L T Smith: 77 books

Book cover of The Unchained: Powerful Life Stories of Former Slaves

The Unchained: Powerful Life Stories of Former Slaves

Thousands of Recorded Interviews, Memoirs & Narratives of Former Slaves (Including Historical Documents & Legislative Progress of Civil Rights Movement)

by Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Solomon Northup
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2018

This unique collection consists of the most influential narratives of former slaves, including numerous recorded testimonies, life stories and original photos of former slaves long after Civil War: Recorded Life Stories of Former Slaves from 17 different US States Narrative of the Life of Frederick...
Book cover of Black
by T.L. Smith
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 28, 2019

Sono fedele, ma tradirò. Sono forte, ma anch’io ho cicatrici. Sono un angelo, sì, il diavolo. L’ho incontrata che aveva sedici anni. È arrivata come una ventata di aria fresca, giunta all’improvviso, che mi ha strappato un sorriso. Ma poi se ne è andata, portando via con sé anche il mio...
Book cover of Christian Physicalism?

Christian Physicalism?

Philosophical Theological Criticisms

by Thomas Atkinson, John W. Cooper, Marc Cortez
Language: English
Release Date: December 26, 2017

On the heels of the advance since the twentieth-century of wholly physicalist accounts of human persons, the influence of materialist ontology is increasingly evident in Christian theologizing. To date, the contemporary literature has tended to focus on anthropological issues (e.g., whether the traditional...
Book cover of The Roads to Congress 2014
by William Binning, Jerry McBeath, Walter Clark Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2015

The 2014 midterm congressional elections provided a view of the attitude of American voters in the sixth year of Barack Obama’s presidency. This book provides insight about the formative aspects of the 2014 campaign season as well as in depth coverage of key races for Congress. The first section...
Book cover of Red (versione italiana)
by T.L. Smith
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2019

L’uomo che una volta si faceva chiamare Black, ora, non c’è più. Cosa è rimasto di lui? Una ferita al cuore, una voragine profonda. Si può aggiustare? O anche solo sostituire? Le persone mentono e quelle a me più vicine lo fanno più di tutti gli altri. Non sanno...
Book cover of Breast Cancer
by J.-C. Bailar, H. Bohmert, G. Bonadonna
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This series on the treatment of cancer is sponsored by the UICC. The editors and authors feel strongly that more standar­ dization in cancer therapy is needed on a worldwide basis. This, of course, is only possible if experts from all countries subscribe to a joint policy of making their treatment...
Book cover of Forgotten Founders and Other Neglected Social Theorists
by Christopher T. Conner, Nicholas M. Baxter, David R. Dickens
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2019

This edited volume highlights the work of ten forgotten and neglected social theorists in the hope of reinvigorating interest in their work and their potential contributions to the analysis of contemporary social issues. Each chapter includes a brief biographical sketch, an overview of the selected...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize Volume 1

Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize Volume 1

From improved varieties to local applications

by Denise E. Costich, J. Stephen Smith, Dr Candice Gardner
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2017

Maize is one of the most important and widely grown cereal crops in the world and is a staple food for almost a billion people, particularly in the developing world. It has been estimated that maize yields need to increase by 60% by 2050. There is an urgent need to increase yields in the face of such...
Book cover of Hurricane Katrina and the Forgotten Coast of Mississippi
by Dr Christopher T. Emrich, Dr Jerry T. Mitchell, Dr Walter W. Piegorsch
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2014

Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast in August 2005 with devastating consequences. Almost all analyses of the disaster have been dedicated to the way the hurricane affected New Orleans. This volume examines the impact of Katrina on southern Mississippi. While communities along Mississippi's...
Book cover of Face to Face with the Face

Face to Face with the Face

Working with the Face and the Cranial Nerves through Cranio-Sacral Integration

by Thomas Attlee D.O., R.C.S.T., Dr Granville Langly-Smith L.D.S.
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2016

Practical and clear, this comprehensive guide to cranio-sacral treatment of the face explains treatment approaches that can make a significant difference to persistent and intractable conditions, enabling profound transformation in quality of life through whole-person integration. The book...
Book cover of Anuário Todavia 2018/2019
by Adriana Azevedo, Adriana Lisboa, Angélica Freitas
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 14, 2018

O Anuário Todavia é um registro periódico do diálogo que uma jovem editora brasileira quer manter com a cultura e o pensamento de sua época. O ponto de interrogação no tema Apocalipse? indica tanto o horror de certos impasses quanto a beleza de alguns dos caminhos abertos. Mais do que profecias...
Book cover of The Big Book of the Masters of Horror, Weird and Supernatural Short Stories: 120+ authors and 1000+ stories in one volume (Kathartika™ Classics)
by Cynthia Asquith, Leonid Andreyev, E. F. Benson
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2019

If you were looking for the Holy Bible of the horror anthologies, consider yourself lucky, because you just found it! Cosmic horror, supernatural events, ghost stories, weird fiction, mystical fantasies, occult narratives, this book plunges you into dark domains and brings you face to face with surreal...
Book cover of Box Set - The Greatest Ghost and Horror Stories Ever Written: volumes 1 to 7 (100+ authors & 200+ stories)
by Leonid Andreyev, Cynthia Asquith, E. F. Benson
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2018

If you were looking for the Holy Bible of the horror anthologies, consider yourself lucky, because you just found it! Cosmic horror, supernatural events, ghost stories, weird fiction, mystical fantasies, occult narratives, this book plunges you into dark domains and brings you face to face with surreal monstrosities. This box set includes all the seven volumes of the collection.
Book cover of Texas Women

Texas Women

Their Histories, Their Lives

by Nancy E. Baker, Light T. Cummins, Victoria H. Cummins
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2015

Texas Women: Their Histories, Their Lives engages current scholarship on women in Texas, the South, and the United States. It provides insights into Texas’s singular geographic position, bordering on the West and sharing a unique history with Mexico, while analyzing the ways in which Texas stories...
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