Massimo: 1008 books

Book cover of Alexander de Grote

Alexander de Grote

het epos van een legendarische held; bevat: de zoon van de droom; het zand van Amon; de grens van de wereld

by Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 8, 2016

Alexander de Grote Het epos van een legendarische held De Italiaanse auteur en historicus Valerio Massimo Manfredi schreef een groots opgezette roman over het leven van Alexander de Grote. De roman bestaat uit drie delen: De zoon van de droom, Het zand van Amon en De grens van de wereld. Alexander...
Book cover of Italian Identity in the Kitchen, or Food and the Nation
by Massimo Montanari
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

Massimo Montanari draws readers into the far-flung story of how local and global influences came to flavor Italian identity. The fusion of ancient Roman cuisine—which consisted of bread, wine, and olives—with the barbarian diet—rooted in bread, milk, and meat—first formed the basics of modern...
Book cover of Exclusionary Practices

Exclusionary Practices

The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance

by Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Claudio Calcagno
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2018

The most controversial area in competition policy is that of exclusionary practices, where actions are taken by dominant firms to deter competitors from challenging their market positions. Economists have been struggling to explain such conduct and to guide policy-makers in designing sensible enforcement...
Book cover of Let the Meatballs Rest

Let the Meatballs Rest

And Other Stories About Food and Culture

by Massimo Montanari
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2012

Known for his entertaining investigations into culinary practice, Massimo Montanari turns his hungry eye to the phenomenon of food culture, food lore, cooking methods, and eating habits throughout history. An irresistible buffet of one hundred concise and engaging essays, this collection provides...
Book cover of Italian Cuisine

Italian Cuisine

A Cultural History

by Alberto Capatti, Massimo Montanari
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2003

Italy, the country with a hundred cities and a thousand bell towers, is also the country with a hundred cuisines and a thousand recipes. Its great variety of culinary practices reflects a history long dominated by regionalism and political division, and has led to the common conception of Italian...
Book cover of A Walking Tour of the Georgetown Set
by Rick Massimo
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

The tony, leafy neighborhood of Georgetown along the Potomac river in Washington, D.C. has been influential in American history since the 18th century when it was a thriving seaport. But during the Cold War, following World War II and up until the end of the 20th century, it was home to the Capitol's...
Book cover of San Pellegrino tra mito e storia

San Pellegrino tra mito e storia

I luoghi di culto in Europa

by Lorenzo Angelini, Anna Benvenuti, Massimo Bonelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Parlare di "pellegrinaggi pellegriniani" può parere uno scherzo, un gioco di parole. Non è così. Certo, l'espressione scelta per qualificare questi aspetti, queste mète santorali, questi culti è scherzosa. Ma comincia col racchiudere un problema che gli studiosi di agiografia ben conoscono....
Book cover of Come essere stoici

Come essere stoici

Riscoprire la spiritualità degli antichi per vivere una vita moderna

by Massimo Pigliucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 18, 2017

I dodici principi dello stoico Evitare reazioni affrettate Ricordarsi della transitorietà delle cose Scegliere obiettivi in nostro potere Essere virtuosi Prendersi un momento e respirare profondamente Mettere i problemi in prospettiva Parlare poco e bene Scegliere in modo accorto le proprie...
Book cover of Imperi paralleli
by Massimo Franco
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 29, 2016

Da più di due secoli i destini di Stati Uniti e Vaticano si incrociano, contribuendo a plasmare la storia, la cultura e l’identità dell’intero Occidente. Da tempo lo Stato più potente del mondo e quello più piccolo e disarmato sono percepiti come le uniche due realtà dell’Ovest ad avere...
Book cover of Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing

La pubblicità in tasca

by Paolo Mardegan, Massimo Pettiti, Giuseppe Riva
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 4, 2013

Meglio investire nella tradizionale pubblicità su carta o sul telefonino? Preferire un’app o un sito mobile? Che tipo di pubblicità si può fare su mobile? Cosa si intende per mobile advertising? Il mondo della pubblicità sta cambiando. L’obiettivo di questo testo è quello di darvi una bussola,...
Book cover of Insegnare l’urbanistica come scienza. Conoscenze e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità e la resilienza nell’urbanistica
by Luca P. Marescotti, Maria Pia Boni, Annapaola Canevari
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 16, 2017

"Insegnare l’urbanistica come scienza", a cura di Luca P. Marescotti, raccoglie alcuni saggi introduttivi alle lezioni preparato per il workshop “Conoscenze e tecnologie appropriate per la sostenibilità e la resilienza nell’urbanistica - Knowledge and Appropriate Technologies for...
Book cover of The Basic Code of the Universe

The Basic Code of the Universe

The Science of the Invisible in Physics, Medicine, and Spirituality

by Massimo Citro, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2011

Explains the universal information code connecting every person, plant, animal, and mineral and its applications in science, health care, and cosmic unity • Examines research on consciousness, quantum physics, animal and plant intelligence, emotional fields, Kirlian photography, and the effects...
Book cover of Faster, Better, Stronger

Faster, Better, Stronger

A Customized, Scientific Approach No Mat

by DeAnne Musolf, Eric Heiden M.D., Massimo Testa M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Are you weary of cookie-cutter fitness plans devoid of anything you can actually use? Or programs promising great abs by Monday? Eric Heiden, M.D., and Massimo Testa, M.D., are renowned physicians who've spent their lives facing every conceivable exercise problem, helping both elite athletes...
Book cover of MARMI: Da Michelangelo al Moma
by Massimo Ghidelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 20, 2015

Marmi, rocce, aggregati. Quanto hanno influito sulla storia dell'uomo e quanto hanno contribuito i marmi, le rocce, gli aggregati a realizzare ponti, case, palazzi, vie di comunicazione, dalla storia Romana ad oggi. Un libro agile e divertente, per incuriosirsi e appassionarsi dell'uomo e del suo rapporto con la natura.
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