Kafka Franz: 535 books

Book cover of The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
by Franz Kafka
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2012

Since his death in 1924, Kafka has come to be regarded as one of the greatest modern writers, one whose work brilliantly explores the anxiety, futility, and complexity of modern life. The precision and clarity of Kafka's style, its powerful symbolism, and his existential exploration of the human condition...
Book cover of Metamorphosis and Other Stories

Metamorphosis and Other Stories

(Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

by Franz Kafka
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2008

A brilliant new translation of Kafka’s best-known work, published for the 125th anniversary of his birth ** ** This collection of new translations brings together the small proportion of Kafka’s works that he thought worthy of publication. It includes Metamorphosis, his most famous work, an exploration...
Book cover of El castillo
by Franz Kafka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 4, 2019

Una de las obras más emblemáticas de Kafka. El castillo cuenta los infructuosos intentos del agrimensor K. por acceder a las autoridades del castillo, que al parecer ha reclamado sus servicios, y obtener el permiso para ejercer su trabajo y establecerse así en la aldea en la que ha sido...
Book cover of Aforizmalar
by Franz Kafka
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Kafka, Aforizmalar'ı Ocak 1917 ve Aralık 1920 tarihleri arasında "Günah, ıstırap, umut ve doğru yol üzerine aforizmalar" ve "O: 1920 günlüğünden aforizmalar" başlıklarından oluşan iki bölüm halinde yazdı. Hayatının kederli bir dönemine denk gelen bu tarihlerde...
Book cover of Dönüşüm
by Franz Kafka
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Kafka'nın ilk önemli romanı olan Dönüşüm 1916'da yayımlanmıştır. Diğer romanlarında olduğu gibi, olaylar küçük burjuva bir çevrede, gelecek kaygısıyla geçimini sağlamak için mücadele eden, birbirleriyle ilişkileri hiç de iç açıcı olmayan insanlar arasında geçer. Babasının...
Book cover of Dava
by Franz Kafka
Language: Turkish
Release Date: October 4, 2016

"Kafka'nın hikâyelerinde epik, Şehrazad'ın dilinde kazandığı anlamı yeniden kazanır: geleceği ertelemek. Dava'da davalının umudu ertelemedir - davanın gitgide hükme dönüşmemesi şartıyla. Kafka şiiri öğretiye, mesel'e dönüştürmeye, ona dayanıklılık ve yalınlığını...
Book cover of Cartas a Milena
by Franz Kafka
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 29, 2015

Kafka conoció a la periodista Milena Jesenska, en abril de 1920, durante un viaje a Praga. Se hallaba en un café en compañía de unos amigos comunes. Durante la conversación, Milena le propuso traducir al checo dos de sus relatos. Así empezó su relación. Milena, mujer muy culta y de vivo temperamento,...
Book cover of Die Zürauer Aphorismen
by Franz Kafka
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2017

Nach Ausbruch seiner Tuberkulose im August 1917 ist Kafka einige Monate zur Erholung in das kleine böhmische Dörfchen Zürau übergesiedelt, wo seine Schwester Ottilie „Ottla“ Kafka landwirtschaftlich arbeitete. Er hat sich dort besonders wohlgefühlt und es später als „die vielleicht...
Book cover of Lettre au Père
by Franz Kafka
Language: French
Release Date: October 1, 2018

Frantz Kafka est un écrivain Praguois. Il est considéré, à juste titre comme un maître incontesté de la littérature fantastique et de l’horreur du XXe siècle, pour ne pas dire l’un des pères de ce style littéraire sous forme de nouvelles. Lettre au Père, est une œuvre très...
Book cover of Metamorphosis and Other Stories
by Franz Kafka
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2008

This collection of new translations brings together the small proportion of Kafka's works that he himself thought worthy of publication. It includes Metamorphosis, his most famous work, an exploration of horrific transformation and alienation; Meditation, a collection of his earlier studies; The Judgement,...
Book cover of The Man who Disappeared
by Franz Kafka, Ritchie Robertson
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2012

'...behind them all was New York, looking at Karl with the hundred thousand windows of its skyscrapers' Entering New York harbour, the young immigrant Karl Rossmann sees the Statue of Liberty, 'her arm with the sword stretched upward'. This forbidding introduction sets the tone for Kafka's narrative...
Book cover of The Castle
by Franz Kafka, Anthea Bell
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2009

'K. kept feeling that he had lost himself, or was further away in a strange land than anyone had ever been before' A remote village covered almost permanently in snow and dominated by a castle and its staff of dictatorial, sexually predatory bureaucrats - this is the setting for Kafka's story about...
Book cover of Metamorphosis and Other Stories
by Franz Kafka, Tom Griffith
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Translated, with an introduction, by John R. Williams. This selection of Kafka’s shorter prose writings includes one of the few works published during his lifetime: the harrowing story of Gregor Samsa’s overnight transformation into a verminous insect, his record of the effect of this sudden...
Book cover of The Complete Stories
by Franz Kafka, Sheba Blake
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2017

The Complete Stories is a compilation of all of Kafka's short stories. With the exception of three novels (The Trial, The Castle and Amerika), this collection includes all of his narrative work. The book was originally edited by Nahum N. Glatzer and published by Schocken Books in 1971. It was reprinted...
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