Klaus: 1761 books

Book cover of Mord am Leuchtturm

Mord am Leuchtturm

17 Krimi-Erzählungen

by Klaus-Peter Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: July 24, 2014

Ihnen fehlt noch die richtige Lektüre für die schönsten Tage im Jahr? Dann brauchen Sie die Krimi-Erzählungen von Ostfrieslands-Superstar Klaus-Peter Wolf!Die Geschichten handeln von durchtriebenen Kerlen und zwielichtigen Gestalten, von raffinierten Mordplänen und einem mörderischen Dinner...
Book cover of Mord am Deich
by Klaus-Peter Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: July 14, 2016

Sie haben gerade "Ostfriesenschwur" von Klaus-Peter Wolf zu Ende gelesen? Und warten sehnsüchtig auf den nächsten Band "Ostfriesentod"? Dann kommen hier 13 Krimi-Erzählungen vom Meister des Ostfriesenkrimis für die Zeit dazwischen! 13 neue Krimi-Erzählungen, die in Ostfriesland...
Book cover of Traumfrau
by Klaus-Peter Wolf
Language: German
Release Date: July 20, 2011

Ein fesselnder und klarsichtiger Roman über die dunkle Seite in Männerseelen und die Geschäfte mit asiatischen Frauen. Klaus-Peter Wolf berichtet von ungeheuerlichen Vorkommnissen.Die perfekte Frau. Davon träumen fünf Männer in der deutschen Provinz. Was als Schnapsidee bei einer Skatrunde beginnt,...
Book cover of The Art Within Portrait Photography: A Master Photographer's Revealing And Enlightening Look At Portraiture
by Klaus Bohn
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2007

Exploring the art and creativity that exists in portraiture allows us to create a greater awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. From Glamour to Children, Couples, Families, Pets, Executives and more, Klaus Bohn's work lets us really see the emotions, feelings and art contained within these images....
Book cover of The Anxiety Cure

The Anxiety Cure

Live a Life Free From Panic in Just a Few Weeks

by Klaus Bernhardt
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2018

The highly effective guide to finding the calm within yourself Everyone worries, but if worry has taken over your life and has taken the form of anxiety and panic, it’s time to take control and claim your life back. Pioneering psychotherapist Klaus Bernhardt’s proven anxiety cure has helped...
Book cover of Integrazione europea senza illusioni
by Václav Klaus, V‡clav Klaus
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 12, 2012

Una valutazione dellŐEuropa con una visione spietatamente realistica del sistema che essa ha creato negli ultimi cinquantŐanni. Klaus riconosce i possibili benefici derivati dallŐintegrare in termini strettamente economici il vecchio continente, ma spiega quello che per lui stato il tragico errore...
Book cover of Konzert ohne Dichter
by Klaus Modick
Language: German
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Die Chronique scandaleuse Worpswedes: Rilke und Vogeler, ihr Werk und die Frauen – und ein epochales Gemälde In seinem neuen Roman erzählt Klaus Modick die Entstehungsgeschichte des berühmtesten Worpsweder Gemäldes, von einer schwierigen Künstlerfreundschaft – und von der Liebe. Heinrich...
Book cover of Film School

Film School

Filme machen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

by Klaus Weller
Language: German
Release Date: July 9, 2015

»Beklagen Sie sich nie über zu wenig Zeit oder Geld. Für einen originellen Film benötigen Sie kein Geld, und mehr Zeit haben andere meistens auch nicht. Betrachten Sie alle Unwägbarkeiten, alle Hindernisse als Chance, die Dinge neu anzuordnen, als Gewinn. Betrachten Sie eine Filmproduktion als...
Book cover of Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject

Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject

Selected Writings of Klaus Holzkamp

by Klaus Holzkamp, Andrew Boreham, Tod Sloan
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2013

This book introduces the groundbreaking work of the German critical psychologist Klaus Holzkamp. In contrast to contemporary psychology's worldlessness, the writings present a concept of psychology based on the individual's relations to the world and open up new perspectives on human subjectivity, agency and the conduct of everyday life.
Book cover of The Last Supper

The Last Supper

The Plight of Christians in Arab Lands

by Klaus Wivel
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2016

"A central question that animates Wivel is why those in the West, who profess a belief in such universal values as freedom and equality, have not done more to defend the human rights of this severely beleaguered minority."—University Bookman"Revealing, shocking, and well-researched reading."—Jyllands-PostenIn...
Book cover of Idealism Without Limits

Idealism Without Limits

Hegel and the Problem of Objectivity

by Klaus Brinkmann
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2010

In this study of Hegel's philosophy, Brinkmann undertakes to defend Hegel's claim to objective knowledge by bringing out the transcendental strategy underlying Hegel's argument in the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Logic. Hegel's metaphysical commitments are shown to become moot through this transcendental...
Book cover of Visible Learning Insights
by John Hattie, Klaus Zierer
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2019

Visible Learning Insights presents a fascinating ‘inside view’ of the ground-breaking research of John Hattie. Together, the authors John Hattie and Klaus Zierer embark on a mission to build on the internationally renowned work and combine the power and authority of the research with the real...
Book cover of RFID Handbook

RFID Handbook

Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards, Radio Frequency Identification and Near-Field Communication

by Klaus Finkenzeller
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2010

This is the third revised edition of the established and trusted RFID Handbook; the most comprehensive introduction to radio frequency identification (RFID) available. This essential new edition contains information on electronic product code (EPC) and the EPC global network, and explains near-field...
Book cover of Türkische Tagebücher

Türkische Tagebücher

Reisen in ein unentdecktes Land

by Klaus Reichert
Language: German
Release Date: September 9, 2011

Kaum ein Land ist uns so nah und fern zugleich wie die Türkei. Grund genug für Klaus Reichert, den immer neugierigen Gelehrten und Autor, sich auf den Weg zu machen und dieses Land von innen zu erkunden – zunächst in Anatolien, dann in Istanbul und schließlich an der ägäischen Küste. Seine...
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