Neil: 3512 books

Book cover of A Thrill a Minute
by David O'Neil
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2015

Once again David O’Neil, versatile author of best selling Distant Gunfire, In Dangerous Waters and Sailing Orders, takes us into the action filled world of mystery and suspense, action and adventure, young romance and peril in his continuing saga of Abby Marshall and Donny Weston.They are back!...
Book cover of Rome


Empire of the Eagles, 753 BC – AD 476

by Neil Faulkner
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2013

The Roman Empire is widely admired as a model of civilisation. In this compelling new study Neil Faulkner argues that in fact, it was nothing more than a ruthless system of robbery and violence. War was used to enrich the state, the imperial ruling classes and favoured client groups. In the process...
Book cover of Dynamics of the Contemporary University

Dynamics of the Contemporary University

Growth, Accretion, and Conflict

by Neil J. Smelser
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2013

This book is an expanded version of the Clark Kerr Lectures of 2012, delivered by Neil Smelser at the University of California at Berkeley in January and February of that year. The initial exposition is of a theory of change—labeled structural accretion—that has characterized the history of American...
Book cover of Estonia
by Neil Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2014

Bradt's Estonia remains the only English-language guidebook to this Baltics destination and this seventh edition reveals more of the country than any previous guide. Readers now discover why Miss Estonia likes antique cars, where Eiffel built before Paris, and why Edward VII could not land in Tallinn...
Book cover of Interpreting Statutes

Interpreting Statutes

A Comparative Study

by D. Neil MacCormick, Robert S. Summers
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

This book is a work of outstanding importance for scholars of comparative law and jurisprudence and for lawyers engaged in EC law or other international forms of practice. It reviews, compares and analyses the practice of interpretation in nine countries representing Europe as well as the US and Argentina...
Book cover of Forever Magazine Issue 37
by Neil Clarke, Michael Bishop, Mary Soon Lee
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Forever is a monthly science fiction magazine that features previously published stories you might have missed. Each issue will feature a novella, two stories, and cover art by Ron Guyatt. Edited by the Hugo and World Fantasy Award winning editor of Clarkesworld Magazine, Neil Clarke. Our...
Book cover of The Chiapas Rebellion

The Chiapas Rebellion

The Struggle for Land and Democracy

by Neil Harvey
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 1998

In 1994 the Zapatista rebellion brought international attention to the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. Neil Harvey combines ten years of field work in Chiapas with extensive historical and political research to provide a comprehensive history of conflict in this region and a nuanced analysis of...
Book cover of Company Towns

Company Towns

Corporate Order and Community

by Neil White
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2012

Company towns are often portrayed as powerless communities, fundamentally dependent on the outside influence of global capital. Neil White challenges this interpretation by exploring how these communities were altered at the local level through human agency, missteps, and chance. Far from being homogeneous,...
Book cover of Shakespeare and the Modern Poet
by Neil Corcoran
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2010

Shakespeare is a major influence on poets writing in English, but the dynamics of that influence in the twentieth century have never been as closely analysed as they are in this important study. More than an account of the ways in which Shakespeare is figured in both the poetry and the critical prose...
Book cover of The Fit One: The Wife in Space Volume 6
by Neil Perryman, Sue Perryman
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2018

"What kind of planet has a Death Zone?" Join Sue Perryman as she encounters the classic series of Doctor Who for the very first time. Admire her eye for bespoke carpentry, laugh at her inability to grasp how the Time War works, and marvel at her talent for spotting actors who have...
Book cover of The Dish

The Dish

On Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous!

by Carolyn O'Neil, Densie Webb
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2010

Welcome to The Dish, where new nutrition aptitude meets stylish lifestyle attitude! Serving up heaping helpings of nutrition know-how designed to fit a busy schedule and a sense of taste, The Dish is here to proclaim that you can have your chocolate torte and eat it, too! Forget starve-yourself regimens...
Book cover of Marksist Dünya Tarihi
by Neil Faulkner
Language: Turkish
Release Date: March 18, 2015

İnsangillerin bilinen ilk üyesi "Lucy"den günümüzün Büyük Resesyon'una kadar insanlık tarihinin analiz edildiği bu yetkin eserde, geçmiş Marksist tarihçi kuşaklarının içgörüleri ile tarihsel süreç hakkındaki radikal yeni fikirler bir araya getiriliyor.Tarihi alışılagelen bakışın...
Book cover of Ideas of Order

Ideas of Order

A Close Reading of Shakespeare's Sonnets

by Neil L. Rudenstine
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2014

Shakespeare's sonnets are the greatest single work of lyric poetry in English, as passionate and daring as any love poems we may ever encounter, and yet, they are often misunderstood. Ideas of Order: A Close Reading of Shakespeare's Sonnets reveals an underlying structure within the 154 poems that...
Book cover of All the Little Guns Went Bang Bang Bang
by Neil Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2014

A blackly comic tale of two 11-year-old psychopaths who go on a murderous rampage in their small Northern Irish town Pearse Furlong and May-Belle Mulholland are two normal 11-year-olds meeting one summer in small town Antrim, Northern Ireland, in the early 1980s. They have little in common...
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