Jef: 58 books

Book cover of Dossier K
by Jef Geeraerts
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 28, 2011

Tijdens een afrekening in het criminele milieu worden in een Antwerps restaurant twee Albanezen doodgeschoten. Bij een huiszoeking vindt de moordbrigade van de Antwerpse recherche het pistool waarmee drie jaar eerder procureur-generaal Savelkoul werd vermoord, over wie Jef Geeraerts zijn meesterlijke...
Book cover of Trizophrenia


Inside the Minds of a Triathlete

by Jef Mallett
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2009

Life is better when you're a triathlete. That is what author and triathlete Jef Mallett believes, and millions of triathletes around the world agree. Trizophrenia: Inside the Minds of the Triathlete, by nationally syndicated illustrator and veteran triathlete Jef Mallett, offers up the first...
Book cover of My Organisation is a Jungle
by Jef Staes
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

How do you create an environment in which new ideas can survive and thrive? How do you increase the innovative power of your organisation, its teams and its employees? What is strangling creative entrepreneurship in your company? This book gives a bold but chilling answer to all these challenging...
by Jef Kaan
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2016

   In the 'royal game' of chess, an understanding of all the phases of the game, namely opening, middle game, and endgame, is important. While the importance of the opening phase often is overestimated by beginners, at higher levels it can make the difference between a win and a loss.  ...
Book cover of Adventure Bequeathed
by Jef Kaiser
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2015

Jef Kaiser grew up in Florida but has lived in Multnomah County, Oregon for the past 39 years. Despite a love for the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest, the rainy gloominess of Oregon’s winters sometimes turned his thoughts to the sun and subtropical wilds of Florida. This novelette was written...
Book cover of Voor je er bent

Voor je er bent


by Jef Aerts
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 11, 2013

Jef Aerts maakte tot nu toe naam als muzikant en schrijver van romans en toneelstukken. Nu debuteert hij als dichter met Voor je er bent, een veelstemmige bundel waarin vooral de lichte, muzikale toon opvalt. Aerts is een dichter die het mysterie niet zoekt in zijn taalgebruik maar in de onderwerpen...
Book cover of Cro-Magnon
by Jef Geeraerts
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 12, 2011

Op 13 april 2006 vertrekt Freddy Verstuyft, commissaris van de Gerechtelijke Politie te Antwerpen, per hogesnelheidstrein naar Gordes, in de Provence, om de paasvakantie bij zijn goede vriend en ex-commissaris Eric Vincke door te brengen. Precies op de dag dat hij aankomt, wordt er in de streek waar...
Book cover of Geld
by Jef Geeraerts
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 10, 2011

Carl Yvan Diehl (cyd), een welgestelde, vijftigjarige weduwnaar, brengt zijn dagen aangenaam door op een riant buitenverblijf, na een succesvolle carrière als beleggingsadviseur. Hij houdt ook van mooie, jonge vrouwen. Op dezelfde dag als cyd onverwacht Pearl, de beeldschone dochter van een vroegere...
Book cover of Living in the USA
by Alison R. Lanier, Jef C. Davis
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2011

Now in its sixth edition, with new material and significantly revised chapters! As William Gay, distinguished adviser to the last edition, so aptly notes, the United States is "a country that is never what you think it is." Since that edition was introduced nearly ten years ago, the...
Book cover of I Thought I Left: A Different Kind of Near Death Experience
by Jef Meulemans
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2013

This is the story about one piece of my life. It is a very small but important piece. It is not just about suicide; the act itself can be described in just a page or two; but rather the events immediately after my attempt to end my life. I by no means intend to glamorize suicide; in fact I am quite...
Book cover of The Spanish Tragedy (RLE Responding to Fascism)
by Jef Last
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2010

The Spanish Civil War was one of the pivotal events of the 1930’s, the moment when fascism and socialism came into open conflict. First published in 1939, The Spanish Tragedy recounts the experiences of Jef Last. Activist, poet and novelist, Last might have been the archetypal Republican volunteer...
Book cover of Flexible Learning in a Digital World

Flexible Learning in a Digital World

Experiences and Expectations

by Collis, Betty, Moonen
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

Betty Collis and Jef Moonen present a series of proven and practical guidelines, based on their balanced experience of using technology in education. Together, these give readers an overview of how technological applications in education can be developed and harnessed.
Book cover of Slice Girls
by Lisa Vasquez, Carmilla Voiez, Jef Rouner
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2017

The female of the species is more deadly than the male. From tales of revenge and spurned lovers to vengeful ghosts and blood-thirsty misandrists. This unique collection of tales explores the violent potential of women. Turning old tropes on their heads we have male victims and female killers....
Book cover of No Shit Sherlock
by Jef Meulemans
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2013

Personal observations and rants simmered in satire, basted in truth and served on a bed of blanched cynicism. If we can't make fun of ourselves, just who can we make fun of? That's a rhetorical question of course, stated to test your qualifications before reading this book.
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