Manuel: 1971 books

Book cover of Eu ben vin, virivín
by Manuel Rico Verea
Language: Galician
Release Date: October 11, 2018

Este libro compendia as prosodias, rimas, recitados, fórmulas máxicas e encadeados máis representativos do cancioneiro de tradición oral infantil que nos falan do mundo dos animais e que, por seren transmitidos de xeración en xeración, están moi ligados á cultura popular e ás veces a ritos...
Book cover of Viaje del Cuzco a Belén en el Gran Pará
by José Manuel Valdez y Palacios
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Viaje del Cuzco a Belén en el Gran Pará relata las peripecias de la vida de José Manuel Valdez y Palacios, quien huyó del Cuzco en 1843 tras unos disturbios. Su casa fue asaltada y saqueada y sus bienes confiscados durante una revuelta, por lo que tuvo que escapar hacia la frontera de Brasil....
Book cover of Cassandrita Y Los Sabios

Cassandrita Y Los Sabios

De Los 10 Mandamientos Y Filosofia

by Manuel Silva Escalera
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 4, 2012

Esta pequea obra es un dilogo dirigido a nios y nias, y en el cual enlazo los Diez Mandamientos de Dios con temas de mis filsofos favoritos: Scrates, Ren Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Conny Mndez y otros. Soy de la opinin que en la Sagrada Biblia y ciertos libros de filosofa existen pensamientos...
Book cover of The Summer of the Marco Polo
by Lynn Manuel
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2007

In the summer of 1883 a famous clipper ship ran aground off the coast of Prince Edward Island near the home of a young girl named Lucy Maud Montgomery. Lucy Maud, who became one of Canada's most beloved writers, wrote about the grand adventure in her journals and reflected on it years later in her...
Book cover of The Buenos Aires Quintet
by Manuel Vazquez Montalban
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2012

Assignment: Finding one of Argentina's 30,000 "Disappeared" ... likely outcome: Becoming one yourself. The Argentine army's "Dirty War" disappeared 30,000 people, and the last thing Pepe Carvalho wants is to investigate one of the vanished, even if that missing person is...
Book cover of El entrenamiento A/B MFQH para fuerza y masa muscular
by Manuel Bento Falcón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 5, 2016

¿Cansado de interminables rutinas en el gimnasio que dan poco o ningún resultado? ¿Que tal si fuese posible ganar una gran cantidad de fuerza y musculatura solo con tres sesiones semanales?Elegir los ejercicios adecuados y trabajar con un aumento progresivo de dificultad es la clave para...
Book cover of Atomic Heart
by Manuel Alves
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2012

At the core of the Industrial Revolution the world is on the verge of extraordinary technological advancements. A new and powerful energy source rises to dethrone the generalized use of steam. In the right hands, the new power source can speed up Mankind’s development but on the wrong hands it can destroy the world.
Book cover of Trump: Against All Odds!
by Manuel Braschi
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2017

Donald J. Trump is an American entrepreneur, television personality and President - Elect of the United States. Very few people took Donald Trump's political campaign seriously when he ran for president of The United States of America. Against all odds, this amazing businessman was able to defeat...
Book cover of Goal Setting - Find Your Passion & Achieve Your Potential! Discover Effective Strategies To Accomplish Your Dreams!
by Manuel Braschi
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Introduction Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in life while others are destined for mediocrity? Well a big part of succeeding in life is to know exactly what you want and taking continuous action towards achieving it. Unfortunately, most people do not know what they want....
Book cover of The Ultimate Mindset Strategies For Success
by Manuel Braschi
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2018

Dear Friend: Have you ever wondered what makes some people more successful than others? Want to know their Success Secrets? It's really simple. You can either choose to grow and flourish into a better version of you or choose to decay into oblivion.  The highly successful people thrive...
Book cover of Memoirs of a Militia Sergeant
by Manuel Antonio de Almeida; Ronald W. Sousa; Thomas H. Holloway; Flora Sussekind
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 1999

Recognized as a turning point in Brazilian literature, this entertaining novel of urban manners follows the ne'er-do-well Leonardo through his various romantic liaisons and frequent scrapes with the law. First printed in weekly installments in 1852, and later published in two volumes in 1854-55, Memoirs...
Book cover of Philosophical Chemistry

Philosophical Chemistry

Genealogy of a Scientific Field

by Professor Manuel DeLanda
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2015

Philosophical Chemistry furthers Manuel DeLanda's revolutionary intervention in the philosophy of science and science studies. Against a monadic and totalizing understanding of science, DeLanda's historicizing investigation traces the centrality of divergence, specialization and hybridization through...
Book cover of On Weaving

On Weaving

New Expanded Edition

by Anni Albers, Manuel Cirauqui, T`ai Smith
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2017

The classic book on the art and history of weaving—now expanded and in full color Written by one of the twentieth century’s leading textile artists, this splendidly illustrated book is a luminous meditation on the art of weaving, its history, its tools and techniques, and its implications...
Book cover of Paula Rego's Map of Memory

Paula Rego's Map of Memory

National and Sexual Politics

by Maria Manuel Lisboa
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2017

This title was first published in 2003. The artist Paula Rego was born in Portugal but has lived in Britain since 1951. In this well-illustrated book, Maria Manuel Lisboa explores the background behind Rego's decision to leave the land of her birth and, in doing so, provides fascinating insights into...
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