Joe Brusha: 18 books

Book cover of Alice in Wonderland
by Raven Gregory, Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Decades ago, a girl named Alice was sacrificed into the horror-filled realm of Wonderland but her terrifying and awe-inspiring experiences there have been shrouded in mystery.  The one thing known is that her time spent in a world full of insanity left her a broken adult.  However, her courageous will...
Book cover of The Jungle Book
by Mark L. Miller, Raven Gregory, Joe Brusha
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

A pirate ship carrying four children crashes on the shore of a mysterious and merciless jungle.  Each child is taken by a separate tribe of animals as a means to keep the peace between the warring species.  It is a peace that will not last.  Fifteen years later the children have now become young adults...
Book cover of Escape from Wonderland
by Raven Gregory, Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2011

The beginning of the end is here! The final piece to the Wonderland trilogy brings the powerful story of Calie Liddle full circle. Her infant daughter was taken from her arms and brought into the realm of madness. Now Calie must re-enter the one place she has tried for so long to escape. The moment of...
Book cover of Beyond Wonderland
by Raven Gregory, Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2010

Months have passed since Calie Liddle returned from the terror that is Wonderland, months since that world took so much from her. Now jaded and bitter, Calie has moved far away from her hometown, attempting to lead a more normal existence in the city that never sleeps. With a different name and a new...
Book cover of Wonderland, Band 11 - Kampf der Königinnen
by Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco
Language: German
Release Date: April 26, 2016

Eine neue, dunkle und alte Macht breitet sich im Wunderland aus, die die Herrschaft über alle Ebenen an sich reißen will. Es scheint, dass keiner im Reich des Chaos und Wahnsinns dieser Urgewalt standhalten kann, nicht einmal der wiedererstarkende Zipferlak.
Book cover of Grimm Fairy Tales, Band 2
by Joe Brusha
Language: German
Release Date: June 15, 2014

Eine narzisstische Königin ergreift schwerwiegende Maßnahmen, um auch weiterhin die schönste Frau im ganzen Land zu sein… Ein verzweifelter Mann verkauft seine Kuh für magische Bohnen, aber seine Gier zerstört das, was er am meisten liebt… Die Bewohner einer kleinen Stadt engagieren einen...
Book cover of Grimm Fairy Tales Präsentiert: OZ, Band 2
by Joe Brusha
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2014

Gefangen im Zauberland Oz, gejagt von der bösen Hexe des Ostens, findet Dorothy neue Verbündete in der guten Hexe des Westens und dem Löwen Thorne. Zusammen suchen sie nach einem magischen Zepter, das die Macht hat, sowohl Oz von der Tyrannei zu befreien, als auch Dorothy in ihre Dimension zurückzuschicken....
Book cover of Grimm Fairy Tales, Band 6
by Dan Wickline, Ralph Tedesco, Joe Brusha
Language: German
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Eine weitere Kollektion klassischer Märchen im neuen Gewand, mit hohem Gruselfaktor, Blut und Erotik. Diesmal unter anderem: "Pinocchio, die Horror-Puppe" und "Der Fluch des Dorian Grey".
Book cover of Neverland
by Joe Brusha
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2010

The creators of Grimm Fairy Tales and the Wonderland trilogy bring you a chilling and twisted version of the infamous Peter Pan story you loved as a child but will terrify you as an adult. The evil and sinister Pan wants to live forever and now hes found the key to immorality. By feeding off of the souls...
Book cover of History Channel's MANKIND The Story of All of Us Volume 1
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Inside all of us, there is a story to be discovered, simmering age-old questions to be answered who are we, how did we get here and what came before. From the black hole to the creation of our planet billions of years ago to the emergence of humans, MANKIND THE STORY OF US™ dives through the surface...
Book cover of Return to Wonderland
by Raven Gregory, Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2008

Years have passed since she took her trip down the rabbit hole. Now a grown woman with a family of her own, Alice has everything a person could want, everything except for her sanity… Calie Liddle was once a normal high school student with a loving family and a great boyfriend. But in the shadows...
Book cover of Discovery Channel's Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Predators

Discovery Channel's Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Predators

Some of the Most Ferocious Predators to Ever Walk the Earth in One Graphic Novel

by Joe Brusha, Neo Edmund, Robert Greenberger
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2011

For over 150 million years dinosaurs ruled the earth. How did they live? Why did they become extinct? New discoveries are constantly changing the way we view dinosaurs and how they lived in their savage and competitive environments. This graphic novel takes a look back to those prehistoric worlds to...
Book cover of Grimm Fairy Tales präsentiert: OZ, Band 1
by Joe Brusha
Language: German
Release Date: June 16, 2014

Die Macher der Wonderland-Saga begeben sich in ein neues fantastisches Reich - das magische Land von Oz! Die Dorothy allerdings, die hier ihre Abenteuer erlebt, ist alles andere als ein kleines Mädchen und ihre Abenteuer sind kaum "wundervoll" zu nennen ... dafür aufreizend, tödlich und...
Book cover of Grimm Fairy Tales, Band 4
by Joe Brusha
Language: German
Release Date: April 20, 2015

In der Fairy Tales-Reihe gibt es wieder Märchen im neuen Gewand. Diesmal geht es unter anderem um Rapunzel, die Schneekönigin, Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot und die Geschichte von Sela wird weitergesponnen Natürlich sehr erwachsen, mit krassen Wendungen, rotem Blut und einer ordentlichen Prise Sex. Einfach märchenhaft!
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