Nicholas Nicholas: 2917 books

Book cover of Internet ci rende stupidi?

Internet ci rende stupidi?

Come la rete sta cambiando il nostro cervello

by Nicholas Carr
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 14, 2013

Ogni giorno navighiamo nel Web, passando da un sito all'altro, a caccia di notizie, documenti, video; controlliamo la nostra casella di posta elettronica, inviamo SMS e non dimentichiamo di inseguire emozioni sui social network più alla moda. La rete rende più rapido il lavoro e più stimolante...
Book cover of Det ordner seg, ospitalità scandinava
by Nicholas Faina
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 2, 2016

L'opera, del tutto inedita nel suo genere per come è stata sviluppata e sopratutto per come è stata ideata, nasce dalla necessità di informare aiutare e divulgare una cultura, quella scandinava, che a molti è sconosciuta date le grandi distanze geografiche. Il libro descrive un viaggio ma non...
Book cover of Kühe schubsen

Kühe schubsen

Briefe in und aus der Eifel

by Nicholas Müller, Hubert vom Venn
Language: German
Release Date: October 5, 2015

Im Internet-Zeitalter noch echte Briefe zu verschicken, ist eher selten. Daher starteten Nicholas Müller und Hubert vom Venn ihr Experiment: Sie begannen einen Briefwechsel. Aus völlig unterschiedlichen Perspektiven schildern die beiden ihre Kindheit und Jugend in der Eifel. 30 Jahre Altersunterschied...
Book cover of Machen wir uns nichts vor!

Machen wir uns nichts vor!

Wir wir erkennen, was andere wirklich denken

by Nicholas Epley
Language: German
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Warum gibt es so oft Missverständnisse selbst zwischen guten Freunden? Warum wissen die wenigsten Ehemänner, was ihre Ehefrauen wollen – und umgekehrt? Warum scheitern Verhandlungen, obwohl sich alle Beteiligten optimal vorbereitet haben? Nicholas Epley hat sich intensiv mit den Fallstricken der...
Book cover of Internet rend-il bête ?
by Nicholas CARR
Language: French
Release Date: October 20, 2011

Faites donc ce petit test : prenez le temps de tranquillement lire ce livre... Sans aller surfer sur Internet. Vous n'y parvenez pas ? C'est que Nick Carr a raison : Internet a déjà modifié votre cerveau ! C'est bien sûr à une révolution technique et informationnelle que nous assistons...
Book cover of JavaScript objektorientiert

JavaScript objektorientiert

Verständlicher, flexibler und effizienter programmieren

by Nicholas C. Zakas
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2014

Wenn Sie mit Programmiersprachen wie C++ oder Java vertraut sind, erscheint Ihnen JavaScript kaum objektorientiert. JavaScript kennt kein Klassenkonzept und Sie müssen nicht einmal Objekte definieren, um Programme zu erstellen. Lassen Sie sich aber nicht täuschen: JavaScript ist eine außerordentlich...
Book cover of Schatzinseln


Wie Steueroasen die Demokratie untergraben

by Nicholas Shaxson
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2012

Über die Verdorbenheit des Kapitalismus Steueroasen sind keine exotischen und finsteren Nebenschauplätze der Weltwirtschaft, sie liegen vielmehr mitten in deren Zentrum. Die Hälfte des Welthandels durchfließt eine der Steueroasen, jeder multinationale Konzern bedient sich ihrer regelmäßig. Ihre...
Book cover of The Bronfmans

The Bronfmans

The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram

by Nicholas Faith
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

The story of the Bronfman family is a fascinating and improbable saga. It is dominated by "Mr. Sam," the single greatest figure in the history of the liquor business, the man who made drinking whiskey respectable in the United States and who in the 1950s and 1960s built Seagram into the...
Book cover of The Complete David Bowie
by Nicholas Pegg
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2011

The biggest edition yet – expanded and updated with 35,000 words of new material Critically acclaimed in its previous editions, The Complete David Bowie is widely recognized as the foremost source of analysis and information on every facet of Bowie’s career. The A-Z of songs and the day-by-day...
Book cover of Lightfoot
by Nicholas Jennings
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2017

**Shortlisted for the 2017 Legislative Assembly of Ontario Speaker's Book Award Nominated for the 2018 Heritage Toronto Award - Historical Writing: Book The definitive, full-access story of the life and songs of Canada's legendary troubadour** Gordon Lightfoot’s name is synonymous...
Book cover of Way of the Reaper

Way of the Reaper

My Greatest Untold Missions and the Art of Being a Sniper

by Nicholas Irving, Gary Brozek
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2016

From the New York Times Bestselling Author and Co-Star of Fox's American Grit comes a rare and powerful book on the art of being a sniper. Way of the Reaper is a step-by-step accounting of how a sniper works, through the lens of Irving's most significant kills - none of which have been told before....
Book cover of Zigzag


The incredible wartime exploits of double agent Eddie Chapman

by Nicholas Booth
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2017

Eddie Chapman was a womaniser, blackmailer and safecracker. He was also a great hero - the most remarkable double agent of the Second World War. Chapman became the only British national ever to be awarded an Iron Cross for his work for the Reich. He was also the only German spy ever to be parachuted...
Book cover of Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life
by Nicholas Phillipson
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2010

Book cover of Canadian Scholars Bundle

Canadian Scholars Bundle

Lucille Teasdale / Robertson Davies / George Grant / Marshall McLuhan

by Nicholas Maes, Judith Fitzgerald, T.F. Rigelhof
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2013

Presenting four titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent people in Canada’s history. In these books we explore Canada’s rich academic and philosophical history through the fascinating lives of some of its most influential figures. Profiled are: prescient media guru Marshall...
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