Ll D: 30 books

Book cover of Your Money Ratios

Your Money Ratios

8 Simple Tools for Financial Security at Every Stage of Life

by Charles Farrell, J.D., LL.M
Language: English
Release Date: December 24, 2009

A troubled economy calls for answers. Forget complicated, abstract philosophy—people need sound financial advice that's easy to follow and can be implemented immediately. For the first time, a leading financial adviser has developed a remarkable set of guidelines to give individuals the same kind...
Book cover of Tools & Techniques of Financial Planning
by Stephan Leimberg, Martin Satinsky CPA/PFS, J.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2012

The Tools & Techniques of Financial Planning, 10th edition, is part of the popular Leimberg Library. It continues to provide complete coverage of the principles, processes, and practice of financial planning. This book is a must-have resource for any planner who desires a well-organized approach for...
Book cover of Tools & Tecniques of Income Tax Planning
by Stephan Leimberg, Martin Satinsky CPA/PFS, J.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2012

Complex tax rules are written in everyday language and presented in topic-specific sections.  Tax rules and concepts are broken down into key components and explained with accuracy and detail, making this resource simple enough for new agents, and comprehensive enough to be valuable to more experienced...
Book cover of 2015 Healthcare Reform Facts
by Alson R. Martin, J.D., LL.M.
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2014

Healthcare reform is regulated by a number of different government entities — the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and even state governments.  This makes for a confusing, cobbled together system that is difficult to understand and even...
Book cover of 2014 Field Guide to Financial Planning
by Michael E. Kitces, MSFS, MTAX
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2014

Field Guide to Financial Planning offers step-by-step solutions to hundreds of planning needs and challenges.  It is the definitive guide for agents and financial planners to identify, understand, and employ the concepts and techniques used in financial and wealth management planning.The 2014...
Book cover of Private Security and the Law
by Charles Nemeth, JD, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2011

Private Security and the Law, Fourth Edition, is a unique resource that provides a comprehensive analysis of practices in the security industry as they relate to law, regulation, licensure, and constitutional questions of case and statutory authority. It is an authoritative, scholarly treatise that...
Book cover of The German Labour Market in the Year 2030

The German Labour Market in the Year 2030

A Strategic View on Demography, Employment and Education

by Kurt Vogler-Ludwig, Nicola Düll
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2013

What will be the shape of the German economy and its labour market in 20 years time? Beyond combining qualitative scenarios and mathematical methods in a professional forecast, the report raises the questions how politics, entrepreneurs and the labour force should act in face of demographic change...
Book cover of Das Gaststättenrecht und der Einfluss der Lebensmittel-Hygieneverordnung
by Winfried Düll
Language: German
Release Date: January 3, 2005

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich BWL - Recht, Note: 1,0, Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg, Veranstaltung: Öffentliches Recht, 4 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Gastgewerbe ist, abgesehen von Gewerbeausübungen von geringem Wert eines der ältesten...
Book cover of Florida Elder Law, Medicaid Planning and Estate Planning

Florida Elder Law, Medicaid Planning and Estate Planning

A Guide to Protecting Family and Property

by John R. Frazier, J.D., LL.M.
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

The Right Advice and a Trustworthy Guide Too often, seniors and their families struggle with planning for elder care. Many are simply overwhelmed by the amount of information available, both online and in print. This book serves as a starting point to help you understand what is involved to...
Book cover of Vertriebssysteme direkter und indirekter Vertrieb Vertriebsstufen
by Winfried Düll, Hans Georg Kraus
Language: German
Release Date: January 3, 2005

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich BWL - Handel und Distribution, Note: 2,0, Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg, Veranstaltung: Vertriebspolitik, 5 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Distributionspolitik beschäftigt sich insgesamt mit allen Entscheidungen,...
Book cover of Are You Predestined?

Are You Predestined?

The Words of John Calvin and Martin Luther Compared…Including an Extensive Bibliography

by Harry Audley Flannery B.A. J.D. LL.M
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2015

Death. There has to be more to life; death just cant be the end of it all! Hope. We all keep within our souls, our hearts, and our minds a vision of a future of some kind, a resurrection, a continuation, or an opportunity to see and talk to the loved ones who preceded us. Oh how we hope! God, how...
Book cover of Befristete Arbeitsverträge
by Winfried Düll, Hans Georg Kraus
Language: German
Release Date: January 3, 2005

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich BWL - Recht, Note: 1,0, Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg, Veranstaltung: Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, 15 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das 'Gesetz über arbeitsrechtliche Vorschriften zur Beschäftigungsförderung',...
Book cover of Gute Gene sind kein Zufall

Gute Gene sind kein Zufall

Mit Epigenetik das eigene Erbgut optimieren. Glücklich, schlank und gesund bis ins hohe Alter

by Michaela Döll
Language: German
Release Date: October 30, 2017

Mit Epigenetik die eigenen Gene steuern Jeder Mensch wird mit einer bestimmten Genkonfiguration geboren. Neueste Studien haben die Vorstellung eines starren genetischen Fingerabdrucks jedoch widerlegt. Vielmehr ist es möglich, durch Ernährung und Lebensstil die Aktivität der Gene zu steuern....
Book cover of Europa mit dem Wohnmobil: Die schönsten Routen zwischen Nordkap und Gibraltar. Neu 2019

Europa mit dem Wohnmobil: Die schönsten Routen zwischen Nordkap und Gibraltar. Neu 2019

Der Wohnmobil-Reiseführer mit Straßenatlas, GPS-Koordinaten zu Stellplätzen und Streckenleisten

by Michael Moll, Udo Haafke, Rainer D. Kröll
Language: German
Release Date: April 5, 2019

Auf individuellen Touren führen unsere Wohnmobilexperten Sie durch Europa. Die Detailkarte und Streckenleisten zu jeder Tour helfen bei der Orientierung. Stell- und Campingplätze sind am Ende jeder Tour ausführlich und mit GPS-Koordinaten beschrieben. Auf 25 Wohnmobiltouren Europa entdecken. In...
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