Mabel: 208 books

Book cover of The Flaming Sword in Serbia and Elsewhere
by Mabel Annie Boulton Stobart
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2013

The Flaming Sword in Serbia and Elsewhere
Book cover of La luce sul sentiero

La luce sul sentiero

Trattato scritto ad uso di coloro che ignorano la sapienza orientale e desiderano riceverne l'influenza

by Mabel Collins
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 18, 2015

Il trattato "Luce sul Sentiero" è un libro classico tra gli Occultisti ed è la migliore guida che si conosca per coloro che hanno fatto il primo passo sul Sentiero del Conseguimento. Come tutti i Mistici l'Autore ha steso un velo sul reale significato delle Regole, di modo che per colui...
Book cover of Neurogenetic Diagnoses

Neurogenetic Diagnoses

The Power of Hope and the Limits of Today’s Medicine

by Carole H. Browner, Mabel H. Preloran
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2009

As world populations continue to age, the incidence of very common, ultimately fatal neurodegenerative diseases (some of medicine’s most puzzling illnesses) will increase exponentially. Neurogenetic Diagnoses, the Power of Hope, and the Limits of Today’s Medicine explores the diverse impacts and...
Book cover of United Again: Book Four in the Montana Series
by Mabel G. Ebner
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2014

In this fourth book of the Montana Series, dreams, as well as unusual circumstances set several events in motion. Leaving for Canada late in the season could prove fatal, yet they head out with high hopes. Would they reach the new settlement before being caught in the deadly snows of the season, or would they become trapped in a blinding blizzard and perish? Only time will tell.
Book cover of A Brave New Tomorrow: Book 2 in the Montana Series
by Mabel G. Ebner
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2013

Fort Owen is closed and as its people prepare to head to Canada, they interact with the people of Missoula when they go for supplies. The owners of the Bluebird Saloon find themselves stalked and shot at as they deal with their father’s murder. Find out what happens to these courageous frontier...
Book cover of Dimensiones del latinoamericanismo
by Mabel Moraña
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 20, 2018

Entre otros, los temas de memoria, testimonialismo, migración, realismo mágico, descolonización, cómics, "nuevo cine" e identidad reciben en este libro un tratamiento nuevo, que incorpora ángulos críticos y teóricos que permiten replantear problemas ya presentes y visualizar aspectos...
Book cover of Cornwall's Wonderland
by Mabel Quiller-Couch
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

HOW CORINEUS FOUGHT THE CHIEF OF THE GIANTS. Long, long ago, when Cornwall was almost a desert land, cold, bleak, and poor, and inhabited only by giants, who had destroyed and eaten all the smaller people, Brutus and Corineus came with a large Trojan army intending to conquer England, or Albion as it...
Book cover of Aborto


Aspectos normativos, jurídicos y discursivos

by Ana de Miguel Álvarez, Mabel Campagnoli, Julieta Arosteguy
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 5, 2018

Mucho se ha escrito sobre el tema que aborda este libro; no obstante, no ha sido lo suficiente como para que se superen ciertos enconos, se dejen de lado inconducentes banalizaciones, falsas conjeturas, ideas y analogías que dan sustento a posicionamientos erróneos que dañan y vulneran un reconocimiento...
Book cover of Huracán Otto, la noche que duró muchos días
by Carlos Rubio, Mabel Morvillo, Floria Jiménez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 29, 2018

Querido lector, con la compra de este libro estás colaborando en el desarrollo de proyectos de solidaridad con la niñez en la región de Upala, Alajuela, que fue afectada por el paso del Huracán Otto en 2016, pues se donará parte de los beneficios a instituciones u obras de carácter cultura,...
Book cover of Cuentos con dos cielos y un sol
by Mabel Morvillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 29, 2017

"Cuentos con dos cielos y un sol" reúne ocho cuentos diversos que proponen unos valores que, a veces, los seres humanos olvidamos: el amor, la solidaridad, la sencillez, la honestidad, el trabajo. Cada cuento lleva, al final, algunas propuestas de actividades divertidas para que los lectores...
Book cover of Los habitantes de la brisa
by Mabel Morvillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 29, 2018

Estos relatos, sus historias, sus personajes, se entretejen con algunos hilos de fantasía y muchos de magia; son cuentos simples, a veces poéticos, que hablan de cosas de la vida, del futuro, de tiempos que fueron o que nunca serán, para invitarnos a viajar. Sí: desde la esquina por donde asoma...
Book cover of Fachpflege Gerontopsychiatrie
by Heike Bänsch, Jan-Pierre Breuer, Bruni Bubel-Charlier
Language: German
Release Date: September 13, 2012

Gerontopsychiatrisch oder psychiatrisch betroffene Menschen prägen heute häufig das Arbeitsfeld der Pflege in der Altenhilfe und im Krankenhaus. Dadurch verändert sich der Anspruch an die Fachkompetenz der Pflegefachkräfte. Das Fachwissen Gerontopsychiatrie in einem Buch:Lästiges Nachschlagen...
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