Jo Jo: 4296 books

Book cover of Un homme d'aplomb

Un homme d'aplomb

Entretiens avec Adelmo Galindo et Michel Zanzucchi

by João Braz de Aviz, Adelmo Galindo, Michel Zanzucchi
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Une série d'entretiens passionnants qui retrace la vie d'un homme d'Église au parcours hors normes. Au cours de ces dernières années, nombre de moments forts, douloureux ou joyeux dans l’Église catholique ont fait la une des médias. Cependant, beaucoup d’autres événements se déroulent...
Book cover of Cinq ans avec Mandela
by Joëlle BOURGOIS
Language: French
Release Date: April 14, 2011

Dans le sillage de Mandela. Cinq ans en Afrique du Sud : 1991-1995 Ce livre raconte une double histoire d'amour. L'amour d'une femme pour un pays aux antipodes du sien : l'Afrique du Sud. L'amour d'un homme pour ce pays, le sien, dont il a été dépossédé. Cet homme a soixante et onze ans...
Book cover of Delving Deeper

Delving Deeper

Understanding diverse approaches while exploring psychotherapy

by Jo Frasca
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2017

The problems surrounding deficient mental health are now widespread and worsening. We are seeing ever-increasing violence, drug and alcohol use, family breakdown, unemployment, depression, prevalent addictions and, sadly, people killing themselves behaviours that are now of pandemic proportion. At...
Book cover of Puppy Coach

Puppy Coach

A Complete Guide to Raising a Puppy

by Jo Croft MA
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2017

The Puppy Coach guide has been designed with education in mind, covering detail on all the important areas of puppy development. You will get to follow the exciting journey of Hogan, an attentive, high energy working Labrador and how Jo prepares him for adulthood. Jo brings her professional canine...
Book cover of Abraço de Pai João
by Wanderley Oliveira, Pai João de Angola
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 12, 2016

O autor espiritual Pai João de Angola, pela psicografia de Wanderley Oliveira, retorna com a personalidade de sua última reencarnação, o conceituado educador Cícero Pereira, que foi considerado por seu contemporâneo, Chico Xavier, como um embaixador do Evangelho. Em "Abraço de Pai João"...
Book cover of Nach dem Untergang der Welt: Jo Zybell's Apokalyptos Band 2
by Jo Zybell, Mia Zorn
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2019

Jo Zybell's Apokalyptos Band 2 Roman von Jo Zybell bearbeitet von Mia Zorn Der Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 154 Taschenbuchseiten. Die Welt nach einer kosmischen Katastrophe: Die Expedition nach Deutschland steht unter keinem guten Stern, auch wegen der persönlichen...
Book cover of Das 1000 Seiten Jo Zybell Science Fiction Abenteuer Roman-Paket: Mission Sternenstaub/ Kosmisches Geheimprogramm/ Rebellen der Galaxis
by Jo Zybell
Language: German
Release Date: March 12, 2018

Das 1000 Seiten Jo Zybell Science Fiction Abenteuer Roman-Paket: Mission Sternenstaub/ Kosmisches Geheimprogramm/ Rebellen der Galaxis DREI PACKENDE SF-SAGAS VON JO ZYBELL! Seit Tausenden von Jahren bekämpfen sich zwei Völker, ohne dass ein nennenswerter Vorteil für eine Seite erlangt...
Book cover of Horror-Koffer #1: Zehn Gruselromane
by Alfred Bekker, A. F. Morland, Jo Zybell
Language: German
Release Date: June 30, 2018

Horror-Koffer #1: Zehn Gruselromane von Alfred Bekker, A. F. Morland, Steve Salomo & Jo Zybell Der Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 1212 Taschenbuchseiten. Dieses Buch enthält folgende Romane: Alfred Bekker: Mystic High School - Zeit der Werwölfe A. F. Morland:...
Book cover of Das 1000 Seiten Jo Zybell Science Fiction Abenteuer Roman-Paket: Mission Sternenstaub/ Kosmisches Geheimprogramm/ Rebellen der Galaxis
by Jo Zybell
Language: German
Release Date: June 24, 2019

Das 1000 Seiten Jo Zybell Science Fiction Abenteuer Roman-Paket: Mission Sternenstaub/ Kosmisches Geheimprogramm/ Rebellen der Galaxis DREI PACKENDE SF-SAGAS VON JO ZYBELL! Seit Tausenden von Jahren bekämpfen sich zwei Völker, ohne dass ein nennenswerter Vorteil für eine Seite erlangt...
Book cover of João Calvino

João Calvino

Uma coletânea de escritos

by João Calvino
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 25, 2017

Nos quinhentos anos da Reforma protestante, Vida Nova tem a satisfação de presentear seu público com a série Clássicos da Reforma, que reúne em cada volume escritos significativos de cada um dos principais reformadores. Cada volume traz uma introdução escrita por um professor brasileiro. A...
Book cover of Des enfants à sauver
by Joël Weiss
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1985

Les Français ont découvert avec stupéfaction que de jeunes mineurs se prostituaient dans les rues de nos villes. Il aura fallu, pour que se déchire le voile du vice couvert par la lâcheté, qu'un homme, Joël Weiss, arrache au trottoir un garçon de 14 ans, Thierry. Voici que ce fait divers sordide,...
Book cover of Spider Speculations

Spider Speculations

A Physics and Biophysics of Storytelling

by Jo Carson
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2006

“I’ve spent about 15 years plus some working with people’s stories in a series of communities in this country. I write plays from oral histories for those communities. Just finished my 30th. I’m watching people’s lives and communities literally change, sometimes drastically, for the work....
Book cover of The Life & Times of Tony Blair
by Jo Newsholme
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2011

Tony Blair was seen as a fresh face for the Labour Party. A party moderniser, he created 'New Labour' and appealed more to the central political ground. During his 10 years in office, he created the London mayoralty, negotiated the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland and went to war in Iraq. Some...
Book cover of Jailbait #2

Jailbait #2

Pehl, Mary Jo

by Nestor Canto, Mary Jo Pehl, Nestor Canto
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Witness the transformation. Witness the secrets of Mave. Witness the birth of Diamond. Open these pages and we'll start to see the truth behind the Gems and get a glimpse into the minds of creative geniuses Mary Jo Pehl (from Mystery Science Theater 3000) and CW Cooke (writer of VSS: Russian Roulette...
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