Matt Ruff: 8 books

Book cover of The Mirage

The Mirage

A Novel

by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2012

A mind-bending novel in which an alternate history of 9/11 and its aftermath uncovers startling truths about America and the Middle East 11/9/2001: Christian fundamentalists hijack four jetliners. They fly two into the Tigris & Euphrates World Trade Towers in Baghdad, and a third into the...
Book cover of Fool on the Hill
by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2012

Myth and reality collide on an Ithaca college campus “in a comic fantasy of wonderful energy, invention, and generosity of spirit” (Alison Lurie). Stephen Titus George is a young writer-in-residence at Cornell University in upstate New York. A bestselling author in search of a new story,...
Book cover of Lovecraft Country
by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2016

Soon to be a New HBO® Series from J.J. Abrams (Executive Producer of Westworld), Misha Green (Creator of Underground) and Jordan Peele (Director of Get Out) The critically acclaimed cult novelist makes visceral the terrors of life in Jim Crow America and its lingering effects in this brilliant...
Book cover of Set This House in Order

Set This House in Order

A Romance of Souls

by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

Andy Gage was born in 1965 and murdered not long after by his stepfather. . . . It was no ordinary murder. Though the torture and abuse that killed him were real, Andy Gage's death wasn't. Only his soul actually died, and when it died, it broke in pieces. Then the pieces became souls in their own...
Book cover of 88 Names

88 Names

A Novel

by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2020

The critically acclaimed author of Lovecraft Country returns with a thrilling and immersive virtual reality epic—part cyberthriller, part twisted romantic comedy—that transports you to a world where identity is fluid and nothing can be taken at face value. John Chu is a “sherpa”—a...
Book cover of Bad Monkeys

Bad Monkeys

A Novel

by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Jane Charlotte has been arrested for murder. She tells police that she is a member of a secret organization devoted to fighting evil; her division is called the Department for the Final Disposition of Irredeemable Persons—"Bad Monkeys" for short. This confession earns Jane...
Book cover of Sewer, Gas & Electric
by Matt Ruff
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

A satire of a surreal technocratic future by the national-bestselling author of Bad Monkeys: “Dizzyingly readable” (Thomas Pynchon). High above Manhattan, android and human steelworkers are constructing a new Tower of Babel for billionaire Harry Gant, as a monument to humanity’s power...
Book cover of 洛夫克拉夫特之鄉:逃出絕命村
by 麥特.羅夫(Matt Ruff)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 3, 2019

對黑人而言,再也沒有比這裡——雖然是家鄉,卻處處寸步難行——更可怕的地方了。身邊到處都是怪物,有時它是洛夫克拉夫特的舊日支配者,有時是警察、三K黨,有時只是普通的登記選民…… J.J.亞伯拉罕(《LOST檔案》、《西方極樂園》監製)、喬登.皮爾(《逃出絕命鎮》導演)聯手監製,HBO改編影集拍攝中! 吉姆.克勞里程——一種測量單位,有色人種特別適用,內含實際的距離與偶發的恐懼、偏執、挫折與憤怒。本質會不斷變形,導致旅行時間無法估算;暴力更使旅行者的健康與心智狀態,持續陷入危機。——《黑鬼安全旅行指南》,一九五四年夏季版 一九五四年的美國,由於種族隔離法,以及普遍的歧視觀念,黑人被餐廳、商店拒於門外是家常便飯,無緣無故被白人私刑吊死或遭到警察蓄意射殺更是每天都可能遇到的危險,以致於黑人出門遠行還必須帶著《黑人安全旅行指南》、時時遵守以保安全。 二十二歲的阿弟克斯是韓戰退伍軍人,和父親蒙特羅斯時常針對是否要深入追查已逝母親的家族史起爭執。阿弟克斯認為過去的事就該放下,蒙特羅斯卻執著地想要查出亡妻家族中一位女性祖先逃離奴隸身分、獲得自由的始末。 一日,阿弟克斯聽說父親跟一名陌生白人男子離開住處後便失蹤了。向來痛恨白人的父親居然會和白人離開,阿弟克斯驚訝之餘,推測這和父親鑽研多年、終有突破的家族史有關,於是和伯伯喬治以及好友蕾蒂夏前往母親的祖先還是黑奴時居住的地點:麻州小村——和洛夫克拉夫特筆下邪神現身的阿卡漢僅有一字之差——阿德漢。漫漫長路上危機四伏,好不容易躲過白人警察的追殺,抵達神秘小村後,阿弟克斯發現更致命的危機正等著他們送上門…… 蒙特羅斯到底去哪裡了?那名神秘白人男子究竟是什麼人,又有什麼目的?阿弟克斯一行人又是否能順利逃出生天? 【各界好評】 冬陽...
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