Mara: 571 books

Book cover of REvolution
by Mara Bosley
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2012

Jade Drake could be a typical eighteen-year-old girl. But she’s not. Her heritage places her into an alchemy background with more mystery and confusion than she likes. She leaves her grandmother’s home with her best friend and colleague, Ethan, in search of her missing father and some answers....
Book cover of Beautiful as the Sky
by K.M. del Mara
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

His heart was as black as the Earl of Hell's waistcoat. Or so he believes. And so he lives, until remorse begins to dog his footsteps. One bad decision made when Rafe Mesola was a very young man colors his whole life. But would a true scoundrel feel this amount of pain? When his friends lie dead and...
Book cover of Willow Oak
by K.M. del Mara
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2018

The willow knows what the oak does not. The story of Willow Oak begins on the eve of the American Revolution and concerns two young girls, sisters in a New York city family who are loyal to the British crown. As war threatens, their father decides the family must flee to Montreal. This does...
Book cover of Almost Friends
by E.J. Mara
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Swamp Rose is a small town that’s been shrouded in mystery ever since a vigilante called “Unseen” began making headlines. Unseen uses seemingly supernatural abilities to thwart criminals and rescue their innocent victims. But Almost Friends isn’t about a superhero named Unseen, it’s about...
Book cover of Fisiologia del fumatore

Fisiologia del fumatore

Physiologie du fumeur

by Théodose Burette, Mara Bevilacqua
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 20, 2015

Sigarette, sigari, pipe di diversa forma e fattura. Tabacchi forti, tabacchi sensuali, dolci o aromatici. Fumatori alle prime armi, fumatori esperti, buongustai e infimi consumatori. Tra occasioni mondane e raduni privati, lo storico Théodose Burette costruisce una serie di tableau vivant il cui...
Book cover of Ueberreuter Lesebuch Kinder- und Jugendbuch Herbst 2016
by Andrea Jacobi, Martin Widmark, Sarah Forbes
Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Beinhaltet Leseproben folgender Herbstnovitäten 2016 des Ueberreuter Kinder- und Jugendbuchprogramms: Andrea Jacobi, Kastanienallee 8 – Annas Geheimnis (ab 7) Martin Widmark, Detektivbüro LasseMaja: Das Feuerwehrgeheimnis (ab 8) Sarah Forbes, Elsa Zart und die Schule für Aufschneider und Hochstapler...
Book cover of The Hypocrites

The Hypocrites

A Novel in Short Stories

by Mara K. Eton
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2014

Through the haze, the truth is revealed On the surface, Hempstead is a typical Midwestern small town. But glance past the manicured lawns, and youll find the people of the cannabis underground. Some are dealers, and some wear suits to pay for their lifestyle. But one is about to send the world up in...
Book cover of Mission Unendlichkeit - Das 1529 Science Fiction Abenteuer Paket
by Alfred Bekker, Hendrik M. Bekker, Mara Laue
Language: German
Release Date: January 24, 2018

Mission Unendlichkeit - Das 1529 Seiten Science Fiction Abenteuer Paket Expeditionen zu fernen Welten, die Begegnung mit Alien-Kulturen, galaktische Kriege zwischen Sternenreichen von unermesslicher Weite - darum geht es in den Science Fiction Abenteuern dieses Buches. Die Bestimmung des Menschen...
Book cover of Knuddelinchen und Alboli
by Mara Laue
Language: German
Release Date: October 13, 2015

Knuddelinchen und Alboli Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Toleranz von Mara Laue Der Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 60 Taschenbuchseiten. Im Dorf Toleranzia leben Tiere der unterschiedlichsten Art mit Hexen und Feen, Drachen und Gespenstern friedlich und glücklich zusammen....
Book cover of Woman Chief

Woman Chief

Kampf gegen die Blackfeet

by Mara Laue
Language: German
Release Date: October 11, 2016

Eine Frau wird Häuptling - sie entscheidet den Kampf zwischen den Stämmen Die junge 'Lone Eagle Woman' lebt als Adoptivtochter eines Kriegshäuptlings im Stamme der Crow. Sie liebt die Dinge, die eigentlich Sache der Männer sind: die Jagd und das Kämpfen. Ihr größter Wunsch ist es, selbst einmal...
Book cover of Incest Fantasies and Self-Destructive Acts

Incest Fantasies and Self-Destructive Acts

Jungian and Post-Jungian Psychotherapy in Adolescence

by Mara Sidoli
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2017

Mainstream analysts working in the Jungian tradition have largely neglected adolescents. Mara Sidoli and Gustav Bovensiepen remedy that omission by showing how and why psychological and physical abuse suffered by young children erupts in violent and destructive behavior against the self and others....
Book cover of Rêves de plaisir (Harlequin Audace)
by Mara Fox
Language: French
Release Date: July 1, 2008

Rêves de plaisir, Mara Fox Depuis qu'à la faveur d'une escale, un mystérieux inconnu l'a rejointe dans sa cabine pour l'initier aux infinies variantes du plaisir amoureux, Emma ne rêve que d'une chose : retrouver cet homme, sentir de nouveau sa peau contre la sienne et s'abandonner à la...
Book cover of Political Stability and Sustainability as Key Success Factors in Developing Malaysia
by Perdana Leadership Foundation, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2017

Before Malaya's independence in 1957, the British segregated the Malays from the non-Malays for the British administration's own political and economic benefits, the outcome of which was a lack of inter-ethnic interaction and harmony. The communities were driven further apart by ethnic-specific economic...
Book cover of Disegnare idee immagini n° 49 / 2014

Disegnare idee immagini n° 49 / 2014

Rivista semestrale del Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura Sapienza Università di Roma

by Mara Capone, Riccardo Migliari, Fabio Quici
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Editoriale di Mario Docci Attualità dell’analisi grafica Editorial by Mario Docci The topical nature of graphical analysis Ruggero Lenci I sette punti dell’architettura umanistica The seven points of humanistic architecture Fernando Linares García L’architettura vernacolare sulle montagne...
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