L R: 1906 books

Book cover of Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry
by J R Barker, A L Steiner, T J Wallington
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2016

The human race has altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere, as evidenced by the notorious London smog, photochemical air pollution, acid rain, stratospheric ozone depletion, and elevated greenhouse gas concentrations. The aim of this book series is to present invited summaries of important...
Book cover of Periodic Operation of Chemical Reactors
by P. L. Silveston, R. R. Hudgins
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2012

This comprehensive review, prepared by 24 experts, many of whom are pioneers of the subject, brings together in one place over 40 years of research in this unique publication. This book will assist R & D specialists, research chemists, chemical engineers or process managers harnessing periodic operations...
Book cover of Pharmacology
by K.R. Hornbrook, E. Patterson, S.L. Jones
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Since 1975, the Oklahoma Notes have been among the most widely used reviews for medical students preparing for Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. Completely revised and updated, these new editions of the Notes feature: More self- assessment questions, geared to the current...
Book cover of Chair de poule , Tome 11

Chair de poule , Tome 11

Le masque hanté

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: October 11, 2017

"Celui-là fera l'affaire", pense Carolyn en choisissant pour la fête de Halloween le masque le plus horrible dans la boutique de farces et attrapes. Mais pourquoi une fois posé sur son visage, le masque s'anime-t-il tout à coup ?Pourquoi la voix de Carolyn devient-elle soudain grave et menaçante ?
Book cover of Chair de poule , Tome 61

Chair de poule , Tome 61

La bague maléfique

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: October 5, 2016

Mlle Gold, la maîtresse de Beth, a trouvé une bague bien étrange : on dirait qu'il y a une tête à l'intérieur, et qu'elle est vivante ! La pauvre femme ne peut plus la retirer de son doigt... Bientôt, des phénomènes inquiétants se produisent à l'école : vandalisme, incendie... Mais suffit-il de se débarrasser de la bague pour que le calme revienne ?
Book cover of Horrorland, Tome 08

Horrorland, Tome 08

L'appareil photo maléfique

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: December 21, 2015

Julie est passionnée par la photographie. Un jour, dans un vide-grenier, elle tombe sur un vieux Polaroid qu'on lui offre bien volontiers. Ravie, elle prend Reena, sa meilleure amie, en photo. Or, sur le cliché, les yeux sont rouges et incandescents. Hélas, bientôt, ils le deviennent pour de bon...
Book cover of Le château de l'horreur, Tome 01

Le château de l'horreur, Tome 01

Gare aux coups de griffes !

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2016

Mickey et son amie Amanda ont trouvé un moyen de se faire un peu d'argent de poche : ils vont garder Bella, la chatte des Caplan qui partent en vacances. Rien de bien sorcier, a priori. Un après-midi, alors qu'ils oublient de fermer la porte d'entrée de la maison, Bella s'enfuit... et se fait écraser....
Book cover of Chair de poule , Tome 37

Chair de poule , Tome 37

Nuits de cauchemar

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: November 7, 2018

Matt déteste sa minuscule chambre, il y est tellement à l'étroit ! Pourquoi n'irait-il pas dormir dans la chambre d'amis inoccupée ? Un soir, malgré l'interdiction formelle de sa mère, il décide d'y passer la nuit. S'il avait pu prévoir les conséquences terribles de son acte, il aurait sûrement hésité !
Book cover of Ana Baba Okulu
by Ali Çankırılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 8, 2016

"Kendinizi geliştirmek için ana baba olmaktan daha iyi bir gerekçe bulamazdınız! İşte, eğitimin gerçekten şart olduğu nokta burası..." İnce Kapak: Sayfa Sayısı: 286 Baskı Yılı: 2012 e-Kitap: Sayfa Sayısı: 149 Baskı Yılı: 2016 Dili: TürkçeYayınevi: Zafer Yayınları
Book cover of Torun Sevme Rehberi
by Ali Çankırılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Bu kitabın amacı, çocukların büyük anne ve dede sevgisinden mahrum, büyüdüğü çağımızda, zayıflayan aile bağlarını güçlendirmek ve geniş aile kültürüne katkıda bulunmaktır. (Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Book cover of Çocuklarımız Mutsuz ve Başarısız Olmasın
by Ali Çankırılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Hiçbir işimiz annelik ve babalık sorumluluğundan daha önemli olamaz. İşler bekleyebilir, çocuk eğitimi beklemez. Eksik kalan bir işimizi sonradan tamamlayabiliriz, ancak eksik kalan çocuk eğitimini sonradan tamamlamak mümkün değildir.   Çocuğa yapılan yatırımdan...
Book cover of Çocuk Resimlerinin Dili
by Ali Çankırılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Bu kitabın bir amacı resim terapisi yapmak isteyen psikolog ve psikolojik danışman arkadaşlara yardımcı olmaktır.   Bir başka amacımız, belki de en önemli amacımız, başta anne babalar, bakıcılar, kreş çalışanları ve anaokulu öğretmenleri olmak üzere çocuktan...
Book cover of Iatrogenicity


Causes and Consequences of Iatrogenesis in Cardiovascular Medicine

by Dirk Loznitzer, Fatima Ali, Uzair Ansari
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2017

Iatrogenesis is the occurrence of untoward effects resulting from actions of health care providers, including medical errors, medical malpractice, practicing beyond one’s expertise, adverse effects of medication, unnecessary treatment, inappropriate screenings, and surgical errors. This is a huge...
Book cover of Cell Kinetics of the Inflammatory Reaction
by D.O. Adams, A. Akbar, H.B. Benestad
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The European Study Group for Cell Proliferation held its XVth Meet­ ing at Sundvolden, Norway, in September 1987. The program included a symposium on the cell kinetics of the in­ flammatory reaction, with invited speakers. This volume of Current Topics in Pathology contains the manuscripts submitted...
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