Klaus: 1761 books

Book cover of Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction
by Klaus Dodds
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2014

Geopolitics is a way of looking at the world: one that considers the links between political power, geography, and cultural diversity. In certain places such as Iraq, Lebanon, or Israel, moving a few feet either side of a territorial boundary can be a matter of life or death, dramatically highlighting...
Book cover of Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
by Klaus Schwab, Nicholas Davis
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2018

World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab offers a practical companion and field guide to his previous book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, technology is changing everything--how we relate to one another, the way we work, how our economies and goverments function,...
Book cover of ORBS
by Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., Gundi Heinemann
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2010

In the past decade people all over the world have become fascinated with orbs—the opaque circular features that appear unexpectedly in photographs. In fact, the popularity of this phenomenon has risen so much that serious research has been done on them. Books have been written about what they could...
Book cover of The Antarctic: A Very Short Introduction
by Klaus Dodds
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2012

The Antarctic is one the most hostile natural environments in the world. It is an extraordinary physical space, which changes significantly in shape and size with the passing of the seasons. Politically, it is unique as it contains one of the few areas of continental space not claimed by any nation-state....
Book cover of The Scramble for the Poles

The Scramble for the Poles

The Geopolitics of the Arctic and Antarctic

by Klaus Dodds, Mark Nuttall
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2015

In August 2007 a Russian flag was planted under the North Pole during a scientific expedition triggering speculation about a new scramble for resources beneath the thawing ice. But is there really a global grab for Polar territory and resources? Or are these activities vastly exaggerated? In...
Book cover of Paper Empire

Paper Empire

William Gaddis and the World System

by Michael Wutz, Jeff Bursey, Klaus Benesch
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2008

Celebrates and illuminates the legacy of one of America’s most innovative and consequential 20th century novelists. In 2002, following the posthumous publication of William Gaddis’s collected nonfiction and his final novel and Jonathan Franzen’s lengthy attack on him in The New Yorker,...
Book cover of Lilli de Libris e la biblioteca magica
by Jostein Gaarder, Klaus Hagerup
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 21, 2013

Un libro non ancora scritto, una biblioteca magica e una strampalata bibliotecaria: una storia di peripezie, pedinamenti e colpi di scena che dalla Norvegia arriva fino a Roma. Perché mai la bizzarra bibliotecaria Lilli è così interessata al quaderno dei due cugini norvegesi, Nils e Berit? Può...
Book cover of Russia,oh my Russia
by Klaus Klatt
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2013

never has there been a book which details the collapse of communism during the gorbachev and yeltsin era.a historical fiction which combines facts and fictional people who experience the total destruction in the eastern block.we see through their eyes how the berlin wall and east germany fell apart.the...
Book cover of Alexander


A Novel of Utopia

by Klaus Mann
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Alexander is a stunning work of historical reimagining from a troubled and unjestly neglected writer. Written in 1929 by the son of Thomas Mann, Alexander shows why Klaus Mann is regarded in Germany as one of the foremost writers of the twentieth century.
Book cover of A Direct Path to the Buddha Within

A Direct Path to the Buddha Within

Go Lotsawa's Mahamudra Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga

by Klaus-Dieter Mathes
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2013

Maitreya's Ratnagotravibhaga, also known as the Uttaratantra, is the main Indian treatise on buddha nature, a concept that is heavily debated in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. In A Direct Path to the Buddha Within, Klaus-Dieter Mathes looks at a pivotal Tibetan commentary on this text by Go Lotsawa...
Book cover of Der Löwe in der Gangsterburg

Der Löwe in der Gangsterburg

Abenteuer Zauberlöwe, Teil 3

by Klaus Möckel
Language: German
Release Date: October 19, 2012

Mareike bekommt zu ihrer Freude einen Zwanzig-Mark-Schein geschenkt, doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass er gefälscht ist. Da noch andere 'Blüten' in der Stadt auftauchen, vermutet Florian eine Fälscherbande am Werk. Zunächst verdächtigen die Kinder einen Zahnarzt, dann die Bewohner einer ehemaligen...
Book cover of Gutenberg


Der Mann, der die Welt veränderte

by Klaus-Rüdiger Mai
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Der Erfinder des Buchdrucks gilt als Jahrtausendfigur. Mit seinen bahnbrechenden Neuerungen läutete Johannes Gutenberg das Zeitalter der Moderne ein. Ohne ihn keine Reformation, keine Renaissance, keine Kirchenkritik, keine Bildung im modernen Sinn. Zu Recht vergleicht man die von ihm eingeleitete...
Book cover of Ostfriesennacht



by Klaus-Peter Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2019

Der dreizehnte Band der Ostfriesenkrimi-Serie von Nummer 1-Bestseller-Autor Klaus-Peter Wolf und ein ganz spezieller Fall für Ann Kathrin KlaasenEr ist lichtscheu, und er ist böse. Er hat sich Ostfriesland als neues Jagdrevier auserkoren. "Das war sein erster Fehler!", sagt Ann Kathrin...
Book cover of Totentanz am Strand

Totentanz am Strand

Sommerfeldt kehrt zurück

by Klaus-Peter Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: June 20, 2018

Der gefährlichste Mann der Republik heißt Dr.Bernhard Sommerfeldt. Er ist aus Ostfriesland geflohen.Aber Ostfriesland hat auch sie: Ann Kathrin Klaasen, die beste Zielfahnderin in ganz Deutschland. Sie heftet sich an seine Fersen.Lesen Sie jetzt nach "Totenstille im Watt" den zweiten Band...
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