Joanna: 1376 books

Book cover of William


Les Gentlemen de New York, T2

by Joanna Shupe
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2017

« Une autre puissante et sensuelle histoire d’amour de cette auteure talentueuse. Joanna Shupe met en scène un industriel et une jeune femme qui gagne sa vie en prétendant être medium pour une romance captivante au rythme haletant. » RT Book Reviews « Intrigant et sexy ! Cette tumultueuse...
Book cover of La vagabonde des Highlands (Harlequin Les Historiques)
by Joanna Maitland
Language: French
Release Date: August 1, 2010

La vagabonde des Highlands, Joanna Maitland Angleterre et Ecosse, 1815. Depuis la mort de ses parents, Cassie Elliott endure les cruautés de son demi-frère, James, un ivrogne et un joueur. Elle s’en accommode tant bien que mal jusqu’au jour où elle découvre qu’il compte régler...
Book cover of L'ho sposato, lettore mio
by Tessa Hadley, Sarah Hall, Helen Dunmore
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 21, 2016

Per quale ragione «L’ho sposato, lettore mio» è una delle frasi più celebri e citate della letteratura inglese? La risposta, tutt’altro che ovvia, risiede nel capolavoro da cui è tratta: Jane Eyre (1847), la storia di un’orfana che, grazie alla sola intelligenza e caparbietà, riesce a...
Book cover of Incroyable rencontre aux urgences - Pour l'amour d'une infirmière - Un baiser sans conséquence
by Joanna Neil, Annie Claydon
Language: French
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Incroyable rencontre aux urgences, Joanna Neil Le jour où Ellie rencontre son nouveau chef de service, elle éprouve un choc immense en le reconnaissant. Car il n’est autre que James Birchenall, le fils de celui qui a jadis causé la ruine de sa famille. Bien sûr, Ellie le sait, James n’est...
Book cover of Tales from the Apocalypse Volume 2
by Joanna Prototype
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2017

Tales from the Apocalypse is back with a new volume of blood curdling short stories that plunge you straight into the zombie infested apocalypse! Beginning with THE SPREAD, a fast paced ride on the back of the infection that takes you from first bite to full carnage. Followed by four short stories;...
Book cover of A Reflection of God

A Reflection of God

Poems, Meditations, Prayer Resources

by Joanna Tulloch
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2014

A Reflection of God is a collection of 101 poems, meditations and prayer resources suitable for private devotions or small groups, and some for worship. The book is divided into three sections: short poems, meditations and prayer resources. Joanna Tulloch provides meditations on Bible passages and religious...
Book cover of De reünie
by Joanna Goodman
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 3, 2020

‘De reünie’ is de debuutroman van Joanna Goodman, die daarmee een echte pageturner aflevert waarin de benauwende setting van Donna Tartt samenkomt met de onderhuids broeierige spanning van Liane Moriarty. Dankzij een studiebeurs kan Kersti naar een prestigieuze kostschool in Zwitserland,...
Book cover of Uit de ban van emotie-eten

Uit de ban van emotie-eten

een nieuwe oplossing bij eet en gewichtsproblemen

by Joanna Kortink
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 11, 2013

Veel mensen gaan eten als ze zich onrustig, moe, neerslachtig, onzeker, geïrriteerd of blij voelen. Dat leidt vaak tot overgewicht. Dit boek biedt een krachtige oplossing om de haat-liefdeverhouding met eten te doorbreken. Je ontdekt je persoonlijke valkuilen en leert hoe je van binnenuit een evenwichtige...
Book cover of Pioneer Women
by Joanna Stratton
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2013

From a rediscovered collection of autobiographical accounts written by hundreds of Kansas pioneer women in the early twentieth century, Joanna Stratton has created a collection hailed by Newsweek as “uncommonly interesting” and “a remarkable distillation of primary sources.” Never before...
Book cover of How Remarkable Women Lead

How Remarkable Women Lead

The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life

by Joanna Barsh, Susie Cranston, Geoffrey Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2009

The Remarkable discoveries about what drives and sustains successful women leaders. Based on five years of proprietary research, How Remarkable Women Lead speaks to you as no other book has, with its hopeful outlook and unique ideas about success. It's the new "right stuff" of leadership,...
Book cover of Centered Leadership

Centered Leadership

Leading with Purpose, Clarity, and Impact

by Joanna Barsh, Johanne Lavoie
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

What enables some talented people to rise to the top and live their full ambitions at work and in life, while others stop short?  In 2007, Joanna Barsh led a team at McKinsey & Company to answer that very question. In the process, they uncovered what distinguishes leaders who are successful...
Book cover of Career Change

Career Change

Stop hating your job, discover what you really want to do with your life, and start doing it!

by Joanna Penn
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2013

Are you tired of asking "What should I do with my life?” Are you sick of your job? Don't worry, I know how you feel! I used to start every working week saying "I hate my job" and spend every Friday night drinking too much to drown my misery. I was a cubicle worker in...
Book cover of Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows

Inside the Secret World of Kazakhstan

by Joanna Lillis
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2018

Dark Shadows is a compelling portrait of Kazakhstan, a country that is little known in the West. Strategically located in the heart of Central Asia, sandwiched between Vladimir Putin's Russia, its former colonial ruler, and Xi Jinping's China, this vast oil-rich state is carving out its place in the...
Book cover of Shade's Lady: A Reapers MC Novella
by Joanna Wylde
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanna Wylde comes a new story in her Reapers MC series…   Looking back, none of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t dropped my phone in the toilet. I mean, I could’ve walked away from him if I’d had it with me.  Or maybe...
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