Maria: 6239 books

Book cover of A Letter to my Grandchildren

A Letter to my Grandchildren

Memoir of a Croatian Immigrant

by Maria Sharp
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2017

Maria Sharp was born Maria Zdenka Besan in Croatia in 1941, just after the Nazis had invaded her country, and as a young child she witnessed 'events that imprinted themselves upon her soul forever'. Many years later, having married an American and settled in the USA, she has written this book for her...
Book cover of Modern Griselda
by Maria Edgeworth
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2015

Maria Edgeworth's take on the famous folklore stories about the patient and submissive Griselda, The Modern Griselda (1804), is quite hilarious. It's about a wife who is basically the opposite of long-suffering Griselda. If her husband says you pronounce a word a certain way, she says it's pronounced...
Book cover of Gaze Upon Jesus

Gaze Upon Jesus

Experiencing Christ's Childhood through the Eyes of Women

by Alyssa Bormes, Sarah Christmyer, Mary Healy
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2018

What if you had walked beside the Virgin Mary from the Annunciation to the point at which she and Joseph found Jesus in the temple? How might seeing Christ as a child impact you and your faith? WINE: Women In the New Evangelization offers its second, six-week scripture study, this time following...
Book cover of Viaggio a Maria
by Carlo Maria Ossola
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 23, 2016

Un piccolo itinerario concepito come un memoriale, nell’anno giubilare della Misericordia, del lungo percorso che la Vergine ha compiuto nelle lettere e nella pietà dell’Occidente. Nessun altro “simbolo” ha legato nei secoli l’anelito umano di elevarsi «in piú spirabil aere» e il quotidiano...
Book cover of Sempre Vergine?

Sempre Vergine?

Una risposta

by Serafino Maria Lanzetta
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 9, 2018

Non sono mancate nel corso della storia della Chiesa minacce riduzionistiche nei confronti del mistero della verginità di Maria. Nei tempi antichi come in quelli recenti una sorta di nouvelle vague volendo dire Maria in un “modo nuovo” o “rinnovato”, a volte più conforme alle aspirazioni...
Book cover of Studium- I Giusti: storie e riflessioni

Studium- I Giusti: storie e riflessioni

Rivista bimestrale 2017 (3)

by Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Sante Maletta, Giuseppe Guglielmi
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Vincenzo Cappelletti Università concreta ricchezza, Giuseppe Dalla Torre Sovranismo, Sante Maletta Introduzione, Ulianova Radice La Giornata europea dei Giusti, Pietro Kuciukian I Giusti Ottomani nel genocidio armeno, Maria Peri I Giusti italiani della Shoah, Vincenzo Rizzo Il Giusto in Dostoevskij,...
Book cover of Angel Decoding

Angel Decoding

Secret Keys to Communicating with Your Angels

by Maria Gurney Peth PhD
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2013

Have you experienced the loss of a loved one and yearned for one more conversation? Do you want to learn how the angelic realm communicates through messages, symbols, numbers, and colors? Do you wish for a richer and more meaningful life? Youll find answers to these questions...
Book cover of The Oxidation of Grief

The Oxidation of Grief

Reflections on Adult Sibling Loss

by Maria Piantanida
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

The death of an adult sibling precipitates a flood of emotions in the surviving sisters and brothers.  Feelings of grief are not easily "gotten over" in neatly ordered stages.  Neither are efforts to make sense of the loss and come to terms with an irreparable hole in one's family constellation....
Book cover of God, do you know what you are doing?

God, do you know what you are doing?

P.S. You've made a mistake!

by Maria Erwin Duncan, Kasandra Erwin
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2018

As a child born in the Philippines to a life of poverty, Maria faced many trails, from typhoons to malaria to physical and mental abuse, Maria has overcome some of the hardest trails in life. Most of us would most likely not find the strength let alone survive her journey. If you are honest with yourself,...
Book cover of In betrekking

In betrekking

herinneringen van een dienstmeisje dat begin 1900 volwassen werd

by Maria van der Ent
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 31, 2009

Maria van der Ent groeit op in een groot arbeidersgezin in Rotterdam. Hoewel ze de slimste van de klas is, wordt ze op haar twaalfde van school gehaald om 'in betrekking' te gaan. Haar moeder verhuurt haar voor 75 cent per week aan een familie met een stoffenzaak. Zo begint het leven van Marie bij...
Book cover of Le parole dell'angelo. Poesie scelte di Rainer Maria Rilke (Con due prose da I quaderni di Malte Laurids Brigge e poesie di George Trackl)
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 28, 2014

La presente edizione raccoglie una selezione dei capolavori poetici di Rainer Maria Rilke e due prose dal suo unico romanzo: "I quaderni di Malte Laurids Brigge". Una sintesi poetico-letteraria incentrata sui punti cardine dell’opera di Rilke: la solitudine, il senso della natura, dell’amore...
Book cover of The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays and Special Occasions-2nd edition
by maria liberati
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2010

 Award Winning Culinary Travel Book..Selected as the Best Italian Cuisine Book in the USA by Gourmand World Book Awards. This book will dazzle your Holidays or turn any day into a Special Occasion. Containing 100+ recipes, decorating tips, charming short Holiday stories by Celebrity Chef Maria...
Book cover of QuickBooks Pro 2006 for Macintosh

QuickBooks Pro 2006 for Macintosh

Visual QuickStart Guide

by Maria Langer
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2005

If anything can make accounting fun (or even just a little less painful) QuickBooks Pro 2005 can--especially if you get this no-nonsense task-based guide to it! While QuickBooks Pro 6 was all about going native (Mac OS X–native, that is!), this time out the focus is on ease of use. To ensure that you...
Book cover of Lost And Found: A Short Story From ODIN'S EYE
by Maria Haskins
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2015

Somewhere in the vast depths of space, a mission has gone horribly wrong. Now a woman is trapped all alone on an alien planet with nothing but her pain and her harrowing memories. At least, she thought she was alone...Lost And Found is a chilling and evocative science fiction short story from...
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