Maria: 6239 books

Book cover of Sogno di Maria Maddalena (Il)
by Maria Sion Crucitti
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 19, 2014

Il cuore del testo, steso in chiave poetico-esoterica, svela un segreto... volto ad ogni donna (e perché no! ad ogni uomo) protesa verso il cammino "dell’osare". Donna che con coraggio sceglie di rivisitare, accettare ed esperire le proprie emozioni e sentimenti, alla luce del non giudizio...
Book cover of Anleser - Maria Braig

Anleser - Maria Braig

Leseproben + Bonusmaterial

by Maria Braig
Language: German
Release Date: May 25, 2016

Ausgewählte Kapitel als Leseproben aus den Werken von Maria Braig. Anleser-eBooks zum Kennenlernen: - "Jetzt bin ich hier" - "Nennen wir sie Eugenie" - "Amra und Amir - Abschiebung in eine unbekannte Heimat" - "Spanische Dörfer - Wege zur Freiheit" Maria Braig...
Book cover of Warum wir ohne Hunger essen

Warum wir ohne Hunger essen

Die wahren Gründe für Essdrang und Übergewicht (gesund Abnehmen, Hilfe bei Essstörung)

by Maria Sanchez
Language: German
Release Date: November 17, 2016

"Es gibt keinen inneren Schweinehund in uns, den wir bekämpfen müssen, sondern innere Spannungen, die unsere Aufmerksamkeit brauchen, unsere Achtung und unseren Respekt" (Zitat: Maria Sanchez). Sie haben schon öfter versucht abzunehmen? Und Sie kennen diesen Drang, der Sie trotz allem...
Book cover of Richtig gute Knödel

Richtig gute Knödel

Die besten Rezepte zum Selbermachen

by Eva Maria Lipp
Language: German
Release Date: February 12, 2016

Jeder Tag ist Knödeltag - köstliche Knödel im Handumdrehen selbst gemacht! Keine Angst vorm Knödelkochen: Diese Rezepte gelingen garantiert! Mit einfachen Anleitungen und wertvollen Tipps und Tricks zeigt Eva Maria Lipp, wie Sie Knödel schnell und einfach selber machen können. So wird jeder Tag...
Book cover of Fühl dich und sei frei!

Fühl dich und sei frei!

Der Weg zur Freundschaft mit dir selbst

by Maria Bachmann
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2009

Der Reiseführer durch die komplizierte Welt der Gefühle Jeder will glücklich sein. Doch was macht uns glücklich? Wahrhaft glücklich ist, wer sich selbst zu seinem besten Freund macht – egal, wie die Gefühlswelt gerade aussieht. Maria Bachmann zeigt, dass man Gefühle weder analysieren...
Book cover of Don Luigi Di Liegro

Don Luigi Di Liegro

La vita e l’opera di don Luigi Di Liegro raccontata a un ragazzo immigrato

by Maria Alba Pezza
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 17, 2016

Fin dalle prime battute del libro della professoressa Maria Alba Pezza “Don Luigi Di Liegro, la voce degli ultimi” sulla vita e l’opera di don Luigi Di Liegro, emerge, sia pur a grandi linee la figura di un apostolo che ha fatto della sua vita un dono d’amore per il prossimo, mettendo la sua...
Book cover of Orphan Spirit

Orphan Spirit

A Memoir

by Maria Star
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

Author Maria Star developed in a schizophrenics womb for nine months. After Maria was born, she was given to the Childrens Aid Society and subsequently experienced life in six foster homes before being adopted. In Orphan Spirit, she narrates the story of her life and how her early abandonment affected...
Book cover of Unstoppable


My Life So Far

by Maria Sharapova
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

From Maria Sharapova, **one of our fiercest female athletes, the captivating—**and candid—story of her rise from nowhere to tennis stardom, and the unending fight to stay on top. In 2004, in a stunning upset against the two-time defending champion Serena Williams, seventeen-year-old Maria...
Book cover of Maria Montessori, anthology
by Maria Montessori
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2014

Maria Tecla Artemesia Montessori (1870 – 1952) was an Italian physician and educator best known for the philosophy of education that bears her name, and her writing on scientific pedagogy. Her educational method is in use today in public and private schools throughout the world. Montessori...
Book cover of Slavery's Pleasant Homes & Other Tales

Slavery's Pleasant Homes & Other Tales

The Quadroons, Charity Bowery, The Emancipated Slaveholders, Anecdote of Elias Hicks, The Black Saxons & Jan and Zaida

by Lydia Maria Child
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2017

Lydia Maria Child is better known as the abolitionist who supported Harriet Jacob's masterpiece, Incident in the Life of a Slave Girl, but very few people know that Lydia Maria Child was a prolific author who had dedicated her life for the abolition of slavery in her actions and writings. This edition...
Book cover of Marlene Dietrich

Marlene Dietrich

The Life

by Maria Riva
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2017

New York Times Bestseller: A “greatly entertaining” biography of the glamorous, mysterious German-born actress, written by her daughter (The New York Times). With intimate detail, author Maria Riva reveals the rich life of her mother, Marlene Dietrich, the charismatic star of stage and...
Book cover of The Girl Who Fell to Earth
by Sophia Al-Maria
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2012

Award-winning filmmaker and writer Sophia Al-Maria’s The Girl Who Fell to Earth is a funny and wry coming-of-age memoir about growing up in between American and Gulf Arab cultures. With poignancy and humor, Al-Maria shares the struggles of being raised by an American mother and Bedouin father while...
Book cover of Just Who Will You Be?

Just Who Will You Be?

Big Question. Little Book. Answer Within.

by Maria Shriver
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2008

"I've learned that asking ourselves not just what we want to be, but who we want to be is important at every stage of our lives, not just when we're starting out in the world. That's because in a way, we're starting out fresh in the world every single day." Just Who Will You Be is...
Book cover of Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke

Gesammelte Werke

by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2012

Rainer Maria Rilke zählt zu den deutschsprachigen Meisterdichtern. Melodische, durchaus gefällige Stimmungslyrik und sprachlich gewagte, bilderreiche Elegien und Sonette wechseln sich ab. Immer jedoch verspürt man in den Werken des Dichters die Sehnsucht nach der Verbundenheit mit einem höheren Wesen,...
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