Marjorie: 555 books

Book cover of Sous l'emprise de Monsieur Addams
by Marjorie D. Lafond
Language: French
Release Date: February 4, 2015

Félicia Roby semble destinée à un brillant avenir. La superbe étudiante a réussi à obtenir un emploi auprès d'un riche homme d'affaires, propriétaire d'un luxueux magasin à grande surface. A peine Félicia a-t-elle terminé sa deuxième journée de travail qu'un homme cagoulé s'empare d'elle....
Book cover of The Soul of a Poet, Rich as a Rose…: My Memoir & A Collection of Poems
by Donna Marjorie Donzella
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2012

Honesty is the best policy. When I write I speak from my heart. I've been writing poetry over ten years. It started after I survived a near fatal accident. When I recovered I looked at life differently. My once boring world became totally awesome. I saw a bird flying in the sky and it blew me away. My...
Book cover of Teacher Attitudes

Teacher Attitudes

An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Research

by Marjorie Powell, Joseph W. Beard
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2018

Teachers’ attitudes have been a subject of study and interest for many years. Originally published in 1986, this bibliography attempts to review the large field of research between the years 1965 and 1984. To identify all the sources of information, and to list documents that discuss research on...
Book cover of The Edge of Dawn
by Marjorie Joseph
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2014

The Divine Divas.Three beautiful young professional women, each looking for her romantic Prince Charming in a world filled with warts and ugly toads. Lorainna, a pediatrician, is drawn to Ryan, who is Big Brother to Xavier, victim of a broken home, only to find a wedding ring on his finger. Victimized...
Book cover of Destiny Revealed
by Marjorie Joseph
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2018

Melody Maxwell is smart, beautiful and successful, but has no luck with men. After a string of failed relationships, she meets Darien Stiles—a handsome and lucrative business man. She thinks she’s finally met Mr. Right, but has jumped out of the frying pan and straight into the fire. Darien is...
Book cover of Conditioned Response (Phoenician #2)
by Marjorie F. Baldwin
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2012

In the far future on an alien world, humanity suffers under a color-coded caste system with corrupt politicians who use genetic heritage and memory Adjustments to control the masses. Can a Proctor named Raif and a Phoenician named Shayla save the human genome from sabotage without having to surrender...
Book cover of Man Made Man (Phoenician #1)
by Marjorie F. Baldwin
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2013

Raif was never meant to be a Proctor, he knows that about himself; but then what was he designed to be—or who? Why are there thoughts and memories floating around in his mind about people he’s never met? How did he acquire all the skills and knowledge he seems to have? What was he designed to...
Book cover of Cataclysms on the Columbia

Cataclysms on the Columbia

The Great Missoula Floods

by John Eliot Allen, Marjorie Burns, Scott Burns
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2019

Cataclysms on the Columbia tells two stories. One follows geological research that challenged the scientific paradigm of the early 20th century, and the other chronicles the result of that research: the discovery of powerful prehistoric floods that shaped the Pacific Northwest. The cataclysms at the...
Book cover of Bread of Shame
by Marjorie Meyerle
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2009

Jack Pierce, a down and out writer, has retreated from society to the sanctuary of the mountains above Leadville, Colorado. To his astonishment, an old lover, Miranda Talbot, a poet and faith healer from Texas, arrives at his house shortly after the death of his live-in girlfriend and proceeds to...
Book cover of Vivons la ville autrement

Vivons la ville autrement

Des villes durables où il fait bon vivre au quotidien

by Marjorie Musy, Laurence Estival
Language: French
Release Date: November 9, 2017

Les villes du futur ressembleront-elles au paradis sur Terre, assurant bien-être et santé à tous les citadins ? La question peut surprendre, ville et santé n’ayant pas toujours fait bon ménage dans l’imaginaire collectif. Pourtant de Paris à Tokyo, en passant par Zurich ou – plus...
Book cover of Dans l'ombre de Monsieur Addams
by Marjorie D. Lafond
Language: French
Release Date: April 13, 2016

A présent que Félicia accepte sa nouvelle vie au domaine de M. Addams, même séparée de Liam – son véritable amour –, sa captivité lui est moins pénible. Elle maîtrise mieux son anxiété, se montre plus posée et soumise, et s'adonne depuis peu à l'étude de la médecine. Bien qu'on...
Book cover of A la merci de Monsieur Addams
by Marjorie D. Lafond
Language: French
Release Date: November 23, 2015

A la suite des bouleversements qui ont secoué l'île paradisiaque de la luxure et de l'excès, Félicia et Liam sont de nouveau séparés. Auprès de M. Addams, le maître des lieux, la jeune femme se remet des coups durs qu'elle a vécus. L'homme a des plans pour sa captive, qui sait à quel point...
Book cover of Danse pour moi
by Marjorie D. Lafond
Language: French
Release Date: September 14, 2016

Dans un petit village aux abords du fleuve, Céleste connaît une existence tranquille et sans tracas en compagnie de son amoureux. Toutefois, la routine lui pèse et la jeune femme réalise qu'elle n'est plus heureuse dans cette vie un peu trop bien rangée. Elle décide un jour de tout quitter pour...
Book cover of Corps et âmes
by Marjorie D. Lafond
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2017

Une irrépressible attirance... une passion sous influence Après des années de tourmente, de folies et d'excès à Montréal, Raphaëlle Lacroix est revenue s'installer à Saint-Sauveur, sa ville natale, où elle a déniché un travail d'aide-bibliothécaire. Rêveuse et en quête de sérénité,...
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