L Thomas: 609 books

Book cover of When to Walk Away Study Guide

When to Walk Away Study Guide

Finding Freedom from Toxic People

by Gary L. Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2019

Jesus walked away from toxic people, and you should too. In this six-session video Bible study, bestselling author Gary Thomas draws on Jesus’ example to show how the best course of action for us to take with some relationships is to walk away . . . or let the other person walk away. In the...
Book cover of Voices in the Wilderness

Voices in the Wilderness

Why Black Preaching Still Matters

by John L. Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2018

FINALLY, a scholarly description of the development of Black preaching in the United States that is accessible to the average reader, but also contributes to the academic conversation about both style and theological content. Written from the perspective of a seasoned practitioner and tenured practical...
Book cover of Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling with IBM SPSS
by Ronald H. Heck, Scott L. Thomas, Lynn N. Tabata
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2013

This book demonstrates how to use multilevel and longitudinal modeling techniques available in the IBM SPSS mixed-effects program (MIXED). Annotated screen shots provide readers with a step-by-step understanding of each technique and navigating the program. Readers learn how to set up, run, and interpret...
Book cover of Promises Fulfilled and Unfulfilled in Management Education

Promises Fulfilled and Unfulfilled in Management Education

Reflections on the Role, Impact and Future of Management Education: EFMD Perspectives

by B. L. Thomas, Alexander Wilson, Howard Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2013

This is the first of two volumes written to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of EFMD. Through an open-ended interview research process, it seeks to explore the perspectives and views of a wide range of experts drawn not only from the European environment but also from the United States and other global...
Book cover of 100 Fragen und ein Lösungssatz - Tiere
by Marie L. Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: October 25, 2018

Kiwis, Krallen, Katzenkaffee … Kennst du dich aus im Tierreich? Dieses Quiz bietet dir hundert Fragen, um dein Wissen zu testen. Beantwortest du sie richtig, erhältst du einen Lösungssatz.
Book cover of 100 Fragen und ein Lösungssatz - Tiere 2
by Marie L. Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: October 25, 2018

Mäuse, Mäuler, Mähnenrobben … Auch der zweite Teil des Quiz stellt dir hundert Fragen rund ums Tierreich und präsentiert dir bei richtiger Beantwortung einen Lösungssatz.
Book cover of Blue Butterfly
by Marian L Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2014

Precious Blue Johnson, young, country and naive, from Lutts County, Georgia, is traveling to the energizing city of New York to search for her birth father and perhaps make history by becoming the first black ballerina. Her simple mocha skin and thick lips will put her in the center of a movement, expose...
Book cover of Das Brezel-Rätsel

Das Brezel-Rätsel

... und andere Denksportaufgaben

by Marie L. Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: November 15, 2018

Quizfragen beantworten, Wortketten vervollständigen, Reime finden, Detektiv spielen, Fehler suchen, Begriffe erraten … Hier ist für jeden was dabei, der zwischendurch gerne mal ein Rätsel löst. "Das Brezel-Rätsel" beinhaltet die folgenden Kategorien: Blumig Quiz...
Book cover of Modelling Population Dynamics

Modelling Population Dynamics

Model Formulation, Fitting and Assessment using State-Space Methods

by P. Besbeas, K. B. Newman, S. T. Buckland
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2014

This book gives a unifying framework for estimating the abundance of open populations: populations subject to births, deaths and movement, given imperfect measurements or samples of the populations. The focus is primarily on populations of vertebrates for which dynamics are typically modelled within...
Book cover of Verspielte Atlanten & Orte zum Überziehen

Verspielte Atlanten & Orte zum Überziehen

Das große Assoziationsquiz

by Marie L. Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Rätselfans, die Spaß am Assoziieren und Kombinieren haben, kommen hier so richtig schön auf ihre Kosten. Ausgestattet mit nichts weiter als einem zusammenhangslosen und meist nicht einmal Sinn ergebenden Stichwort gilt es, ein Lösungswort ausfindig zu machen. Schaffst du es bis zum Masterlevel? Oder gibst du schon beim Anblick des Nachwuchslevels auf?
Book cover of Sprache, Wörter, Buch und Staben

Sprache, Wörter, Buch und Staben

Das 100-Schritte-Rätsel-Buch

by Marie L. Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Errate Begriffe, tausche Buchstaben, übersetze Wörter und streiche Silben. – In 100 Schritten setzt sich so dein Lösungssatz zusammen. Viel Spaß!
Book cover of VerQuiz dich!
by Marie L. Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Fünf Wörter stehen zusammen, vier rufen "VerQuiz dich!", denn eins gehört nicht dazu. Finde die Begriffe, die nicht in die Wortgruppen passen, notiere die dazugehörigen Buchstaben und bilde so einen Lösungssatz!
Book cover of Sacred Parenting

Sacred Parenting

How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls

by Gary L. Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2009

Parenting is a school for spiritual formation—and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children will profoundly alter us forever.Sacred Parenting is unlike any other parenting book you have ever read. This is not a “how-to” book that teaches...
Book cover of Scapegoating Islam: Intolerance, Security, and the American Muslim

Scapegoating Islam: Intolerance, Security, and the American Muslim

Intolerance, Security, and the American Muslim

by Jeffrey L. Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2015

Exploring the experience of Muslims in America following 9/11, this book assesses how anti-Muslim bias within the U.S. government and the larger society undermines American security and democracy. • Provides a history of Muslim experience in the United States up to September 11 •...
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