M D: 4040 books

Book cover of 意識宇宙簡史:人類生命本質的九大奧祕
by 狄帕克.喬布拉(Deepak Chopra, M.D.),米納斯.卡法托斯(Menas Kafatos, Ph.D.)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 11, 2018

我們都是實相的創造者 暢銷書《超腦零極限》作者狄帕克‧喬布拉****醫師 國際知名物理學家米納斯**.**卡法托斯教授 結合生物醫學、量子物理學**、**地球物理學及宇宙學專業 攜手探討──心念是否創造了實相? ** ** 我們的心念與宇宙心念相融合。 所有生物和惰性物質,都參與在宇宙的意識中。   人類的心念為何有創造性?因為宇宙有創造性。 人類的心念為何會進化?因為演化是根植在宇宙本身之中。 為何我們的生命有意義?因為大自然的過程就是朝向目標與真相的驅動。 所有事的關鍵是:宇宙的心念驅動一切,並賦予目的。   就在這個當下,宇宙正透過你在思考。 ** ** ◎宇宙將被重新定義為「人類宇宙」 書中呈現了九個現今科學界所面對的最大及最難解的謎題: 在宇宙大爆炸之前是什麼?為何宇宙貼合得如此完美? 時間是從哪裡來的?宇宙是由什麼構成的?宇宙是否經過設計? 量子世界是否與日常生命相連結?我們是否住在有意識的宇宙中? 生命是怎麼開始的?大腦創造出心念嗎? ──目的是要展現:這是個參與的宇宙,其存在仰賴人類的共同意識。   毫無意義的宇宙塵埃,如何產生「人體」這個讓你用來追逐生命中有意義事物的載具? 視人類為冰冷空虛的空洞中意外的塵埃,並受到隨機性絕對的控制,就跟說「讓一百隻猴子在打字機上亂打字,最後會打出整套莎士比亞著作」一樣,是行不通的。 ** ** 目前的宇宙學家堅持認為,早期的宇宙必然是透過隨機的機率發展出來的。沒有設計師,更沒有幕後的設計者。科學的創造故事都將任何形式的神排除在外。但你要如何將不可置信的人類DNA的排序,及其三十億種基本化學單位,以一顆宇宙炸藥開啟?秩序是如何從混沌中產生出來的?   ◎你所看見的實相,都仰賴著你 諾貝爾獎得主,神經學家約翰.埃克爾斯(Sir...
Book cover of The Wisdom of Healing

The Wisdom of Healing

A Natural Mind Body Program for Optimal Wellness

by David Simon, M.D., Deepak Chopra
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2012

The Wisdom of Healing, by David Simon, M.D., is an engaging, thoroughly practical guide to the many benefits of mind body medicine, in particular those derived from the ancient Indian medical system known as Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, David Simon has found a system based on individuality--on our unique...
Book cover of Nutripuncture


Stimulating the Energy Pathways of the Body Without Needles

by Patrick Veret, M.D., Cristina Cuomo
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2011

A revolutionary nutrient therapy that stimulates the energetic pathways of the body to improve physical and psychological health--without needles • Explains how Nutripuncture accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities through the meridian system of traditional Chinese medicine •...
Book cover of Toxemia Explained: The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease (Revised Edition)
by Dr. J. H. Tilden M.d.
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2016

WHAT more can be asked by any doctor or layman than a philosophy of the cause of disease that gives a perfect understanding of all the so-called diseases? To know cause supplies even the layman with a dependable knowledge of how to avoid building disease, and how to cure. When people know how to avoid...
Book cover of The Mother's Signature

The Mother's Signature

A Journal of Dreams

by Dr. Bernard W. Bail, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2015

In The Mother’s Signature, Dr. Bernard W. Bail, M.D. describes with amazing clarity and insight his discovery, gleaned through sixty years as a psychoanalyst, of how our unconscious through our dreams reveals the process by which we become who we are. Using his groundbreaking psychoanalytic method...
Book cover of Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions in Minerals
by G.H. Wolf, T. Brückel, S. Ghose
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Book cover of Essential Neuropharmacology

Essential Neuropharmacology

The Prescriber's Guide

by Stephen D. Silberstein, M.D., Michael J. Marmura
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2010

Essential Neuropharmacology: The Prescriber's Guide expertly reviews the most important medications used by neurologists in their practice. Experienced clinicians share their expert knowledge about the best use of medications in patient care. Each drug listing contains the range of indications, their...
Book cover of How to Stop Heartburn

How to Stop Heartburn

Simple Ways to Heal Heartburn and Acid Reflux

by Anil Minocha, M.D., Christine Adamec
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2008

Relief at Last for the Millions of Chronic Heartburn Sufferers Written by an internationally recognized expert on digestive diseases, this much-needed book brings relief to the tens of millions who suffer from the pain of severe heartburn almost daily. If you find yourself dependent on antacids,...
Book cover of Parent's Ear Infection Cookbook: Medical Recipes for Avoiding Surgery
by Howard G. Smith, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2011

This how-to book teaches parents that there are healthier, more effective ways to solve their children's ear infection problems than surgery or repeated courses of ever stronger antibiotics. Today's standard therapy is not preventive but reactive. Kids typically have each ear infection treated with...
Book cover of Dark Moors, YA Version (The Two Vampires, Book 4)
by M.D. Bowden
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

A Dark Tale of Blood, Power and Magic. Romantic, compelling and brimming with sexual tension, 'Dark Moors, YA Version (The Two Vampires, Book 4)' will imprint on your mind and leave you with a thirst for more. "She gave into his kiss, letting her body melt into his, becoming putty...
Book cover of Valkyrie's Song
by M.D. Lachlan
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2015

M.D. Lachlan's brooding and powerful tales of Vikings, Norse gods and werewolves have already won praise from, amongst others, Joe Abercrombie, Adam Roberts, Mike Carey and Chris Wooding. With an original and terrifying take on magic, an ability to bring the Norse gods to vivid life on the...
Book cover of Acid Reflux & Heartburn In 30 Minutes

Acid Reflux & Heartburn In 30 Minutes

A guide to acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD for patients and families

by J. Thomas Lamont M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

NEW FOR 2018! If you or a family member are among the millions of people suffering from heartburn, acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you are dealing with discomfort that impacts eating, sleeping, and other aspects of daily life. In Acid Reflux & Heartburn In 30 Minutes, author,...
Book cover of Health Education for Young Adults

Health Education for Young Adults

A Community Outreach Program

by Fabrizia Faustinella M.D. Ph.D., Raye Hurwitz M.D. M.P.H.
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2017

Health Education for Young Adults addresses preventive medical and behavioral issues of great importance in adolescence. The book is not intended to be an exhaustive review of medical diseases or an encyclopedia but rather an overview of problems that are critical to teenagers and adolescents in this...
Book cover of Acid Reflux in Children

Acid Reflux in Children

How Healthy Eating Can Fix Your Child's Asthma, Allergies, Obesity, Nasal Congestion, Cough & Croup

by Jamie Koufman M.D., F.A.C.S., Julie L. Wei M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2018

A Parent’s Guide to Reflux in Infants, Children & Teens “Meeting Dr. Jamie Koufman completely changed my life. My symptoms of chronic cough and shortness of breath had been diagnosed since my childhood as asthma. Dr. Koufman identified that I had reflux, not asthma, and guided me step by...
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