Loretta Napoleoni: 15 books

Book cover of Insurgent Iraq

Insurgent Iraq

Al Zarqawi and the New Generation

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2011

An unparalleled look into the Iraqi insurgency and the multitude of forces that continue to shape it, Insurgent Iraq: Al-Zarqawi and the New Generation presents a chilling account of the regrouping of terror networks, and the development of an Iraqi resistance since the invasion by coalition forces...
Book cover of Maonomics


Why Chinese Communists Make Better Capitalists Than We Do

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2011

The end of the cold war was thought to signal the triumph of Western capitalism over Communism. In Maonomics: Why Chinese Communists Make Better Capitalists than We Do, Napoleoni argues just the opposite: what we are witnessing instead is the beginning of the collapse of capitalism and the victory...
Book cover of Terrorism and the Economy

Terrorism and the Economy

How the War on Terror is Bankrupting the World

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2011

Economist and best-selling author Loretta Napoleoni traces the link between the finances of the war on terror and the global economic crisis, finding connections from Dubai to London to Las Vegas that politicians and the media have at best ignored. In launching military and propaganda wars in the...
Book cover of Rogue Economics
by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2011

What do Eastern Europe's booming sex trade, America's subprime mortgage lending scandal, China’s fake goods industry, and celebrity philanthropy in Africa have in common? With biopirates trolling the blood industry, fish-farming bandits ravaging the high seas, pornography developing virtually in...
Book cover of The Islamist Phoenix

The Islamist Phoenix

The Islamic State (ISIS) and the Redrawing of the Middle East

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2014

An updated edition of The Islamist Phoenix is now available as ISIS: The Terror Nation (978-1-60980-725-2) From its birth in the late 1990s as the jihadist dream of terrorist leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the Islamic State (known by a variety of names, including ISIS, ISIL, and al Qaeda in Iraq)...
Book cover of El fénix islamista

El fénix islamista

El Estado Islámico y el rediseño de Oriente Próximo

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 17, 2015

Desde su aparición a finales de los noventa como aspiración yihadista del líder terrorista Abu Musab al Zarqawi, el Estado Islámico se ha transformado en una imponente empresa que trastoca las fronteras de países de Oriente Próximo e impone su brutal marca de la sharía en una extensa superficie...
Book cover of L'Etat islamique

L'Etat islamique

Multinationale de la violence

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: French
Release Date: February 11, 2015

« Connais ton ennemi » reste l’adage le plus important dans la lutte contre le terrorisme. Si l’État islamique est présenté le plus souvent, dans les journaux occidentaux, comme un gang de criminels enchaînant les victoires, l’experte en terrorisme Loretta Napoleoni nous rappelle que l’ambition...
Book cover of Marchands d'humains
by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: French
Release Date: September 14, 2016

Chaque jour, des milliers de réfugiés tentent de fuir leur pays pour atteindre les côtes méditerranéennes de l’Europe. Ils remettent leur vie entre les mains de ceux qui profitent de l’instabilité : les kidnappeurs, les contrebandiers et les djihadistes. Dans cette enquête sans précédent,...
Book cover of 10 Years That Shook the World

10 Years That Shook the World

A Timeline of Events from 2001

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2011

September 11, 2001, is considered the main event, but the changes of the decade go far beyond the menace of terrorism and the war on terror. The technological revolution, the wide use of the Internet, and the advent of social media are just some of the innovations that grew to define the decade. The...
Book cover of Traficantes de personas

Traficantes de personas

El negocio de los secuestros y la crisis de los refugiados

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 18, 2016

¿Volverá Occidente a cosechar los frutos del caos político que sembró en su propio jardín? Napoleoni, con su estilo incisivo y crítico, nos propone un trabajo periodístico de primer orden llevado a cabo durante más de 10 años que pone de manifiesto cómo el Estado Islámico y otros grupos...
Book cover of Menschenhändler


Die Schattenwirtschaft des islamistischen Terrorismus

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: German
Release Date: September 8, 2016

Die Menschen, die zu Tausenden an Europas Küsten stranden, fliehen vor dem Krieg in Syrien und Irak, und sie legen ihr Schicksal dafür ausgerechnet in die Hände der Nutznießer dieses Kriegs: Kidnapper, Schmuggler, Dschihadisten. Im Zentrum des Machtvakuums, das die Interventionen des Westens nach...
Book cover of Der Flächenbrand der Empörung

Der Flächenbrand der Empörung

Wie die Finanzkrise unsere Demokratien revolutioniert

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: German
Release Date: August 27, 2012

Eine glasklare Analyse der bevorstehenden politischen Umwälzungen infolge der Finanzkrise Ein Virus geht um und ist dabei, die ganze Welt zu infizieren. 2001 trat es zum ersten mal auf, als sich neue südamerikanische Regierungen dem Regime der Globalisierung widersetzten. 2011 flammte der...
Book cover of Merchants of Men

Merchants of Men

How Jihadists and ISIS Turned Kidnapping and Refugee Trafficking into a Multi-Billion Dollar Business

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2016

A powerful and sophisticated underground business delivers thousands of refugees a day all along the Mediterranean coasts of Europe. The new breed of criminals that controls it has risen out of the political chaos of post-9/11 Western foreign policy and the fiasco of the Arab Spring. These merchants...
Book cover of Die Rückkehr des Kalifats

Die Rückkehr des Kalifats

Der Islamische Staat und die Neuordnung des Nahen Ostens

by Loretta Napoleoni
Language: German
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Im Schatten der weltpolitischen Ereignisse zwischen 9/11 und Arabischem Frühling ist die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat zu einer Organisation herangewachsen, die heute im Begriff ist, die politische Landkarte des Nahen Ostens neu zu ordnen. Wie konnte es so weit kommen? Und was bedeutet die Rückkehr des Kalifats für den Westen und die arabische Welt?
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