Lentz: 80 books

Book cover of Bonaparte n'est plus !
by Thierry LENTZ
Language: French
Release Date: January 3, 2019

Le plus grand homme du siècle est tombé, très loin dans une île de l'Atlantique-Sud. Comment, au temps de la marine à voile, la nouvelle est-elle parvenue en Europe ? Quelles réactions a-t-elle provoquées ? Mettons-nous, pour la première fois, à la place des contemporains ! Le 5 mai 1821,...
Book cover of Savary


Le séide de Napoléon

by Thierry Lentz
Language: French
Release Date: November 14, 2001

L'Auteur : Directeur de la fondation Napoléon, Thierry Lentz est l'auteur de nombreuses études savantes sur Napoléon et sur l'Empire, en particulier Le Grand Consulat (Fayard, 1999). PAR LE PLUS REMARQUABLE DES NOUVEAUX HISTORIENS DE L'EMPIRE, LA BIOGRAPHIE DE L'UNE DES FIGURES LES PLUS NOIRES DE LA PERIODE NAPOLEONIENNE.
Book cover of Napoléon
by Thierry LENTZ
Language: French
Release Date: November 5, 2015

Les images les plus belles et les plus significatives jamais réunies sur l'Empereur. Sur un texte clair et séduisant de Thierry Lentz, retraçant en chapitres thématiques les différents traits de la personne et de l'action de Napoléon, de sa naissance à sa mort, ont été réunies et mises en...
Book cover of Pazifik Exil

Pazifik Exil


by Michael Lentz
Language: German
Release Date: June 15, 2010

Eine literarische Geschichte des Exils. Michael Lentz erzählt mit Humor, historischer Genauigkeit und der ihm eigenen Energie von dem Leben derer, die vor den Nationalsozialisten an die amerikanische Pazifikküste fliehen konnten: Bert Brecht, Franz Werfel, Lion Feuchtwanger, Thomas und Heinrich...
Book cover of Rumor of Shadows
by MK Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2013

The Albrecht Expedition & Trading Company is home to a group of adventurer's including warriors, priestess', mages of power, barbarians, thieves and masters of lore. As a contracted security company, military school and arms dealer, the group becomes enmeshed in a convoluted web of conspiracy,...
Book cover of Fürsten-Roman 2570 - Adelsroman

Fürsten-Roman 2570 - Adelsroman

Im schwarzen Kleid zum Traualtar

by Roma Lentz
Language: German
Release Date: February 26, 2019

Im schwarzen Kleid zum Traualtar Das ungewöhnliche Schicksal der schönen Laura Von Roma Lentz "Sollte ich vor unserer Hochzeit sterben, Laura, würdest du mich dennoch heiraten ... ich meine, danach ...?", fragt Etienne seine Verlobte mit großem Ernst. Laura Sorel, die Erbin der...
Book cover of The Path of Ravens
by P.K. Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2015

Epic Fantasy meets Norse & Greek myth meets Lovecraftian monsters in "a brilliant concept... an excellent mix of fantasy and myth. From start to finish, it just didn't stop--adventure and excitement all the way." Thamoth and the other Atlanteans raised from the dead alongside...
Book cover of It Was Never About the Ketchup!

It Was Never About the Ketchup!

One Life Can Make A Difference: The Life and Leadership Secrets of H. J. Heinz

by Steve Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2015

The inspiring life of the visionary food mogul whose last name has become synonymous with America’s favorite condiment.   In a world that has become increasingly complex, complicated and impersonal, it is easy to feel that each of our individual lives is relatively insignificant. But nothing could...
Book cover of Business Interruption: Coverage, Claims, and Recovery, 2nd Edition
by Daniel Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2012

Business interruption claims are some of the most challenging that insurance professionals, risk managers, and business owners face. Preparing for, managing, and closing out a business interruption claim can be complicated and frustrating and often ends in failure. Success requires that you understand...
Book cover of How the Word Heals

How the Word Heals

Hypnosis in Scriptures

by Dr. John D. Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2002

This book offers a unique perspective and brings a new understanding about how the Bible brings healing. The authors integration of his love of the Bible, Therapy, and Language gives the reader a new in depth analysis of scriptures that provokes the reader to have personal insights into the Bible....
Book cover of Hadoop Real-World Solutions Cookbook
by Jonathan Owens, Brian Femiano, Jon Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2013

Cookbook recipes demonstrate Hadoop in action and then explain the concepts behind the code. This book is ideal for developers who wish to have a better understanding of Hadoop application development and associated tools, and developers who understand Hadoop conceptually but want practical examples of real world applications.
Book cover of Litigation Services Handbook

Litigation Services Handbook

The Role of the Financial Expert

by Roman L. Weil, Daniel G. Lentz, Elizabeth A. Evans
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2017

The comprehensive "bible" for financial experts providing litigation support The Litigation Services Handbook is the definitive guide for financial experts engaged in litigation services. Attorneys require financial experts now more than ever, and this book provides the guidance you...
Book cover of Transformational Leadership in Special Education
by Kirby Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2012

Using the principles of transformational leadership, IEP teams become effective tools to ensure student success and achievements. There is a difference of teams that are simply chaired and those that are lead. Teams with transformational leaders promote the best efforts of all participants including...
Book cover of Death to the Witch-Queen!
by P.K. Lentz
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2016

Join a half-mad drifter and a trigger-happy vegetarian cyborg in a Post-Apocalyptic Western Steampunk Space Opera! Williym Blaik may not be smart. Or literate. Or sane. But he knows an opportunity when one falls from the sky in a flash of blue fire and saves his life. In Qilliara, a glitchy...
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