Jean Van Hamme: 63 books

Book cover of Thorgal - The Betrayed Sorceress
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2018

Thorgal's coming-of-age is painfully similar to the rest of his life: the young man finds himself tied up to the stone of sacrifice by Gandalf the Mad, king of the Vikings of the North and father of his beloved Aaricia. There, the Child of the Stars can do nothing but wait for the coming tide—and...
Book cover of Authorised Happiness - Volume 3
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2019

Superintendent Carelli is getting old, and has lost the illusions of his youth. But a routine case catapults him into the middle of a profound mystery: a young girl with no official existence gives him a photograph of a group of people... who don't exist either. As Carelli digs deeper despite the...
Book cover of The Barbarian

The Barbarian

The Barbarian

by Jean Van Hamme
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2018

Thorgal, his family, and his new friends Tiago and Ileniya have been captured by slavers while attempting to cross the desert. The two adult men are sold to the local governor as fodder for a cruel blood game, where young nobles in chariots practice their archery skills on fleeing slaves. Turning...
Book cover of Thorgal 20 - Kriss of Valnor
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

mé Aaricia and her children, sold as slaves to an Imperial prince, refuse to believe that Thorgal is dead, and keep trying to escape, eventually wearing off their new owner’s patience. Condemned to a year of hard labour in the silver mines, they meet someone unexpected there: Kriss of Valnor, wielding...
Book cover of Authorised Happiness Authorised Happiness V1
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2019

When society pushes the ideals of equality to their breaking point, the result can easily become plain absurd. In order to avoid the chronic budget deficit of the healthcare system, for instance, what better way is there but to become a nanny state? Even if it leads to the Medical Police imposing...
Book cover of Thorgal 21 - The Sacrifice
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2019

Thorgal’s family is once again reunited, but the future is bleak. The hero is unconscious, dying, and his wife and children are exhausted and starving. Aaricia’s prayers bring her some hope: the goddess Frigg is willing to save Thorgal … But her husband Odin is determined to get rid of the troublesome...
Book cover of Thorgal - Volume 15 - The Cage
by Jean Van Hamme, Grzegorz Rosinski
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2014

It is time at last for Thorgal to return to his family. However, Aaricia is not staying idle after her rescue by Jolan, and tries to put together a fleet to attack Shaigan’s stronghold – unaware that her husband is no longer the dreaded pirate lord. By the time the two find themselves on their...
Book cover of Largo Winch - Diptyques - tome 9 - Diptyque Largo Winch 9/10
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: French
Release Date: October 5, 2018

Des trafics d'armes, un policier turc disparu dans des circonstances jamais élucidées, un port à cargos où travaillent des dockers patibulaires... Bien à ses dépens, Largo Winch se retrouve impliqué dans une affaire de terrorisme international, avec un mandat d'arrêt à son nom émis par le...
Book cover of Thorgal - Intégrale - T1 à 4
by Grzegorz Rosinski, Jean Van Hamme
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2016

A l'occasion de la sortie ÉVÉNEMENT de Thorgal T35 par Xavier Dorison et Grzegorz Rosinski, découvrez la série du célèbre viking avec cette intégrale des tomes 1 à 4 à 5,99 € seulement !
Book cover of Wayne Shelton - Tome 13 - Vendetta
by Jean Van Hamme, Christian Denayer
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2017

Un mercenaire au service de la MafiaQue ne ferait pas Wayne Shelton pour deux millions d'euros ? Dans ce treizième tome, c'est la Mafia qui s'offre les services de notre gentleman mercenaire ! Il doit retrouver l'unique héritière du capo di tutti capi. Le voilà parti pour un dangereux tour d'Europe,...
Book cover of Kivu
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: French
Release Date: September 14, 2018

Ingénieur fraîchement diplômé, François travaille pour un puissant consortium industriel. Il se voit confier la négociation d'un important contrat au Congo. Sur place il découvre le règne du cynisme et de la corruption, dans des proportions qu'il n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Son destin bascule...
Book cover of Lady S - Nouvelle intégrale - tome 1
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2018

Aujourd'hui éditée en intégrale, Lady S est une grande série d'aventures à suspense, où l'action côtoie le thriller géopolitique dans des scénarios soigneusement ficelés et brillamment illustrés. Ce premier cycle comprend les cinq premiers albums de la série. Au centre de l'intrigue : le CIRCAT, une mystérieuse agence européenne qui lutte contre le terrorisme.
Book cover of Largo Winch - Diptyques - tome 5 - Diptyque Largo Winch 5/10
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: French
Release Date: April 6, 2018

Dans une ruelle de Venise, un homme est poursuivi à mort par trois malfrats armés jusqu'aux dents. Tout juste a-t-il l'occasion de briser la vitrine d'une boutique, d'inscrire quelques mots sur un papier et de le faxer avant d'être rattrapé et abattu sans sommation. À l'autre bout du monde, Largo...
Book cover of Largo Winch - Diptyques - tome 4 - Diptyque Largo Winch 4/10
by Jean Van Hamme
Language: French
Release Date: April 6, 2018

Dans le viseur des services secrets de l'Union de Myanmar (ex-république de Birmanie), Simon Ovronnaz et sa compagne du moment, l'inspecteur Marjan Texel, sont abusivement capturés et emprisonnés, accusés de meurtre. Simon sera condamné à mort en un rien de temps puis conduit dans l'imprenable...
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