Mark Twain : 1276 books

Book cover of Die Abenteuer von Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn (Mit Illustrationen)
by Mark Twain
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2017

Die Romane "Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer" und "Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn" von Mark Twain zählen zu den Klassikern der Jugendliteratur. Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer: Zur Inhalt - Der Waisenjunge Tom lebt bei seiner Tante Polly, zusammen mit seinem Halbbruder Sid. Tom hingegen...
Book cover of Tom Sawyers Abenteuer und Streiche
by Mark Twain
Language: German
Release Date: May 14, 2014

"Tom Sawyers Abenteuer und Streiche" (Originaltitel: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer") ist ein Roman des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Mark Twain. Das Buch zählt zu den Klassikern der Jugendliteratur; es sprach und spricht aber auch viele Erwachsene an. Es wird, für...
Book cover of Año 1601 (Flash Relatos)
by Mark Twain
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 18, 2013

Considerada obscena y tachada de pornográfica, Año 1601 es un cuento breve e irreverente, una «obra maestra casi desconocida» del genial Mark Twain. Reunidos en el camarín de una ya anciana reina Isabel I, una serie de personajes selectos, la mayoría tan ancianos como ella, charlan al...
Book cover of Un yanki en la corte del rey arturo
by Mark Twain
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 21, 2017

Estamos especializados en publicar textos en español. Para encontrar mas títulos busque “NoBooks Editorial” o visite nuestra web Contamos con mas volúmenes en español que cualquier otra editorial en formato electrónico y continuamos creciendo. Un yanki en la corte del rey arturo - Mark Twain
Book cover of Os Americanos
by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 30, 2017

"Os americanos" une nomes ilustres da literatura dos Estados Unidos. Enquanto se construía como nação, ao longo do "extenso século XIX", para parafrasear Eric Hobsbawn em relação ao "curto século XX" (que teria começado de fato apenas em 1914, na Primeira Guerra...
Book cover of Plus fort que Sherlock Holmes
by Mark Twain
Language: French
Release Date: September 17, 2018

Ce court recueil de nouvelles policières fait figure de " chef-d'œuvre inconnu " dans l'œuvre de Mark Twain. L'auteur s'y joue avec maestria des règles du genre en les moquant, en dépoussiérant les codes en vigueur dans l'ancien monde - celui que Sherlock Holmes incarne à merveille...
Book cover of JINGLE ALL THE WAY: 180+ Christmas Classics in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)

JINGLE ALL THE WAY: 180+ Christmas Classics in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)

Novels, Tales, Poems & Carols: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Carol, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, Little Women, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Mistletoe Bough…

by Louisa May Alcott, O. Henry, Mark Twain
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2017

This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents: Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (L. Frank Baum) Where Love Is, God Is (Leo Tolstoy) A Letter from Santa Claus (Mark Twain) The Gift of the Magi...
Book cover of Meisterschaft oder: Even German Is Preferable to Death. Englisch/Deutsch
by Mark Twain
Language: German
Release Date: July 17, 2019

Mit "The Meisterschaft System", einem für ihre Zwecke wenig geeigneten Deutsch-Sprachkurs, lernten Mark Twains Töchter Deutsch. Die teils absurden Lehrbuchsätze baute Twain in einen kurzen satirischen Dreiakter ein. Darin dürfen zwei junge amerikanische Ladies, die sich ein Jahr in Deutschland...
Book cover of Sketches New And Old, Part 5
by Mark Twain
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Mark Twain (or Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was born on 30th Nov, 1835 and died on 21st April, 1910. He was an American author and humourist. His famous works include: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the Great American Novel."
Book cover of O Príncipe e o Mendigo
by Mark Twain
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 12, 2007

Tom Canty e Edward Tudor têm a mesma idade. São exatamente iguais. Há apenas uma pequena diferença: Edward é o príncipe herdeiro do trono da Inglaterra, e Tom é um mendigo, uma criança dos úmidos cortiços da Londres do século XVI. Um dia o destino intervém e ambos têm de viver, durante...
Book cover of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Part 4
by Mark Twain
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Mark Twain (or Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was born on 30th Nov, 1835 and died on 21st April, 1910. He was an American author and humourist. His famous works include: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the Great American Novel."
Book cover of 60 WESTERNS: Cowboy Adventures, Yukon & Oregon Trail Tales, Famous Outlaws, Gold Rush Adventures & much more

60 WESTERNS: Cowboy Adventures, Yukon & Oregon Trail Tales, Famous Outlaws, Gold Rush Adventures & much more

Riders of the Purple Sage, The Night Horseman, The Last of the Mohicans, Rimrock Trail, The Hidden Children, The Law of the Land, Heart of the West, A Texas Cow-Boy, The Prairie…

by Zane Grey, Max Brand, Owen Wister
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2017

This carefully edited ebook is a hand-picked collection of world's most admired Westerns in one volume: Riders of the Purple Sage (Zane Grey) The Rainbow Trail The Spirit of the Border The Untamed (Max Brand) The Night Horseman The Seventh Man The Virginian (Owen Wister) The Last of the Mohicans (James...
Book cover of As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 19, 2019

Lançado em 1885 no seguimento de "As aventuras de Tom Sawyer" (1876), a história de Huck Finn, no entanto, ganhou autonomia: é unanimemente considerada a obra-prima de Mark Twain e mudou para sempre o imaginário dos Estados Unidos. Para se livrar do pai bêbado e violento, Huckleberry...
Book cover of Joana d'Arc
by Mark Twain
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 4, 2016

Joana d'Arc é uma das personagens mais populares da história da França. Filha do povo, revolucionária e patriota, Joana foi uma jovem camponesa que se tornou líder militar e comandou todo um exército para proteger a França do domínio britânico. Foi traída pela monarquia e pela Igreja e condenada...
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