Meyer: 1965 books

Book cover of New York Studio Conversations

New York Studio Conversations

Seventeen Women Talk About Art

by Lisa Ruyter, Kiki Smith, Joyce Kozloff
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2018

New York Studio Conversations presents a series of sixteen interviews with female artists conducted by the art historian Stephanie Buhmann. Looking for an approach beyond the mainstream media coverage of the art market, Buhmann visited the artists in their studios and gained insights in this intimate...
Book cover of Trece horas
by Deon Meyer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 6, 2014

13 horas. Ese es el tiempo de que dispone el detective Benny Griessel para dar con el paradero de una chica desaparecida. Todo ha empezado con el hallazgo del cadáver de una joven turista americana con el cuello rebanado en las calles de Cape Town. Pero la asesinada no viajaba sola. Con suerte, en...
Book cover of Beyond 1776

Beyond 1776

Globalizing the Cultures of the American Revolution

by Edward N. Simon, Leonard von Von Morze, Wyger R.E. Velema
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2018

In Beyond 1776, ten humanities scholars consider the American Revolution within a global framework. The foundation of the United States was deeply enmeshed with shifting alliances and multiple actors, with politics saturated by imaginative literature, and with ostensible bilateral negotiations that...
Book cover of Salvation Day
by RD Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2017

Mike Faulkner wants to kill God. No, he doesn't want to convince less people to believe; he wants to confront the deity Himself and watch Him die. After he lost his baby girl to a childhood illness, his wife, consumed by grief, committed suicide. Through a series of (seemingly) random events,...
Book cover of Migrant Birds on Wheels

Migrant Birds on Wheels

From Michelstadt to Marrakesh

by Marianne E. Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2014

Through a friend in Topanga, the hippie community west of Los Angeles, the author came into contact with Uschi Obermaier, the mother of all supermodels. The female icon of the 68s already toured in the mid-70s in a luxury RV India, USA and Mexico. When in a picture story Marianne Meyer saw the sex symbol...
Book cover of The Little Ones
by M. D. Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2009

Is it really possible to forgive someone who has greatly wronged you or someone you love? And how can there be both justice and mercy? In The Little Ones, Colin Hill must face these questions when he and his wife, Sarah, become foster parents to the children of Colin's former abuser. As the past and...
Book cover of The Time-Discrete Method of Lines for Options and Bonds
by Gunter H Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Few financial mathematical books have discussed mathematically acceptable boundary conditions for the degenerate diffusion equations in finance. In The Time-Discrete Method of Lines for Options and Bonds, Gunter H Meyer examines PDE models for financial derivatives and shows where the Fichera theory...
Book cover of Memorization Study Bible, The
by Thomas Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2018

Technology has information at our fingertips. But our relationship with God needs to be one of the heart, not the smartphone. Get engaged with the Word of God in a refreshing and amazing new way! Memorize verses, chapters, and even whole books of the New Testament using the “Bible Memory Man”...
Book cover of Profession 2013
by Michael Brub, Joshua A. Boldt, Beth Landers
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2014

This issue of Profession contains Michael Bérubé's introduction to his Presidential Forum, Avenues of Access, which was held at the 2013 MLA convention, and the essays of the forum participants: Joshua A. Boldt, Beth Landers, Maria Maisto, and Robert Samuels. The issue also features a section on a...
Book cover of Beyond Expectations: Finding Joy In Your Marriage
by Nancy Sebastian Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2003

So many women are living with husbands who have failed to meet their expectations. Bitterness and resentment are chipping away at their marriages. But there's hope in the One who can change not only your marriage, but more importantly, you! Nancy Sebastian Meyer offers women practical help and encouragement...
Book cover of Tredici ore
by Deon Meyer
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 1, 2012

È l'alba e una ragazza corre a perdifiato su per la montagna che domina la splendida baia di Città del Capo. Cerca di sfuggire a un misterioso gruppo di inseguitori che durante la notte hanno brutalmente ucciso la sua amica, ma non sa dove andare né a chi chiedere aiuto. A qualche ora di distanza...
Book cover of Safari di sangue
by Deon Meyer
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 5, 2010

Per scoprire il mistero della scomparsa del fratello, avvenuta vent’anni prima, e di alcune recenti aggressioni contro di sé, Emma Le Roux ingaggia una guardia del corpo, il taciturno Lemmer, un uomo d’azione dal passato indecifrabile che l’accompagna in un viaggio irto di pericoli inattesi,...
Book cover of Loïc, sur le chemin de l'amour et de la gloire
by Alain Meyer
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2015

Loïc sur le chemin de l’amour et de la gloire Alain Meyer Roman long de 540 000 car. 1755. Loïc, fils de pêcheur malouin a quinze ans. Ce jeune Breton, fils de la terre et de la mer, subit la misère du monde paysan. L'amour qu'il découvre avec son ami d'enfance est l'une de ses rares joies....
Book cover of La mémoire des pierres
by Alain Meyer
Language: French
Release Date: March 20, 2015

La mémoire des pierres Alain Meyer Roman de 380 000 car. Hélénos, jeune prince de Troie, fait ses premières armes pour combattre les Grecs venus envahir l’Iliade. Formé aux joutes viriles par son frère Hector, puis par Énée, fils d’Aphrodite, il est prêt aux corps à corps avec l’ennemi....
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