Kafka Franz: 535 books

Book cover of In the Penal Colony
by Franz Kafka
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

"In the Penal Colony" is a short story by Franz Kafka. The story is set in an unnamed penal colony. As in some of Kafka's other writings, the narrator in this story seems detached from, or perhaps numbed by, events that one would normally expect to be registered with horror. "In...
Book cover of Ein Hungerkünstler

Ein Hungerkünstler

Bilanz einer künstlerischen Existenz

by Franz Kafka
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2017

Ein Hungerkünstler lebt zunächst in Zeiten, in denen in der Öffentlichkeit ein reges Interesse an seiner Kunst besteht. In seinem Gitterkäfig wird er vom Publikum von Hungertag zu Hungertag interessiert begutachtet und bewundert. Für den Hungerkünstler ist aber das andauernde Hungern "die...
Book cover of El castillo

El castillo

Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores

by Franz Kafka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: El castillo es una novela del escritor austrohúngaro Franz Kafka. Publicada póstumamente en 1926, se trata de una obra inconclusa que Kafka había empezado a escribir en enero de 1922. Su protagonista, conocido solamente como K., lucha para acceder a las...
Book cover of América


El desaparecido - El fogonero

by Franz Kafka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: América ("El fogonero", o "El desaparecido") es una novela del escritor Franz Kafka, iniciada en 1911 que dejó inconclusa en 1912 y publicada póstumamente en 1927. Desde 1982 se publica con el título original que Kafka pensó: "El desaparecido". Fue...
Book cover of El proceso

El proceso

Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores

by Franz Kafka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 7, 2015

Ebook con un sumario dinámico y detallado: El proceso es una novela inacabada de Franz Kafka, publicada de manera póstuma en 1925 por Max Brod, basándose en el manuscrito inconcluso de Kafka. En el relato, Josef K. es arrestado una mañana por una razón que desconoce. Desde este momento, el protagonista...
Book cover of Brief an den Vater

Brief an den Vater


by Franz Kafka
Language: German
Release Date: July 27, 2017

Franz Kafkas ›Brief an den Vater‹ wurde nie abgeschickt und fand erst nach seinem Tod Leser. Er ist ein zentraler Text in Kafkas Werk und bietet wie kein zweiter Einblick in das Fegefeuer seiner Biographie. Er ist vielleicht der beste Einstieg in die beunruhigende wie inspirierende Welt eines...
Book cover of Carta al padre
by Franz Kafka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 2, 2017

Franz Kafka, desde muy pequeño, se enfrenta a  la figura de su padre, un autoritario vienés, grande, fuerte y poderoso, según relata el mismo autor. Por el contrario, Franz es un ser débil, introvertido e inseguro.  Carta al padre es el testimonio de cómo  la imagen del progenitor ...
Book cover of Betrachtung
by Franz Kafka
Language: German
Release Date: December 19, 2014

"Betrachtung" ist ein Sammelband mit 18 meist kurzen Prosatexten von Franz Kafka, der Ende 1912 erschienen ist. Es war Kafkas erstes veröffentlichtes Buch und wurde - mit der Jahreszahl "1913" - im damals jungen Rowohlt-Verlag verlegt. Der kleine Sammelband trägt die Widmung Kafkas "Für M. B.", also...
Book cover of Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors
by Franz Kafka
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2013

"These magnificent letters, meticulously set up and annotated, show us aspects of Kafka that were only hinted at in earlier collections and help us trace his development from unhappy young law student and insurance administrator to novelist and short-story writer of originality and genius." --Publishers...
Book cover of Great Stories by Kafka and Rilke/Meistererzählungen von Kafka und Rilke
by Franz Kafka, Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2012

Twelve of Kafka's tales from the compilation Ein Landarzt (A Country Doctor), along with 2 tales from Ein Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist). Rilke's stories include "Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke" (The Ballad of Love and Death of Cornet Christoph Rilke), and "Die Turnstunde" (The Gym Class). 29 total stories.
Book cover of Aforismi di Zürau
by Franz Kafka
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Fra il settembre 1917 e l’aprile 1918 Kafka soggiorna a Zürau, minuscolo borgo della campagna boema, ospite della sorella Ottla. Protetto dall’insorgere della malattia, riesce a sfuggire a tutte le potenze che da sempre lo braccano – la famiglia, l’ufficio, le donne –, e il diradarsi della...
Book cover of The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
by Franz Kafka, Joyce Crick, Ritchie Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2009

'When Gregor Samsa woke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed into some kind of monstrous vermin.' With a bewildering blend of the everyday and the fantastical, Kafka thus begins his most famous short story, The Metamorphosis. A commercial traveller is unexpectedly freed from...
Book cover of The Complete Stories
by Franz Kafka
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

The Complete Stories brings together all of Kafka’s stories, from the classic tales such as “The Metamorphosis,” “In the Penal Colony,” and “A Hunger Artist” to shorter pieces and fragments that Max Brod, Kafka’s literary executor, released after Kafka’s death. With the exception of his three novels, the whole of Kafka’s narrative work is included in this volume.** **
Book cover of A Hunger Artist and Other Stories
by Franz Kafka, Ritchie Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2012

'In recent decades, interest in hunger artists has greatly diminished.' Kafka published two collections of short stories in his lifetime, A Country Doctor: Little Tales (1919) and A Hunger Artist: Four Stories (1924). Both collections are included in their entirety in this edition, which also contains...
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