Lay: 180 books

Book cover of Der Hüter des Schwertes
by Duncan Lay
Language: German
Release Date: January 21, 2013

Seine Vergangenheit wird vom Tod beherrscht – seine Zukunft ist ungewiss Einst beendete Martil einen Krieg, und sein Volk feierte ihn als Helden. Doch er wusste, dass der Preis dafür zu hoch gewesen war. Denn um den Frieden zu erzwingen, ließ Martil jeden Bewohner eines Dorfes – Männer,...
Book cover of The Substitutes: An Up2U Action Adventure
by Kathryn Lay
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Josh and Jenny’s school is suddenly overrun with substitute teachers. But these aren’t the usual substitutes. These substitutes all look alike, ask a lot of questions, and record everything the students say. Luckily, Josh and Jenny still have their teacher. Until one afternoon they return from lunch...
Book cover of Simulating Societal Change

Simulating Societal Change

Counterfactual Modelling for Social and Policy Inquiry

by Peter Davis, Roy Lay-Yee
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2019

This book presents a method for creating a working model of society, using data systems and simulation techniques, that can be used for testing propositions of scientific and policy nature. The model is based on the example of New Zealand, but will be applicable to other countries. It is expected...
Book cover of Introduction to the Physics of Silicene and other 2D Materials
by Seymur Cahangirov, Hasan Sahin, Guy Le Lay
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

This concise book offers an essential introduction and reference guide for the many newcomers to the field of physics of elemental 2D materials. Silicene and related materials are currently among the most actively studied materials, especially following the first experimental synthesis on substrates...
Book cover of Her Kadın Örtünmek İster
by Gülay Atasoy
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Örtünme isteği yaratılışın sesidir. Hem de içten gelen, dışa vuran en güçlü bir ses. Mini etekli bir bayanın farkında olmadan hep eteğini çekiştirip uzatmak istemesi, göbeği açık kızların badisiyle göbeğini kapatmaya çalışması, henüz tamamen sönmemiş olan fıtratın...
Book cover of La sposa birmana
by Journal-Gyaw Ma Ma Lay
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 10, 2011

Sullo sfondo di una Birmania dei primi anni '40 e della lotta di liberazione dal giogo britannico guidata da Aung San, eroe nazionale e padre di Aung San Suu Kyi, si svolge la storia di Wai Wai, giovane donna birmana che sposa l'agente di un'azienda inglese ciecamente devoto alla mentalità coloniale...
Book cover of Generali Altersstudie 2017

Generali Altersstudie 2017

Wie ältere Menschen in Deutschland denken und leben

by Martin Lay
Language: German
Release Date: January 10, 2017

Wie ticken alte Menschen wirklich? Wer wissen will, wie die 65- bis 85-jährigen heute leben und welche Einstellungen sie prägen, bekommt hier fundierte und leicht verständliche Antworten. Die Diskussion über eine älter werdende Gesellschaft braucht klare Fakten. Die Generali Altersstudie...
Book cover of Born To Move
by Ooi Lay Yong
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2015

Regain your ability to move and live a life free of aches and pains.The digital lifestyle has changed the way we use, or underuse, our body and joints, giving rise to the prevalence of aches and pains in most of us. For so long, we have been training to build fitness, with our emphasis placed primarily...
Book cover of Das 4CID-Modell am Beispiel 'Bildungswissenschaflter/-in im Bereich der Eltern-/Familienbildung'
by Tülay Bilgen-Yildiz
Language: German
Release Date: June 28, 2010

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Erwachsenenbildung, Note: 1,0, FernUniversität Hagen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Grundlage der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das 4-Komponenten- Instruktionsdesign- Modell (engl. four- component instructional design model (4CID)) von van Merriën-...
Book cover of Symphony of Ruin: A Labyrinth of Souls Novel
by Christina Lay
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2017

Death is stalking The City. From out of the catacombs, a deadly monster has arisen. Unfortunately for alchemist's apprentice Remy the Rat Boy, his master is away and it's up to Remy to discover the nature of the monster and put an end to its killing rampage. His search for answers takes...
Book cover of Dirty Stories: Showing Skin, Erotic Tales
by E. Z. Lay
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2012

Dirty Stories: Showing Skin gathers together the following steamy erotic tales: Quickie: with the Horny Hitchhiker! A Quickie story involving Laura, a recent divorcee in desperate need of a temporary distraction from her troubles, and Andrew, the lucky hitchhiker who is about to be given the...
Book cover of Dirty Stories: Bust Inside, Erotic Tales
by E. Z. Lay
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2011

Dirty Stories: Bust Inside gathers together the following steamy erotic tales: Quickie: with the Pizza Delivery Boy! A Quickie tale involving Sarah, a sexy woman who just found out her boyfriend has been cheating on her for months, and Mike, the lucky pizza delivery boy who is about to receive...
Book cover of Dirty Stories: She Said Yes, Erotic Tales
by E. Z. Lay
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2013

Dirty Stories: She Said Yes gathers together the following steamy erotic tales: Threesome: with Her Boss (and the Secretary!)Ruby's first day at her new job was to become more eventful than she planned when her boss, and his secretary, team up to give her some proper training of the threesome...
Book cover of Das Schwert der Königin

Das Schwert der Königin


by Duncan Lay
Language: German
Release Date: May 20, 2013

Der epische zweite Band der Saga von Martil. Martil ist bereits vor der Rettung klar gewesen, dass es nicht damit getan wäre, die Königin aus ihrem goldenen Gefängnis zu befreien. Nun muss er auch die Rebellion des Grafen Gello niederschlagen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen macht sich Martil keine...
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