Neil Gaiman: 168 books

Book cover of American Gods
by Neil Gaiman
Language: German
Release Date: May 15, 2015

Ein Meisterwerk der Gegenwartsliteratur Als Shadow aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wird, ist nichts mehr wie zuvor. Seine Frau wurde getötet, und ein mysteriöser Fremder bietet ihm einen Job an. Er nennt sich Mr. Wednesday und weiß ungewöhnlich viel über Shadow. Er behauptet, ein Sturm ziehe...
Book cover of Spawn Origins, Band 1
by Todd McFarlane, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2014

1992 wurde eine der unvergesslichsten Figuren der Comic-Geschichte erstmals auf ein nichts ahnendes Publikum losgelassen: Spawn. Und dies sind die Geschichten, mit denen alles begann. Die ersten zwölf Hefte der erfolgreichsten Independent-Comic-Serie aller Zeiten endlich in einem Band. Mit umfangreichem...
Book cover of Murder Mysteries 2nd Edition
by Neil Gaiman
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2016

Constructing and maintaining all of heaven and earth is an immense task, which God has divided up among the various ranks and stations of angels. As with any such huge effort, there are bound to be casualties. This unique passion play sheds light on the hands behind creation, as well as one lonely...
Book cover of Signal to Noise
by Neil Gaiman
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2016

A film director is dying of cancer. His greatest film would have told the story of a European village as the last hour of 999 AD approached—bringing Armageddon. Now that story will never be told. But he’s still working it out in his head, making a film that no one will ever see.
Book cover of It Occurs to Me That I Am America

It Occurs to Me That I Am America

New Stories and Art

by Richard Russo, Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2018

A provocative, unprecedented anthology featuring original short stories on what it means to be an American from thirty bestselling and award-winning authors with an introduction by Pulitzer Prize–winning author Viet Thanh Nguyen: “This chorus of brilliant voices articulating the shape and texture...
Book cover of 12 Common Core Essentials: Literature

12 Common Core Essentials: Literature

Selections from New and Classic Books for the English Language Arts Standards for Middle and High School

by Harper Academic, Paulo Coelho, Neil Gaiman
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2013

As you reevaluate the books you use in your classroom to meet the Common Core Standards, this free collection—filled with selections from classics such as Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, contemporary novels like The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and the AP English favorite How to...
Book cover of Eternity's Wheel
by Neil Gaiman, Michael Reaves, Mallory Reaves
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Joey Harker is a Leader. With InterWorld trapped by HEX and his only other companion—the mysterious Time Agent Acacia Jones—missing in action, Joey's the only one left. Though injured and alone, he refuses to give up. How can he, when all the worlds are depending on him? As the threat...
Book cover of Doctor Who: 12 Doctors 12 Stories
by Malorie Blackman, Holly Black, Neil Gaiman
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2015

Twelve bestselling authors, twelve Doctors, twelve brilliant adventures in time and space for all Doctor Who fans! This collection features all twelve original Doctor Who eshort stories, covering each of the twelve Doctors and written by a selection of wonderful children's authors.
Book cover of O oceano no fim do caminho
by Neil Gaiman
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Foi há quarenta anos, agora ele lembra muitobem. Quando os tempos ficaram difíceis e os pais decidiramque o quarto do alto da escada, que antes eradele, passaria a receber hóspedes. Ele só tinha seteanos.Um dos inquilinos foi o minerador de opala. O homemque certa noite roubou o carro da família...
Book cover of Uncle
by J.P. Martin, Neil Gaiman
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2017

If you think Babar is the only storybook elephant with a cult following, then you haven’t met Uncle, the presiding pachyderm of a wild fictional universe that has been collecting accolades from children and adults for going on fifty years. Unimaginably rich, invariably swathed in a magnificent purple...
Book cover of 美國眾神(影集書封版)
by 尼爾‧蓋曼 Neil Gaiman
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 26, 2017

**  引起最多討論的當代小說經典,   結合奇幻、恐怖、懸疑、公路電影等元素的類型文學,   為美國所寫的失落神話,   《雙面人魔》編劇 布萊恩富勒 + 《古戰場傳奇》Starz頻道   聯手改編當代奇幻大師尼爾‧蓋曼最經典作品,   2017年,眾神降臨!**   「神如果被人遺忘,會怎麼樣?」   「祂們會死。」   影子出獄那天,彷彿走入了另一個地獄。   深愛的妻子死了,而且與他的好友有染;他獲得了自由,但除了自由一無所有。回程路上,影子遇到一個神祕的獨眼老人。老人的名字叫星期三,聲稱自己是神,預言美國將掀起一場神的戰爭。而影子必須擔任他的保鑣,陪他橫越亞美利堅、招兵買馬。   星期三說,百年前,眾神與來自全世界的開墾者一起來到美國。當新移民在這塊大地住下,眾神也期盼在這塊土地獲得新的信徒。然而,隨著時間流逝,人們遺忘舊神、開始有了新的信仰――電視神、科技神、信用卡神。這些新神受到現代人的崇拜,一身光鮮亮麗,舊神卻越發落魄潦倒,成為邊緣「神」。祂們住在殘破的屋中,為了維生而當妓女、做工人、開計程車。當星期三來到祂們的門前,這些神或哀傷、或憤怒、或羞愧地說――   讓我們面對事實,這塊土地根本不在意我們,   年老諸神啊,這裡是沒有神的新大陸。     新神崛起,舊神衰亡。   這就是美國,眾神墮落的地方。  ** 尼爾蓋曼作品,2017經典重啟**   《美國眾神》(American...
Book cover of 北歐眾神
by 尼爾.蓋曼 Neil Gaiman
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 3, 2017

**  我要告訴你們世界如何滅亡,以及世界又是如何重新開始;   我要告訴你們的是黑暗的日子和隱藏的事物,   有關大地毀滅和眾神之死――   那是一切終結的開始。**   故事之神的靈感,來自深暗的北方大地,   奇幻文學的雛型,來自英勇的北歐眾神!   知名作家尼爾‧蓋曼出道二十餘年,在出版無數暢銷作後,回歸創作初衷,化身說書人,對讀者重述影響他最深的靈感來源――北歐神話。尼爾•蓋曼從大地仍一片荒蕪、萬事萬物仍不存在的時刻說起。他描述奧丁與其手足的出生,以及他們為了擁有宇宙、生命與未來,殺死困住自己的巨人;他寫到奧丁創造人類,並創造供人類居住的米德嘉世界,並為求取智慧獻上一眼。蓋曼寫下索爾每一次勇敢的冒險,每一個魯莽的決定,還有那柄得心應手的戰鎚從何而來。當然,他也沒有忘了洛基――謊言之神、詭辯之神。假使洛基決定與你結盟,你將感到幸運;若你不幸與他為敵,你將後悔萬分。   跟隨蓋曼的文字,你會感到自己彷彿順著世界樹的樹根,造訪北歐神話中的九個世界;你可以感受阿斯嘉震懾神與人的氣勢,畏懼行走於約頓海姆間的冰霜巨人,讚嘆居住在奧弗海姆的光明精靈的美貌,或因不敢直視地底的亡者國度而別開眼神。   最後,當諸神的守護者海姆達爾吹響號角,「諸神黃昏」――世界終結之時即將來臨。無論眾神身在何處、無論他們睡得有多沉,一定會醒來,整裝前去參與這最後的一戰。   眾神注定一死,然而,唯有死亡使所有生命變得可能。   這就是結束。   但新時代也將在結束之後來臨。 名人推薦   奇幻科幻作家...
Book cover of 無有鄉
by 尼爾.蓋曼 Neil Gaiman
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 7, 2017

世上有兩個倫敦。 有上層倫敦,那是一般人住的地方; 有下層倫敦,那裡住著從世界裂縫掉下來的人。  ** 1999年法國最佳奇科幻小說Julia Verlanger Award   洛杉磯時報(LA Times)年度暢銷書top 3   舊金山紀事報(San Francisco...
Book cover of 好預兆


Good Omens

by 尼爾.蓋曼 Neil Gaiman
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 22, 2017

英國BBC九月開鏡,尼爾蓋曼親自製作 《超時空博士》大衛田納特 飾演 惡魔克羅里 《夜行動物》麥可辛 飾演 天使阿茲克拉斐 **  2018 地獄天堂人界 同步(?)播出**   惡魔克羅里向來明白他會經歷世界末日,但他希望這天很久以後再來。   然而,地獄大長官表示,「時機已到」,克羅里身負重任,要讓撒旦的兒子(又稱敵基督、地獄天使、暗黑之王……什麼什麼的)降生人世,健健康康、邪邪惡惡地長大――然後喚醒天啟四騎士,順便引發天堂與地獄都期待已久的末日大戰。他每個環節都辦得非常妥當,除了一件事:他把小寶寶搞丟了。聽說四百年前絕版的《阿格妮思.納特良準預言集》神準無比,不曉得有沒有辦法預言一下撒旦王子現在在哪裡啊?   ★工商服務時間開始★   《阿格妮思.納特良準預言集》   從當今直到世界末日,   關乎即將到來的奇異時代,   還有不可思議的自然界事件,   可媲美諾斯特拉達穆的顛峰之作!   ★工商服務時間結束★   眼下,讓天使阿茲拉斐爾心煩的事情有二:   第一,做為天使,成天跟惡魔混在一起讓他很有罪惡感。但他跟克羅里都為敵好幾千年了,看一張臉看好幾千年,總會變親切的吧!   第二,末日大戰要開打了。在敵基督出現後,將會有雙頭牛犢、雁鴨倒飛、天降魚雨等等異象,接著地獄天堂大軍集結,準備在人界大戰……他是不擔心神的國度會輸,但天堂實在不是一個有趣的地方。天堂不但沒有厲害的音樂家(對,他們都下地獄了),更沒有好酒可喝(「你忘了,也沒有壽司店。」克羅里在旁邊又補一刀。)嗯,趕快幫那個惡魔找消失的敵基督才是正經事。 **  尼爾蓋曼作品,2017經典重啟**   《美國眾神》(American...
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