Marley: 104 books

Book cover of The Long Farewell
by Marley West
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2015

After being brought up in a working class family in Northern England, Morris never asked for much out of life. With two children a wonderful wife and a new job, a dream job. Life could not be sweeter for Morris. That was until news came through of his life long friend and companion being diagnosed with...
Book cover of The Outlaw Youngers

The Outlaw Youngers

A Confederate Brotherhood

by Marley Brant
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 1995

A character study of the men, the myths and the legends of the Outlaw Youngers, one of the most notorious gangs in the Wild West.
Book cover of Day of Reckoning
by Kevin Michael Marley
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2015

Day of Reckoning was written initially as a play well over twenty years ago, and was subsequently turned into a novel by the author. Day of Reckoning is about an American town, Pleasantville, in rural Oregon that is destroyed by The Great Flood. Essentially, the people of Pleasantville are simple...
Book cover of Common Sense
by Kevin Michael Marley
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2015

Common Sense is about a new political paradigm. This book boldly lays out how we can engage in massive paradigm change politically, economically, and socially in an intelligent, constructive and cooperative manner in order to confront the various crises of the 21st century. Additionally, Common Sense...
Book cover of Barack Obama
by Kevin Michael Marley
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2015

We are very excited to bring you cartoons of the 44th President of these so-called United States of America, Barack Obama! You can see the President as Abraham Lincoln, General George Patton, Uncle Sam, Commander-in-Chief, Superman, and many more roles. These are very funny and witty cartoons as the...
Book cover of Seeking
by Kevin Michael Marley
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2015

Seeking is a book of Transcendentalist poetry that goes beyond the senses and attempts to describe the world of the self or the Atman. It harkens back to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, and Walt Whitman, and it mixes a so-called everyday life filled with work and play, and...
Book cover of Modeling Steel and Composite Structures
by Pedro Vellasco, Sebastiao Arthur Lopes de Andrade, Luciano Rodrigues Ornelas de Lima
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2017

Modeling Steel and Composite Structures explains the computational tools, methods and procedures used to design steel and composite structures. The reference begins with the main models used to determine structural behavior. This is followed by a detailed description of experimental models and their...
Book cover of Air Pollution
by H. Brauer, J.S. Gaffney, R. Harkov
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2013

An important purpose of The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry is to aid the understanding of distribution and chemical reaction processes which occur in the environment. Volume 4, Part B of this series is dedicated to Air Pollution Control Equipment, Materials Damage, Peroxyacyl Nitrates, Semivolatile Compounds in the Atmosphere, and Arctic Haze.
Book cover of Inspector Swanson und der Magische Zirkel

Inspector Swanson und der Magische Zirkel

Ein viktorianischer Krimi

by Robert C. Marley
Language: German
Release Date: May 13, 2016

London 1894. The Great van Dyke, einer der berühmtesten Illusionisten der Welt, ist für seine gefährlichen und atemberaubenden Zauberkunststücke bekannt. Als van Dyke bei der Vorführung der spektakulären "Wasserfolter" nur knapp dem Tod entrinnt und ein weiterer Zauberkünstler bei...
Book cover of The Body Electric
by Kevin Michael Marley
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2015

The Body Electric concerns itself with Chi or Human Electricity. The human body is not so much a physical and mechanistic object, as modern science until recently has contended, but it is a dynamic energy system in which we can circulate the Life Force. More importantly, within The Body Electric,...
Book cover of Inspector Swanson und der Fluch des Hope-Diamanten
by Robert C. Marley
Language: German
Release Date: May 16, 2014

London 1893, Gordon Wigfield, ein ehrbarer Goldschmied und Damenfreund wurde in seiner Werkstatt auf bestialische Weise ermordet. Chief Inspector Donald Sutherland Swanson nimmt die Ermittlungen auf. Doch es bleibt nicht bei einer Leiche. Die Nachforschungen führen Swanson schließlich in die höchsten...
Book cover of Inspector Swanson und das Schwarze Museum

Inspector Swanson und das Schwarze Museum

Ein viktorianischer Krimi

by Robert C. Marley
Language: German
Release Date: June 26, 2017

London, 1894. Aus Scotland Yards Schwarzem Museum, einer Sammlung von Mordwerkzeugen, verschwindet ein Ausstellungsstück. Wenig später wird die Leiche eines Freimaurers in einem Schlafwagen auf der Bahnstrecke London - York gefunden. Chief Inspector Donald Swanson - selbst Freimaurer - sieht sich...
Book cover of Inspector Swanson und der Fall Jack the Ripper
by Robert C. Marley
Language: German
Release Date: May 21, 2015

London, East End, 1888: Ein unheimlicher Killer verübt im Stadtteil Whitechapel eine bis dahin beispiellose Mordserie, der ausschließlich Prostituierte zum Opfer fallen. Er nennt sich selbst »Jack the Ripper«. Scotland Yards Chief Inspector Donald Swanson und sein Team werden auf den Fall angesetzt....
Book cover of Die Marmortreppe

Die Marmortreppe

Ein viktorianischer Kurz-Krimi

by Robert C. Marley
Language: German
Release Date: April 5, 2016

London 1894. Chief Inspector Swanson ist am Silvesterabend im Hause seines Freundes Frederick Greenland zu Gast. Der Jahreswechsel soll gemütlich im Kreise weiterer illustrer Gäste begangen werden – darunter eine emanzipierte Lehrerin, ein angesehener Arzt, ein pensionierter Colonel, zwei berühmte...
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