同範疇的所有作品。」《出版者週刊》則稱讚道:「這本書不單是描述日本在二十世紀成為先進國家的方法,其中還為天皇的詔書、松尾芭蕉的詩歌以及勞工領袖的訴求留有空間。」 作為一部大跨度的歷史著作,《日本史》顯示出了深厚的歷史意識與理性精神。在對待歷史的態度上,不是將歷史作為可以任意揉捏的泥巴,而是將其作為史實、文化、道德以及人性的存在過程與載體,從而使作品具有厚重的歷史感。本書以時間架構縱向的軸線,配以空間的橫向流動,使厚重的歷史感和歷史情懷盡情呈現在讀者面前。在這時空交織的歷史場景中,我們可以感受到由客觀史實的詩性描寫所帶來的強烈的歷史意識。 為了更加真實、深刻地再現這段歷史,作者查閱了大量的文獻資料,從日本歷史上各個重要關頭錯綜複雜的國內環境到波譎雲詭的世界局勢,從國內各派政治力量的縱橫捭闔到體現著歷史意志的各色人等的政策權謀,甚至從不同時期的風土人情到各界人士的服飾語言和音容笑貌,都考察得有根有據,刻畫得頗為傳神。也許,《日本史》中仍有一些不盡如人意和值得商榷之處,但它所呈現出的作者態度之真誠,著述資料之真實是毋庸置疑的。 詹姆斯教授所著《日本史》的又一個魅力在於,它以一種理性啟動歷史的敘事方式復活了歷史,從而使其具有值得稱道的哲學意味和人性深度。作者在其歷史敘事的顯形式下,蘊藏著立足於人性的內在形態與精神立場,這也成為文本建構的內驅動力。縱覽全書,我們不難發現,在進行宏大歷史敘事的同時,作者始終不忘從人性的立場來表現特定歷史時空下人們的生存狀態,從而使本書具有一種深切的人文關懷。 近數十年來,歷史著述的一個新特點是寫作者越來越重視歷史中的社會和文化方面,並力圖更多地再現普通人的生活。《日本史》對這些問題也給予了特別優先的關注,在描述重大政治經濟事件及其進展之外,儘量收集有關社會文化的動向以及普通人日常生活的內容——工人、農民、工匠、家庭、士兵、婦女的日常生活得到了詳細描述。給人留下深刻印象的是,作者在重點關注主流社會和時代主題的同時,並沒有忽視「部落民」、「少數族裔」等社會邊緣群體,並沒有遮掩經濟發展和社會進步所帶來的新的矛盾,諸如階級衝突的加劇、環境污染的危害等等,再現了近代以來日本歷史發展的多維立體生活空間。 《日本史》一書還有一個吸引人的地方,就是「大事件」與「小故事」相結合的敘事手法,以及全書寫作的「茶座」風格。   ...
Book cover of Reclaiming the Game

Reclaiming the Game

College Sports and Educational Values

by William G. Bowen, Sarah A. Levin, James L. Shulman
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2011

In Reclaiming the Game, William Bowen and Sarah Levin disentangle the admissions and academic experiences of recruited athletes, walk-on athletes, and other students. In a field overwhelmed by reliance on anecdotes, the factual findings are striking--and sobering. Anyone seriously concerned about...
Book cover of Heaven and the Afterlife

Heaven and the Afterlife

What happens the second we die? If heaven is a real place, who will live there? If hell exists, where is it located? What do near-death experiences mean? Can the dead speak to us? And more…

by James L. Garlow, Keith Wall
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2009

This book taps into popular culture's insatiable appetite for the supernatural. Written in a popular style, Heaven and the Afterlife touches on many topics related to life after death, including amazing near-death experiences, accounts from the Bible, testimonies, theories, and what some of the world's...
Book cover of Medicines That Kill

Medicines That Kill

The Truth about the Hidden Epidemic

by James L. Marcum
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2013

The recent deaths of celebrities like Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, and Whitney Houston have shown a spotlight on the overuse and abuse of prescription drugs. Most people believe that prescription drugs are safer than illegal substances. But, when combined with other over-the-counter...
Book cover of Principles of Ignatian Leadership

Principles of Ignatian Leadership

A Resource for a Faith-Committed Life

by William J. Byron, SJ, James L. Connor
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Describes and illustrates the world-wide and centuries-long influence of Ignatius Loyola, assisting people to recognize in themselves their capacity for and their skills of leadership, personally and in the service of others.
Book cover of The Da Vinci Codebreaker

The Da Vinci Codebreaker

An Easy-to-Use Fact Checker for Truth Seekers

by James L. Garlow
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2006

A Valuable Guide to the Errors and Omissions in the Blockbuster Novel and Film The Da Vinci Codebreaker provides answers to the questions readers most often ask about the popular novel. Included are more than 400 terms, people, locations, events, and definitions, including explanations that...
Book cover of Epic


The Storyline of the Bible

by James L. Nicodem
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2013

To many people, the Bible is a series of incongruous and confusing stories. It jumps from one person or place to the next leaving the reader scrambling to keep up and make sense of it all. That's a tall task.   Epic provides a big picture view of the Bible to explain how its individual...
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