James Redfield: 21 books

Book cover of Het twaalfde inzicht
by James Redfield
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 7, 2011

James Redfield debuteerde in 1994 met De Celestijnse belofte, dat tussen 1994 en 1996 onafgebroken in de boekentop-10 stond. Er zijn wereldwijd meer dan 12 miljoen exemplaren van verkocht en het is in 35 talen uitgebracht. De verfilming van het boek kwam in 2006. Nu, ruim vijftien jaar later, is James...
Book cover of Het geheim van Shambhala
by James Redfield
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 3, 2013

James Redfield neemt zijn lezers mee naar Tibet, op zoek naar het Elfde Inzicht. Het geheim van Shambhala is het vervolg op het avontuur dat begon in De Celestijnse Belofte en doorliep in Het Tiende Inzicht. Dit schitterende nieuwe boek begint met de zoektocht naar het legendarische Tibetaans-boeddhistisch...
Book cover of Celestine Insights - Limited Edition of Celestine Prophecy and Tenth Insight
by James Redfield
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2009

James Redfield's bestselling adventures into metaphysical mysteries, self-discovery, and spiritual enlightenment, featuring both The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight together in this special edition. You begin your quest with The Celestine Prophecy, a parable that reads like a gripping...
Book cover of La Profezia di Celestino
by James Redfield
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 31, 2010

Nuova edizione ampliata per il venticinquennale. Con un testo inedito di James Redfield Quando James Redfield pubblicò a sue spese questo libro straordinario – un’avventura alla ricerca del significato dell’esistenza – la gente lo comprò, lo lesse e rimase stupefatta per il suo contenuto....
Book cover of Die zehnte Prophezeiung von Celestine

Die zehnte Prophezeiung von Celestine

Das zweite Buch von Celestine

by James Redfield
Language: German
Release Date: October 11, 2013

Mit einer neuen, in sich abgeschlossenen Erzählung nimmt James Redfield in diesem Buch die Geschichte von Celestine wieder auf und schickt seine Leser auf die atemberaubende Suche nach der zehnten Prophezeiung, in der ein neuer Schlüssel zum Überleben der Menschheit verborgen ist. Die Geschichte...
Book cover of The Twelfth Insight

The Twelfth Insight

The Hour of Decision

by James Redfield
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2011

On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Many see it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight, the long-awaited fourth book in the beloved Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his close friend Wil. They have just received a portion of another ancient...
Book cover of God and the Evolving Universe
by James Redfield, Michael Murphy, Sylvia Timbers
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2003

In a world racked by violence and conflict, James Redfield and Michael Murphy—leading cocreators of today's spiritual boom—present a message of hope and a vision for the future. It is no accident, they argue, that the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have witnessed a revolution...
Book cover of La Decima Illuminazione
by James Redfield
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 16, 2010

Attraverso La profezia di Celestino più di cinque milioni di lettori in quaranta paesi del mondo hanno vissuto le nove illuminazioni in essa contenute e percepito la visione del mondo che da queste emerge. Ora, però, che una maggiore consapevolezza spirituale si sta diffondendo, è tempo della Decima...
Book cover of La Dodicesima Illuminazione
by James Redfield
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 12, 2011

I libri di James Redfield sono passati da lettore a lettore per più di vent'anni. Milioni di persone hanno accolto le rivelazioni della Profezia di Celestino, della Decima e dell'Undicesima Illuminazione. Il messaggio, che si è diffuso su tutto il pianeta, è chiaro. Essere spirituali richiede qualcosa...
Book cover of The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2008

The #1 bestselling phenomenon with millions of copies sold around the world -- now with a guide to creating your own Celestine Prophecy experience. You have never read a book like this before--a book that comes along once in a lifetime to change lives forever. In the rain forests of...
Book cover of Die Prophezeiungen von Celestine

Die Prophezeiungen von Celestine

Ein Abenteuer - Das spirituelle Kultbuch

by James Redfield
Language: German
Release Date: November 10, 2010

Ganz allmählich tritt seit einem halben Jahrhundert ein neues Bewusstsein in unsere Welt, ein Bewusstsein, das sich mit Begriffen wie transzendental und spirituell bezeichnen lässt. Sobald wir lernen, diese Entwicklung zu fördern und aufrechtzuerhalten, wird unsere Welt einen Quantensprung machen....
Book cover of The Secret of Shambhala

The Secret of Shambhala

In Search of the Eleventh Insight

by James Redfield
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2001

Continuing the exciting adventures of The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight, this new book takes you to the snow-covered Himalayas, in search of the legendary Tibetan utopia of Shambhala. As you follow a child's instructions, are pursued by hostile Chinese agents, and look for a lost friend,...
Book cover of The Celestine Vision

The Celestine Vision

Living the New Spiritual Awareness

by James Redfield
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2001

Based on his personal experiences, the author of"The Celestine Prophecy" and "The Tenth Insight" shares his vision for--and explains how to achieve--a new era of global peace and understanding.
Book cover of Holding the Vision

Holding the Vision

An Experiential Guide

by James Redfield, Carol Adrienne
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2011

How can the Tenth Insight Change My Life? The insights found in The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight have touched the lives of many millions of people; they are not theoretical When we become aware of how they work, coincidences and serendipitous encounters increase for us. As our level of...
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