Jeanne: 1271 books

Book cover of The Country Ham Book
by Jeanne Voltz, Elaine J. Harvell
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Good country ham is a delicacy that deserves to be in gourmet company. Dry cured with salt and other natural ingredients and aged to a rich intensity, true country ham boasts a flavor and texture that puts the more common wet-cured ham, which is soaked in brine or injected with a salt solution, to...
Book cover of Les 100 mots de Marseille

Les 100 mots de Marseille

« Que sais-je ? » n° 3944

by Olivier Pastré, Jeanne Laffitte
Language: French
Release Date: March 29, 2017

Vouloir restituer Marseille en 100 mots, voilà bien une idée de Parisien. Même avec 10 000 mots, on serait un peu court... Jeanne Laffitte et Olivier Pastré se sont pourtant prêtés au jeu de la touche néo-impressionniste pour donner à comprendre cette ville extrême et atypique. Au programme...
Book cover of Evangile selon Jean
by Albert Decourtray, Soeur Jeanne d'Arc
Language: French
Release Date: November 8, 2013

La traduction des Evangiles par Sr Jeanne d'Arc a d'abord été publiée dans une édition bilingue, grec et français face à face. Le texte français seul qui est repris ici reproduit la même disposition et offre ainsi de mettre à la portée du grand public le parallélisme qui caractérise le...
Book cover of A Legacy Of Lies
by Jeanne Hall
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2015

It is a simple story yet all of life is in the telling. My brother Jim and I were born in a small Southern town in the Southwest corner of Georgia. In the springtime large magnolia trees blossomed sprinkling the neighborhoods with their lovely white bouquets. Yellow daffodils filled the air with their...
Book cover of Das 'JA' zueinander

Das 'JA' zueinander

Segenszeremonien für Paare

by Jeanne Ruland, Sabine Brändle-Ender
Language: German
Release Date: June 28, 2014

Ob ein Paar den Bund der Ehe eingehen, diesen erneuern will oder einfach seine Liebe und Verbundenheit besiegeln möchte - die Liebe und das Licht, die in entsprechenden Segenszeremonien freigesetzt werden, stärken Paare in ihrer Beziehung und geben ihnen neue Kraft, mögliche Herausforderungen gemeinsam...
Book cover of Was Engel dir sagen

Was Engel dir sagen

Botschaften deiner himmlischen Helfer (Fixed Layout)

by Jeanne Ruland
Language: German
Release Date: December 5, 2016

'Breite deine Flügel aus, und fliege.' Jeanne Ruland, die beliebte Autorin und Engelexpertin, schenkt uns ein Stück Himmel: Mit diesem Handorakel lässt sie uns die Stimmen der Engel wahrnehmen. Jede liebevoll gestaltete Seite stellt für sich ein kleines Kunstwerk dar und gibt uns eine heilsame...
Book cover of Walter Butler Fight Club
by Jeanne Butler Eidex
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2015

Walter Butler Fight Club is a raw, unedited account of a sister’s devotion to her ailing brother. Originally written as a blog for a close group of family and friends, the frequent updates provided hope and comfort for its followers throughout her brother’s illness. At times hilarious and always...
Book cover of Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI, imparando a riconoscerli - Vol. 1
by Angel Jeanne
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 19, 2016

"La vera domanda non è se gli Alieni esistono o meno. Loro esistono, piuttosto domandiamoci come ci stanno manipolando e cosa possiamo fare per difenderci!" E' questo il pensiero della scrittrice, che ha voluto raccontare le sue esperienze personali in tre libri profondi e intensi....
Book cover of Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI, imparando a riconoscerli - Vol. 2
by Angel Jeanne
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 11, 2016

In questo secondo volume, l'autrice descrive nei dettagli in che modo gli alieni manipolano noi e la nostra società per mezzo della tecnologia, dei mass media, della politica e delle tendenze. Ormai è inutile nascondere che esistono tra noi alcuni esseri umani in possesso della verità sugli alieni,...
Book cover of Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI, imparando a riconoscerli - Vol. 3
by Angel Jeanne
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 17, 2016

In questo terzo volume, l'autrice tratta l'altra faccia della medaglia: rivela infatti come esistano anche alieni buoni, esseri altruisti e generosi che, pur non mettendosi in mostra, cercano di aiutare l'umanità a difendersi e ad evolversi. Oltretutto, vedremo come alcune persone dotate di capacità...
Book cover of Le Petit livre de – La compta facile
by Marie-Jeanne BOUCHAGE
Language: French
Release Date: June 12, 2014

La comptabilité représente la bête noire de bon nombre de gens par ailleurs talentueux. Il était temps de proposer un petit guide simple et complet, facile d'accès et de compréhension ! Marie-Jeanne Bouchage a réalisé ce Petit livre dans le souci permanent d'être compris par les non-initiés,...
Book cover of Cinzana
by Jeanne Linton
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2016

Cinzana is the first book in the series Seeds of the Galaxy. Follow the Tatium family during a time of extreme upheaval for not only their family but for the entire galaxy. As the then known galaxy is torn apart, so is the family. As the result of differing political factions fueled by paranoia and...
Book cover of Everybody's Husband
by Jeanne Rejaunier
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

With her tall, willowy beauty and style, a teenage orphan, rising to the top of the New York fashion industry, meets and marries the irresistibly dashing man whom she believes is her soul mate. But before long, Victoria Topping's fairy tale marriage begins to threaten her fabulous career and...
Book cover of Evil Thoughts Kill Dreams
by Jeanne L. Drouillard
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Sammi Evens returns in her most difficult case to date as her very life is in danger = and so is that of her detective husbandEvil Thoughts Kill DreamsCall Sammi EvansA homeless man with a gun, a popular, well-respected and admired State Senator found dead - who by the way was a close friend...
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