Jj: 531 books

Book cover of Pippa's Rescue
by JJ Keller
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Skogul, Valkyrie leader of the first squad in Valhalla, is supposed to offer immortality to former Marine Basil Vanguard. Too bad watching science fiction on the big screen is more fun. But if her assignment slips through the cracks, will Odin himself take a hand? Basil wants justice. Determined to...
Book cover of Stalker
by jj Keller
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2016

Julie has a stalker. What’s worse? Everyone in her sleepy town thinks she’s the threat. Not to anyone’s life, to the video shoot bringing big bucks into town. After the mayor asks her to leave, Julie retreats to a secluded cabin. Trouble, however, follows her. When his production company...
Book cover of Believe
by jj Keller
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2014

Mikhail Romanasky has the gift of second sight. When her latest vision is of a kidnapped child, she reluctantly approaches the Chicago Police Force, endeavoring to prevent the crime. Detective Jensen Palmer doesn't believe in the ability to foretell the future. But when his nephew is targeted,...
Book cover of The Watcher
by jj Keller
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2014

Museum curator, Emily Lucent, specializes in ancient Scottish swords. When she hears a Highland voice calling to her, she falls in love with the disembodied spirit seven days before her wedding. Part of the Guardian Angel squad, Netzach is her watcher. He loves Emily desperately, and defies...
Book cover of Dark Sun
by jj Keller
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2014

Niall Howard is the Chancellor for the heavenly Guardian Squad. Niall aimed to escort souls to heaven instead of sending evil to hell. Until, he encountered the reincarnated soul of his bride. Would a human sway him from his goal of becoming an angel? No marriage. No children. Brandi's focus...
Book cover of Coming Home
by JJ. Nortyperson
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2016

The story of rehabilitation from long term rough sleeping, the challenges faced and the amazing new life built.
Book cover of The Wanderer's Diary Book 5
by JJ. Nortyperson
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2016

This is the fifth book in the Wanderer series, and this is the book where the people who made me homeless relaunched their attack and life changed. This book is also the one with the pneumonia and the first attempt at living indoors occurs.
Book cover of The Wanderer's Diary Book 4
by JJ. Nortyperson
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2016

This is the fourth in my 'Wanderer' Series about life as a rough sleeper, it was written daily as it happened. Real life on the streets, illness, weather, food, friends and sleeping under the stars.
Book cover of The Wanderer's Diary Book 6
by JJ. Nortyperson
Language: English
Release Date: December 26, 2016

This is the final book in the Wanderer's Diary Series. This is the book where I come off the streets and start to try to build a life indoors, but with little hope as the Church's harm to me increases steadily. It isn't all a happy ending unfortunately but at least I made if off the streets.
Book cover of DECEIVED
by JJ Mofus
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

Tim Branch an American citizen marries to Angelina a woman of foreign descent. The marriage that seemed perfect comes crashing down after Angelina wife of Tim Branch became an American citizen. Tim began to discover strange behaviours from her that led him to beleive that he has been deceived. She...
Book cover of 沒玩過這些地方,別再說你懂日本!
by ARC 嵐, 毛弟 JJ, 月翔
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 17, 2016

—你知道數量每次去點都不同的「妖怪地藏」隱身在哪嗎? —北海道銘菓「白色戀人」包裝上的絕美祕境要去哪邊看? —和日本最強海賊一起乘風破浪練膽量要到哪裡報名? —你聽過日本史上第一次蜜月旅行的行程景點嗎? —如果你想生出動搖天下的關鍵人物,該去哪間神社參拜? —日本全國的神明每年都在哪裡開會討論你的運勢? —爲什麼有祭典每七年才舉行一次,而次次舉行竟然都會傳出傷亡!? —美到變成Mac系統內建桌布的絕景在哪裡? —有片神秘樹海,讓指南針都失效,旅者不知身處何方? —鬼島不只一座,那桃太郎的鬼之島到底在哪? —哪個祭典可以全民cosplay穿越歷史和家康公一起賞櫻? —旅人如織的市區河畔原來是亂葬坑? 讓達人帶路! 去看名列日本三大祕境、三大鐘乳石洞、三大奇祭、三大奇橋、三大名城、三大山城、三大樓門、三大靈山、三大溫泉鄉、北海道三大夜景、世界三大海流漩渦的景點。(甚至還有三大怨靈!?)見識全日本第一的和風庭園、日本第一大靈驗所、日本國土之北的秘境島嶼、日本唯一的海上城、大河劇取景地,拜訪世界自然、文化遺產,賞雪、賞冰、觀潮、賞月、看日出夕照、賞櫻、賞楓名所! ────帶你上山下海、出生入死、水裡來火裡去...
Book cover of Grandmother Told Me
by Judith ''JJ'' Jamison
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2008

Who has influenced you in your life? What have they said or done to do that? Memories can be a powerful source of encouragement, a true sentimental journey. Take time to write your story from you memories of encouragement and send them to the author. A new book is in the making entitled What Grandmother told YOU.
Book cover of La dieta depurativa

La dieta depurativa

Elimina los 7 alimentos durante 21 días y averigua cuál te impide adelgazar. Pierde hasta 3 kilos en 7 días

by JJ Virgin
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 24, 2015

Si has intentado perder peso con todas las dietas imaginables y no lo has conseguido, lo más probable es que estés lidiando con la gran causa oculta del sobrepeso: las intolerancias alimentarias. Este método revolucionario elimina siete alimentos básicos, y aparentemente saludables, de tus comidas...
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