Lukas: 447 books

Book cover of Building Data Centers with VXLAN BGP EVPN

Building Data Centers with VXLAN BGP EVPN

A Cisco NX-OS Perspective

by David Jansen, Lukas Krattiger, Shyam Kapadia
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

The complete guide to building and managing next-generation data center network fabrics with VXLAN and BGP EVPN This is the only comprehensive guide and deployment reference for building flexible data center network fabrics with VXLAN and BGP EVPN technologies. Writing for experienced network...
Book cover of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex And Feminism
by Carrie L. Lukas
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2006

The latest in the "New York Times" bestselling series is the perfect antidote to the lies told in boardrooms, locker rooms, and universities that are brainwashing young women every day.
Book cover of 廁所裡的哲學課:每天14分鐘,跟著蘇格拉底、笛卡兒、尼采等13位世界哲人,秒懂100個最經典的哲學思維
by 亞當.弗萊徹(Adam Fletcher)、盧卡斯.NP.艾格(Lukas N.P. Egger)、康拉德.柯列弗(Konrad Clever)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 5, 2017

◆使用警語:「如廁時閱讀請慎重考慮,有50%的讀者笑死在馬桶上;49%的讀者欲罷不能,坐太久而得痔瘡!」——螺絲拜恩(暢銷書人氣作家) ◎13大哲學家+100堂這輩子一定要搞懂的哲學思辨課,現正開課中! ◎奧地利哲學家+英國幽默作家聯手合作,每天14分鐘,幫助你快速掌握哲學史的大小事 ◎哲學家學派、主張、名言、軼事一把抓,完整圖解,一看就懂! 誰適合讀這本書? .每天都會蹲馬桶的人 .想聽起來很聰明的人  .想了解哲學到底是什麼的人 .想透過哲學,解開人生疑問的人 .學生、上班族、家庭主婦、無業者 平均來說,我們每天會花14分鐘蹲馬桶,既然如此,何不善用蹲馬桶的寶貴時間,學點真正有用的東西? 哲學是一個很有趣的學科,但是大家常被各種學派及理論搞得昏頭轉向,這邊一個尼采,那邊一個康德,還有蘇格拉底……究竟該聽誰的? 倫敦禿頭男+奧地利哲學家決定聯手合作,盡一己之力普渡眾生!兩人從古今中外兩千多年的歷史中,選出13位世界哲人,設計出100堂課,用白話文解釋你這輩子一定得搞清楚的哲學思維,帶領大家打開哲學的大門。 【精選課程預告】 哲學到底是什麼? 哲學家的樣貌 柏拉圖和蘇格拉底的關係? 哪位哲學家強調小確幸的重要性? 尼采的「超人」說,到底在說什麼? 「我思故我在」真正的意涵是? 何謂「邪惡的平庸性」? 當蘇格拉底化身為專欄作家…… 所謂的「斯多葛學派」是什麼意思?電影裡有哪些名人是此派擁護者? 【本書特色】 ◎13大哲學家,完整收錄 蘇格拉底 柏拉圖...
Book cover of Landpower in the Long War

Landpower in the Long War

Projecting Force After 9/11

by Lukas Milevski, Peter R. Mansoor, Joel Hillison
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2019

War and landpower's role in the twenty-first century is not just about military organizations, tactics, operations, and technology; it is also about strategy, policy, and social and political contexts. After fourteen years of war in the Middle East with dubious results, a diminished national reputation,...
Book cover of Hard & Heart 6: Die Auster in der Löwengrube
by Sara-Maria Lukas
Language: German
Release Date: February 16, 2018

Doreen fühlt nichts. Egal, ob sie Romane liest, die andere Frauen zu Tränen rühren, oder den spektakulärsten Männern begegnet, bei denen sie ein nasses Höschen bekommen sollte - sie bleibt kalt. Sie weiß, dass sie der Ursache auf den Grund gehen sollte, wagt sich jedoch nicht. Als ihre Freundin...
Book cover of So long, Butterfly!
by Sara-Maria Lukas
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Jason Carter hat in New York als Undercover-Cop gearbeitet. Nachdem er während eines Einsatzes bei der Entführung und Vergewaltigung einer jungen Touristin aktiv teilnehmen musste, hat er den Job gekündigt und ist mit seinen Brüdern nach Deutschland ausgewandert. Bis heute belastet es ihn, dass...
Book cover of Cool down, Püppchen!
by Sara-Maria Lukas
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2017

Michelle ist verheiratet mit dem reichen Patrick, der zu Beginn ihrer Ehe ihre Sehnsucht nach Dominanz und Unterwerfung auf eine väterlich liebevolle Art erfüllte. Das ist allerdings lange vorbei, die Ehe unglücklich. Als sie von vier raubeinigen Brüdern auf einen einsamen Hof an der Elbe entführt...
Book cover of Perry Rhodan Lemuria 4: The First Immortal
by Leo Lukas
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2016

Perry Rhodan has discovered a huge space ship, an ark in space, carrying a population of humans who set out on their journey 55,000 years ago, from Earth - Lemurians, the legendary forefathers of mankind. In order to find all the arks, Perry Rhodan embarks onto a mission to the home system of the...
Book cover of Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

The Quiz Book from Pattie about My World to Purpose

by Lukas Timson
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2018

Can you answer the following questions? What was Justin Bieber's debut single? What is Justin Bieber's first tattoo? Which ice hockey team is Justin's favorite team? How much do you know about Justin Bieber? Are you good at doing quiz? Are you ready to take the challenge to test your intelligence?...
Book cover of China’s Grand Strategy

China’s Grand Strategy

Contradictory Foreign Policy?

by Lukas K. Danner
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

This book describes the main contradictions in China’s actions on the world stage—peaceful vs. assertive—through a culturally informed framework that takes into account China’s historical memory and political culture. The author analyzes nine cases, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment...
Book cover of Managing the Electronic Government

Managing the Electronic Government

From Vision to Practice

by Kuno Schedler, Lukas Summermatter, Bernhard Schmidt
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2004

This book provides an insight into the possibilities that socalled “Electronic Government” has to offer. It demonstrates the elements belonging to the concept of EGovernment and acts as a point of reference for those aiming to implement it. Checklists and lists of questions enable selfassessment...
Book cover of Media and Democracy. Participation and Depoliticization
by Lukas Habib
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2014

Seminar paper from the year 2013 in the subject Communications - Media and Politics, Politic Communications, grade: 1,0, University of Frankfurt (Main), language: English, abstract: Without any doubt, the procedures of political work and public exercise of influence had been changed by the rise of...
Book cover of The EU - Africa Relationship

The EU - Africa Relationship

Development Strategies and Policies of the EU for Africa

by Lukas Neubauer
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2010

Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Development Politics, grade: 1,0, University of Economics, Prague (Faculty of International Relations), course: Africa in International Relations, language: English, abstract: In the sense of most people poverty,...
Book cover of The Doha Round - Ambitious Aims, Enduring Impasse

The Doha Round - Ambitious Aims, Enduring Impasse

Ambitious Aims, Enduring Impasse

by Lukas Geise
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2008

Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: International Organisations, grade: 22 out of 25 points, 88%, Concordia University Montreal (University of Ottawa: Telfer School of Management), 13 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: During...
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