Mur Lafferty: 58 books

Book cover of Time Capsule (Bookburners Season 3 Episode 5)
by Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2017

This is the 5th episode in the third season of Bookburners, a 13-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing. This episode written by Mur Lafferty. Magic is real . . . and hungry. Sal and Perry try to entertain their parents in Rome . . . without revealing how totally weird their lives...
Book cover of Minecraft: The Lost Journals

Minecraft: The Lost Journals

An Official Minecraft Novel

by Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2019

The brand-new official Minecraft novel is a journey into the unknown! Max and Alison are proof that differences don’t stand in the way of friendship. Max is always on the lookout for a new adventure—even if it means getting into trouble—while Alison prefers to follow the rules. But both...
Book cover of The Shambling Guide to New York City
by Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2013

A travel writer takes a job with a shady publishing company in New York, only to find that she must write a guide to the city - for the undead! Because of the disaster that was her last job, Zoe is searching for a fresh start as a travel book editor in the tourist-centric New York City. After...
Book cover of Tricks of the Podcasting Masters
by Rob Walch, Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2006

Have you figured out the basics of making a podcast, but now want to make a great podcast, and possibly make some money? Tricks of the Podcasting Masters holds the answers to questions such as: How do I interact with listeners and get them to come back next week? How do I conduct a great interview...
Book cover of Hell: The Afterlife Series II
by Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2011

Kate and Daniel must continue their journeys into Hell to search for the missing souls.
Book cover of 太空的六場葬禮
by 慕兒.拉佛提(Mur Lafferty)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 30, 2018

眼前是我的屍體,但我喪失了記憶。 在這座漂泊在宇宙的殺人密室中, 凶手,可能就是我自己…… ★全新複製人法則!接連入圍雨果獎、星雲獎、菲利浦狄克獎、英倫科幻協會獎 ★燒腦再燒腦!星際大戰外傳小說欽點作家,一鳴驚人的懸疑驚悚作 ★歐美書評《紐約時報》、《洛杉磯時報》、《出版者週刊》、《浪漫時代書評》、《圖書館雜誌》好評不斷 幽閉空間、禁忌祕密、離奇殺人! 凶手、嫌犯、被害者也許都是同一人 余海峯(瑞典皇家理工學院物理系博士)、馬欣(作家)、 譚光磊(版權經紀人)、螺螄拜恩(暢銷書人氣作家)、 雷雅淇(泛科學主編)、楊勝博(文學評論家)——戰慄推薦 黑色氣泡袋中,封存一起發生在宇宙中的密室殺人事件,這起血腥事件嚴重威脅複製人和人類共存的未來,慎重邀您一同尋找真相,解開謎團。 ◎「一切的真相」《太空的六場葬禮》 二十五世紀,地球不再適宜居住,六名人員搭上太空船前往太空尋找新天地,沒想到一覺醒來,全船血洗,六人重生成年輕的複製人,還喪失二十五年的記憶。凶手顯然藏在六人中,但究竟是誰?同時,這名凶手不惜摧毀人類和複製人的未來也要屠殺全船,殺人動機又是什麼?書中藏著這場謀殺案的一切真相。 若《東方快車謀殺案》謀殺天后阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂及「機器人三部曲」科幻大師艾西莫夫,攜手創作宇宙中的複製人密室殺人事件,那就是這部作品了! 【關於這場謀殺事件】 葬禮是準備給死者的,複製人應該不會死。 然而在這座太空船密室中,一切都走樣。 一覺醒來,「永生」被奪走,我們要絞盡腦汁, 不讓人生重新開始的機會也被奪走…… 西元二十五世紀,複製科技成熟,人類可用複製來擺脫「死亡」的威脅,只要肉體壽命結束,便可啟動自己的複製人,繼續過下一次人生。但複製人和人類的爭端未曾停止,政府更頒布「複製人國際治理法」,規定自願成為複製人的人類被剝奪作為「人類」的權利。六名被選上的人,因而載著冬眠的人類和複製人胚胎,乘上太空船展開四百年長征,夢想在新的星球上,建立人類和複製人和平共存的樂園。 六人一日轉醒,發現太空船深陷血海,重力系統失效,四周飄浮蒼老的自身屍體,原來這趟旅程已過二十五年,但重生成年輕複製人的他們,僅有最初的登船記憶,這段期間究竟發生什麼事?可以解答眾人疑問的人工智能「伊恩」離奇當機,紀錄全被刪除;航程大亂、食物遭下毒、複製區也被破壞,他們無法再靠複製重生。 以為遠去的「死亡」降臨,航向樂園的任務將告失敗,唯一確定的,只有凶手藏在彼此中。 凶手是誰,為何屠殺全船?六人一起調查也彼此猜忌,發現眾人都有不可告人的祕密,整船的人並非雄心壯志的冒險家,而是滿懷痛苦、想用這趟旅行一筆勾銷犯罪紀錄的罪人。 他們能不能在關係分崩離析前找到真相?太空船如今損壞,他們又該如何完成任務,洗清罪孽?犯下不可挽回錯誤的人,又是否有資格追求救贖、作一個寧靜的美夢? 【媒體推薦】 拉佛提的書寫在一艘太空船裡建構了一個豐富且生意盎然的世界…… 一宗扣人心弦的神秘謀殺案裡,也蘊藏了另一個艱困的哲學難題: 「人」究竟代表什麼意義? ——...
Book cover of Oracle Bones (Bookburners Season 3 Episode 6)
by Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Brian Francis Slattery
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2017

This is the 6th episode in the third season of Bookburners, a 13-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing. This episode written by Max Gladstone. Magic is real . . . and hungry. Grace and Menchú have been called to China to help investigate a source of magic deep in the ground. But...
Book cover of Heaven: The Afterlife Series I
by Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Best friends Kate and Daniel die in a car crash but discover Heaven is well boring. They leave and begin visiting other afterlives and discover their wanderings may have a greater purpose.
Book cover of An Excellent Day For An Exorcism (Bookburners Season 1 Episode 14)
by Brian Francis Slattery, Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2015

Tension rises in Bookburners, the urban fantasy episodic series that mixes bad-ass horror with in-your-face attitude. Someone has betrayed Sal, turned her over to the not-so-tender ministrations of Team Two's Balloon and Stretch. Death seems certain . . . but the Hand has more tricks up its...
Book cover of Mistakes Were Made (Bookburners Season 2 Episode 3)
by Brian Francis Slattery, Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2017

Asanti and Liam sneak invites to a magical conference in Russia, and find the bad coffee and cheap cups the least of their problems. While Asanti struggles with her feelings towards the Society and its mission, everybody else struggles to stay alive. This episode brought to you by Brian Francis...
Book cover of One With the World (Bookburners Season 2 Episode 10)
by Brian Francis Slattery, Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2017

Like a pebble that starts the avalanche, the Network plays its hand in a move more terrifying in its scope than the Bookburners ever thought possible – at a time when Team Three is more fractured than ever before. Can the world weather the storm? Can the Bookburners? This episode is brought...
Book cover of Coming Home (Bookburners Season 2 Episode 12)
by Margaret Dunlap, Andrea Phillips, Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2017

After the Network’s devastating blow, Team Three has had enough. The Society may be reeling from the consequences of Ireland, but Liam, Sal, and co. know there’s still business to be done. This episode written by Margaret Dunlap. Magic is real, and hungry—trapped in ancient texts...
Book cover of Shock and Awe (Bookburners Season 2 Episode 11)
by Andrea Phillips, Brian Francis Slattery, Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2017

The day of reckoning arrives as the Network’s power play consumes an entire town and the Bookburners confront a magical event bigger and more terrifying than anything previously imagined. This episode written by Andrea Phillips. Magic is real, and hungry—trapped in ancient texts...
Book cover of The Village (Bookburners Season 2 Episode 9)
by Margaret Dunlap, Andrea Phillips, Mur Lafferty
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2017

Desperate for information, the Society turns to the mysterious Network for help – using Liam as bait. A train to Sweden takes a sudden turn down memory lane as the hacker’s past horrors are unlocked. This episode is brought to you by author Margaret Dunlap, who thoroughly enjoys trains,...
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