Karl Marx: 387 books

Book cover of Salaire, Prix et Plus-Value
by Karl Marx
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2017

Ce rapport de Marx pour le conseil général de la Première Internationale illustre dans les grandes lignes la thèse de la plus-value qu’il développera plus tard dans Le Capital. Ce texte est une première approche de l’analyse de Marx du mode de production et de la contradiction entre valeur...
Book cover of The Communist Manifesto / The April Theses
by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2016

A new beautiful edition of the Communist Manifesto, combined with Lenin’s key revolutionary tract It was the 1917 Russian Revolution that transformed the scale of The Communist Manifesto, making it the key text for socialists everywhere. On the centenary of this upheaval, this volume pairs...
Book cover of Les Grands Hommes de l'exil
by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Language: French
Release Date: March 13, 2015

« Les grands hommes de l’Allemagne de 1848 étaient sur le point de connaître une fin sordide quand la victoire des “tyrans” pourvut à leur sûreté, les envoyant à l’étranger et faisant d’eux des martyrs et des saints. Ils furent sauvés par la contre-révolution. Mais il fallait rappeler...
Book cover of Les luttes de classes en France (1848-1850)
by Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2013

L'idée principale qui sous-tend la théorie de Marx et Engels est celle de la lutte de classes. Le manifeste commence d'ailleurs par ces mots : « L'histoire de toute société jusqu'à nos jours n'a été que l'histoire de luttes de classes ». A l'époque de Marx et Engels, cette lutte de classes...
Book cover of Capital
by Karl Marx
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 1992

Unfinished at the time of Marx's death in 1883 and first published with a preface by Frederick Engels in 1894, the third volume of Das Kapital strove to combine the theories and concepts of the two previous volumes in order to prove conclusively that capitalism is inherently unworkable as a permanent...
Book cover of Ücret Fiyat ve Kar
by Karl Marx
Language: Turkish
Release Date: December 12, 2011

Marx'ın Ücret, Fiyat ve Kâr'ı, Marksist politik ekonominin en önemli eserlerinden biridir. Bu eserde Marx, Kapitalin birinci cildinin yayınlanmasından iki yıl önce, ekonomi öğretisinin temellerini özetlemiş ve güncel bir tarzda ortaya koymuştur.e-Kitap: Sayfa Sayısı: 80Baskı Yılı:...
Book cover of The Poverty of Philosophy (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by Karl Marx
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

Marx wrote this 1847 work in response to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's 1847 book, The System of Economic Contradictions, or Philosophy of Poverty.  Accusing Proudhon of not only wanting to rise above the bourgeoisie, but also adhering to a quasi-religious faith in economic utopianism; Marx, on the contrary, proposes a scientific approach to the study of economic development. 
Book cover of Die deutsche Ideologie
by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2013

'Die deutsche Ideologie' wurde von Marx und Engels unter Mitwirkung weiterer Autoren in den Jahren 1845–47 verfasst – laut Marx mit dem Ziel, 'den Gegensatz unsrer Ansicht gegen die ideologische der deutschen Philosophie gemeinschaftlich auszuarbeiten. Mit dem ehemaligen philosophischen Gewissen...
Book cover of Revolution and Counter-Revolution
by Karl Marx
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2017

Revolution and Counter Revolution is the famous chain of articles and letters that Marx wrote for the New York Tribune between 1851 and 1852. Although Marx had only been in England some 18 months and was living in conditions of poverty and bitter suffering, these articles are among the most lucid...
Book cover of La Sagrada Familia
by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Carlos Liacho
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 16, 2013

En 1844 Bruno Bauer atacó a sus antiguos amigos Marx y Engels desde el Die Allgemeine Literaturzeitung, la gaceta literaria que el propio Bauer editaba junto a sus hermanos en Charlottenburg. Reacio a todos los movimientos de la "masa" de la época, Bauer incidió particularmente sobre...
Book cover of Carta de Marx a Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov
by Karl Marx
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 21, 2016

Hace ya mucho que hubiera recibido usted la respuesta a la suya del 1 de noviembre si mi librero me hubiese mandado antes de la semana pasada la obra del señor Proudhon "La Filosofía de la Miseria". La he leído por encima, en dos días, a fin de comunicarle a usted, sin pérdida de tiempo, mi opinión...
Book cover of Manifesto Comunista / Teses de abril
by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladímir I. Lênin
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 18, 2017

A Revolução Russa de 1917 transformou o Manifesto Comunista no texto fundamental para socialistas em todo o mundo. No centenário do evento que marcou o século XX, esse volume coloca a obra mais famosa de Marx e Engels ao lado de outro texto clássico, Teses de abril, o manifesto revolucionário...
Book cover of O capital - Livro 2 - Vol. 3

O capital - Livro 2 - Vol. 3

O processo de circulação do capital

by Karl Marx
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 18, 2016

O interesse por Marx e por sua teoria no mundo inteiro é indiscutível. E é certamente O capital sua obra mais importante. É neste livro que, com plena maturidade intelectual, Marx aprofunda e sistematiza a brilhante análise crítica, já presente no Manifesto comunista, das formas de sociabilidade...
Book cover of Revolution and Counter-Revolution
by Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2018

The following articles are now, after forty-five years, for the first time collected and printed in book form. They are an invaluable pendant to Marx's work on the coup d'état of Napoleon III. ("Der Achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte.") Both works belong to the same period, and both...
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