Marco: 2813 books

Book cover of La stella di pietra

La stella di pietra

Le avventure di Oswald Breil e Sara Terracini

by Marco Buticchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 26, 2013

Un simbolo sinonimo di terrore e morte. Un mistero scolpito nel marmo. Qual è il prezzo della verità? È il 1985 e un'intera nazione, l’Italia, è da tempo sull’orlo della destabilizzazione. A provocare questo stato di tensione è un semplice simbolo: una stella a cinque...
Book cover of Archon
by Marco Alfaroli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2013

«Trecento anni fa, alcuni dissidenti politici fuggirono dalla Terra a bordo di un cargo spaziale. Raggiunsero il pianeta che il nostro Imperatore ha chiamato Arconte. Di loro non si seppe più nulla, fino a oggi. Le nostre spie in missione osservativa occultata hanno riportato le seguenti informazioni:...
Book cover of La danza degli spettri quantistici/L'occhio delle stelle
by Marco Moretti, Giovanni De Matteo, Sandro Battisti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2010

Due dei racconti più rappresentativi del Connettivismo con il curatore della rivista NeXT Sandro Battisti e il Premio Urania Giovanni De Matteo. L'evoluzione dell'orrore di Lovecraft proiettata nel futuro e un impero connettivo sullo sfondo di una fuga quantistica.
Book cover of Ptaxghu6
by Sandro Battisti, Marco Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 15, 2015

Nelle profondità remote di un sistema solare, l'Impero Connettivo assiste alla nascita di una nuova forma di vita da assorbire nel suo dominio. Le estensioni zen dell'esistenza si scontrano con le esigenze belliche dello Stato esteso sul tempo e sullo spazio, nessun impero è paragonabile a esso,...
Book cover of Feedora
by Marco Germani
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 23, 2017

Noi siamo quello che mangiamo. E il futuro che ci aspetta è un incubo dalle fauci spalancate pronte a divorarci. Cosa accadrebbe se un singolo aspetto della nostra società diventasse il cardine attorno al quale tutto ruota? Se tutto ciò che compone la società diventasse una derivazione di questo...
Book cover of Como si lo estuviera viendo

Como si lo estuviera viendo

El recuerdo en imágenes

by Salvador Rubio Marco
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 17, 2015

En el caso de la imagen mnemónica, tenemos primero la tentación de pensarla como una huella perceptiva (almacenada en y recuperada por nuestra cabeza, no se sabe muy bien cómo) que funciona por pura correspondencia con aquello a lo que remite (modelo de la memoria como depósito). Luego tenemos...
Book cover of The Neuroscientific Basis of Successful Design

The Neuroscientific Basis of Successful Design

How Emotions and Perceptions Matter

by Marco Maiocchi
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

The term “design” today encompasses attributes of artifacts that go beyond their intended functions, imbuing them with new meanings. Those meanings are deeply related to the emotions perceived by the users. This book investigates the findings deriving from the neurosciences that are relevant to...
Book cover of Managing international Teams and Workforce Diversity
by Marco Erlenkamp
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2006

Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,7, niversity of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven; Emden, course: International Human Resource Management, 11 entries in the bibliography, language: English,...
Book cover of Planning on the Edge
by Nick Gallent, Johan Andersson, Marco Bianconi
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2006

More than a tenth of the land mass of the UK comprises 'urban fringe': the countryside around towns that has been called 'planning's last frontier'. One of the key challenges facing spatial planners is the land-use management of this area, regarded by many as fit only for locating sewage works, essential...
Book cover of The Golden Crossroads

The Golden Crossroads

Multidisciplinary Findings for Business Success from the Worlds of Fine Arts, Design and Culture

by Marco Bevolo
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2009

This book looks at the field of fine arts, design and culture as an alternative source of inspiration for ways to work. It is a book about a better future for brand marketing and business leadership, thanks to the dreams and the visions of artists, designers and other creative industry leaders.
Book cover of Introduction to Computer Graphics

Introduction to Computer Graphics

A Practical Learning Approach

by Fabio Ganovelli, Massimiliano Corsini, Sumanta Pattanaik
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2014

Teach Your Students How to Create a Graphics ApplicationIntroduction to Computer Graphics: A Practical Learning Approach guides students in developing their own interactive graphics application. The authors show step by step how to implement computer graphics concepts and theory using the EnvyMyCar (NVMC) framework as a consistent example throughou
Book cover of Arduino Home Automation Projects
by Marco Schwartz
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2014

This book is divided into projects that are explained in a step-by-step format, with practical instructions that are easy to follow. If you want to build your own home automation systems wirelessly using the Arduino platform, this is the book for you. You will need to have some basic experience in Arduino and general programming languages, such as C and C++ to understand the projects in this book.
Book cover of Internet of Things with the Arduino Yún
by Marco Schwartz
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2014

All projects are explained in a step-by-step manner, always starting with the assembly of the hardware and followed by basic tests of every hardware component. You will then learn how to build exciting applications in a practical manner based on the details of the projects. This book is intended for...
Book cover of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Administration
by Marco Carvalho
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2011

A practical tutorial, this book shows you how to set up and configure Dynamics AX 2009 and then how to improve and maintain its performance with clear step-by-step instructions, enabling Dynamics AX to fit your company's needs. If you are a network administrator or IT personnel charged with setting...
First 92 93 94 95 96 97 9899 100
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