Kimberly Daniels: 25 books

Book cover of The Demon Dictionary Volume Two

The Demon Dictionary Volume Two

An Exposé on Cultural Practices, Symbols, Myths, and the Luciferian Doctrine

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

Shine the light of God’s truth into the darkness Your ultimate guide to symbols and practices of the occult   The word occult means “secret.” God commands us not to be ignorant of the wiles of the enemy and how he works. After twenty years of teaching about spiritual warfare and demonology, Kimberly...
Book cover of Spiritual Housekeeping

Spiritual Housekeeping

Sweep Your Life Free from Demonic Strongholds and Satanic Oppression

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2011

Stay Prepared for Satan’s Unexpected Attacks Do life’s challenges seem to throw you off balance? Do you struggle with the should haves, could haves, and would haves? In Spiritual Housekeeping, Kimberly Daniels outlines the keys to defeating the devil and putting your spiritual house in order. Using...
Book cover of Inside Out

Inside Out

Dump the Baggage and Discover Hope through Inner Healing

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Combining the best tactics from two spiritual strategies, Daniels prescribes a fresh but tested approach to resolving persistent personal problems, such as unhealed negative emotions and hindering behaviors and faults. Many people struggle with the same habits, hurts and fears over and over in their...
Book cover of El Diccionario sobre los demonios - Vol. 2

El Diccionario sobre los demonios - Vol. 2

Una exposición de prácticas culturales, símbolos, mitos y doctrina luciferina

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 8, 2014

La luz de la verdad de Dios brilla en la oscuridad Su guía máxima de los símbolos y prácticas del ocultismo   La palabra ocultismo significa “secreto”. Dios nos manda que no ignoremos las maquinaciones del enemigo ni cómo trabaja. Tras veinte años de enseñar sobre la guerra espiritual...
Book cover of De adentro hacia afuera

De adentro hacia afuera

Deseche las cargas y halle esperanza a través de la sanidad interior

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 18, 2013

La gente ha sido golpeada por las tácticas del diablo y necesita sanidad. Las personas luchan contra los mismos hábitos, heridas y temores una y otra vez en su vida, y sienten que sus áreas de debilidad no permiten que alcancen madurez en su vida espiritual para vivir una vida cristiana satisfactoria. Kimberly...
Book cover of Como Arreglar Su Casa Espiritual

Como Arreglar Su Casa Espiritual

Libere su vida de las fuerzas demoníacas y la opresión satánica

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 7, 2011

Esté preparado para los ataques inesperados de Satanás ¿Se siente que los desafíos de la vida le hacen peder el equilibrio? ¿Lucha con “lo que pudo haber sido” y “lo que podrá ser”? En Cómo arreglar su casa espiritual, Kimberly Daniels resume las claves para derrotar al enemigo...
Book cover of Selah: Pause and Think on This

Selah: Pause and Think on This

Daily Insights for Total Breakthrough

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2017

Pause, be still, and find hope as you recognize that God is working on your behalf. Kimberly Daniels has overcome the adversity in her life and has been set free in many ways. She shares what she has learned so that it might equip other Christians to fight the fight and come out stronger on the other...
Book cover of Clean House, Strong House

Clean House, Strong House

A Practical Guide to Understanding Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Strongholds and Deliverance

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2013

PUT THE SQUEEZE ON SATAN AND CROWD HIM OUT OF YOUR LIFE FOREVER!  God wants to reveal to you the secrets of how to press on even when the enemy would like you to cave in! It’s time to reclaim what satan has stolen from you! With God’s protection and anointing, you can go into his camp,...
Book cover of Del desastre al milagro

Del desastre al milagro

Cómo experimentar una verdadera transformación en Cristo

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Cuando Kimberly Daniels dejó las calles y entregó su vida a Jesús, pensó que su lucha había terminado, porque creyó que en la iglesia estaría rodeada de las personas más amorosas del mundo.  Pero pronto descubrió que en su nueva vida había gente que era tan peligrosa para su salud espiritual...
Book cover of Prayers That Bring Change

Prayers That Bring Change

Power-Filled Prayers that Give Hope, Heal Relationships, Bring Financial Freedom and More!

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2010

Use the authority God has given you to move to the next level in your prayer life with this collection of proclamation prayers by best-selling author Kimberly Daniels. More than just a book on how to pray, Prayers That Bring Change is filled with actual prayers based on biblical principles that will...
Book cover of The Demon Dictionary Volume One

The Demon Dictionary Volume One

Know Your Enemy. Learn His Strategies. Defeat Him!

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2013

Your ultimate guide to understanding dark spirits and supernatural manifestations   The word occult means “secret.” God commands us not to be ignorant of the wiles of the enemy and how he works. After twenty years of teaching about spiritual warfare and demonology, Kimberly Daniels brings you the...
Book cover of From a Mess to a Miracle

From a Mess to a Miracle

Experiencing True Transformation in Christ

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Don’t give Satan a foothold inside the church!   When Kimberly Daniels left the streets and came into the church, she thought her struggle was over, believing that she was surrounded by the most loving people in the world. But she soon discovered that there were people in her new life who were just...
Book cover of El diccionario sobre los demonios - vol. 1

El diccionario sobre los demonios - vol. 1

Conozca a su enemigo. Aprenda sus estrategias. ¡Derrótelo!

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 20, 2013

Su guía definitiva para entender los espíritus oscuros y las manifestaciones sobreanaturales La palabra ocultismo  significa secreto. Dios nos manda a que no ignoremos las maquinaciones del enemigo ni cómo él opera.  Tras veinte años de enseñar sobre guerra espiritual y demonología,...
Book cover of Oraciones Que Producen Cambios

Oraciones Que Producen Cambios

Poderosas oraciones que dan esperanza, sanan relaciones, traen libertad financiera ¡Y mucho má!

by Kimberly Daniels
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 21, 2011

Use la autoridad que Dios le ha dado para moverse al próximo nivel de oración en su vida con esta colección  de proclamaciones de la autora de éxitos de venta Kimberly Daniels. Más que un libro para leer y saber cómo orar, Oraciones que producen cambios, está lleno de oraciones prácticas con...
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