James Matthew: 152 books

Book cover of Works of James Matthew Barrie
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2013

5 works of James Matthew Barrie Scottish author and dramatist (1860-1937) This ebook presents a collection of 5 works of James Matthew Barrie. A dynamic table of contents allows you to jump directly to the work selected. Table of Contents: - Courage - Peter and Wendy - The Courting of T’nowhead’s Bell - The Inconsiderate Waiter - The Little White Bird
Book cover of The Collected Works of James Matthew Barrie

The Collected Works of James Matthew Barrie

The Complete Works PergamonMedia

by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2015

This comprehensive eBook presents the complete works or all the significant works - the Œuvre - of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook - 7098 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • Better Dead • A Window in Thrums • Alice Sit-By-The-Fire • The Little Minister • When a Man's...
Book cover of When a Man's Single - A Tale of Literary Life - The Original Classic Edition
by J. M. (James Matthew) Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2013

Finally available, a high quality book of the original classic edition of When a Man's Single - A Tale of Literary Life. It was previously published by other bona fide publishers, and is now, after many years, back in print. This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important...
Book cover of Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 6, 2015

Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington, opera pubblicata nel 1906, è il primo testo dove compare la figura di Peter Pan. Quest'ultimo è universalmente conosciuto come il bambino che non vuole crescere. In effetti rappresenta la metafora più riuscita del rifiuto di una vita adulta e delle responsabilità...
Book cover of Peter Pan. An Illustrated Classic for Young Readers

Peter Pan. An Illustrated Classic for Young Readers

Excellent Picture Book for Bedtime & Young Readers

by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2013

Newly adapted for younger children, this version of Peter Pan is now available on Kindle! Retold specifically for younger readers, it is a fresh approach to the century-old classic story. The narration doesn’t skip a beat: it’s both exciting and endearing, and also in harmony with Arthur...
Book cover of Peter Pan nei giardini di Kensington
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 20, 2011

Peter Pan nei Giardini di Kensington è una stupenda favola creata dallo scrittore scozzese James Matthew Barrie. Il protagonista è molto diverso da quello che si conosce, è un bambino di soli sette giorni che dalla culla vede le alte cime degli alberi del parco di Londra e, preso dal desiderio...
Book cover of Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Neu aus dem Englischen übersetzt

by James Matthew Barrie
Language: German
Release Date: February 19, 2016

Peter Pan ist die Hauptfigur einiger Kindergeschichten von James Matthew Barrie und dort das einzige Kind, das niemals erwachsen wird. Peter Pan lebt im Nimmerland, ist eine fiktive Insel. Er ist Anführer der "verlorenen Jungs", einer Gruppe von Jungen. Pans Gegenspieler ist der Anführer der Piraten,...
Book cover of L'uccellino bianco - traduzione integrale
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 22, 2011

Quando nel 1902 uscì L’uccellino bianco se ne vendettero in pochissimo tempo più di cinquantamila copie. Non c’era signora, si dice, che andasse ai Giardini senza averlo con sé. Il libro è un gentilissimo racconto d’amore, di quelli che ti lasciano la nostalgia di non vivere tu, lettore,...
Book cover of Quality Street
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2019

"Quality Street" è una commedia in quattro atti ambientata in età napoleonica, scritta dal creatore del celebre Peter Pan, lo scozzese James Matthew Barrie. Messa in scena la prima volta nel 1901, narra di Miss Phoebe e del giovane medico Valentine Brown, di un grande amore, del tempo...
Book cover of Peter Pan dans les Jardins de Kensington

Peter Pan dans les Jardins de Kensington

( Edition intégrale ) illustré

by James Matthew Barrie, Arthur Rackham
Language: French
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Insaisissable comme l'esprit de l'enfance, le mythe de Peter Pan est immortel ; pourtant, personne ne sait vraiment qui est cet enfant échoué sur les rivages de la Serpentine... Ce conte vous révélera quelques-uns des secrets de celui qui est le reflet de votre propre enfance perdue... La leçon...
Book cover of Peter Pan dans les Jardins de Kensington
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: French
Release Date: April 23, 2018

Insaisissable comme l'esprit de l'enfance, le mythe de Peter Pan est immortel ; pourtant, personne ne sait vraiment qui est cet enfant échoué sur les rivages de la Serpentine... Ce conte vous révélera quelques-uns des secrets de celui qui est le reflet de votre propre enfance perdue... La leçon...
Book cover of T. S. Eliot and Christian Tradition
by Anderson D. Araujo, Hazel Atkins, William Blissett
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2014

T. S. Eliot was raised in the Unitarian faith of his family in St. Louis but drifted away from their beliefs while studying philosophy, mysticism, and anthropology at Harvard. During a year in Paris, he became involved with a group of Catholic writers and subsequently went through a gradual conversion...
Book cover of My Best Plays
by James Matthew Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

James M. Barrie was not only the creator of Peter Pan and the other famous characters of that story. He was also a brilliant dramatist and the best of his theatre works are represented in this edition. Contents: The Admirable Crichton Quality Street What Every Woman Knows Dear Brutus Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
Book cover of Peter Pan (Anaconda Kinderklassiker)

Peter Pan (Anaconda Kinderklassiker)

Neuübersetzung / vollständige Ausgabe

by James Matthew Barrie
Language: German
Release Date: April 10, 2014

Er wird niemals erwachsen, und er kann fliegen - Peter Pan! Die Stücke und Geschichten aus der Feder des Schotten James M. Barrie machten ihn unsterblich, zahlreiche Verfilmungen trugen ihm und seinem Autor Weltruhm ein. Im Niemalsland, dem fantastischen Inselreich, erleben die kleine Wendy und ihre...
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