Nick Hornby: 70 books

Book cover of Tutto per una ragazza
by Nick Hornby
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 31, 2010

DAL BEST SELLER DI NICK HORNBY, IL FILM DI ANDREA MOLAIOLI CON JASMINE TRINCA «Un mix vertiginoso di rabbia, saggezza, humour e amore.» Booklist «Una scommessa sicura per i fan di Hornby di tutte le età.» Publishers Weekly «Una voce davvero autentica.» The Guardian Sam...
Book cover of Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch

Ballfieber - Die Geschichte eines Fans

by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: November 13, 2014

Klassiker, Bestseller und Kultbuch – jetzt in einer brillanten neuen Übersetzung erstmals als eBook Gleich sein erstes Buch machte Nick Hornby 1992 mit einem Schlag weltweit berühmt: "Fever Pitch" hat beim Publikum und bei den Journalisten wahre Begeisterungsstürme entfacht. Hornbys...
Book cover of Weniger reden und öfter mal in die Badewanne
by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: June 11, 2015

Eine Liebeserklärung ans Lesen Nick Hornby schreibt übers Lesen – was kann seinen Lesern Besseres passieren? Bücher, die er gekauft hat, Bücher, die er gelesen hat, Bücher, die er in der Bahn liegen gelassen hat oder die unters Bett gerutscht sind – mit seinem unnachahmlichen Blick für die...
Book cover of Small Country

Small Country

Vier Storys. Not a Star, Otherwise Pandemonium, Small Country and Nipple Jesus

by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2011

Nick Hornbys neue Erzählungen – einfach brillant Vier Erzählungen von Nick Hornby, in denen umwerfend sympathische und leicht naive Menschen in ziemlich blöde Situationen kommen und versuchen, das Beste daraus zu machen. Eine Mutter erfährt, dass ihr Sohn Pornostar ist, weil eine gemeine Nachbarin...
Book cover of Small Country

Small Country

Die kleinste Fußball-Nationalmannschaft der Welt

by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Nick Hornbys neue Erzählungen – einfach brillant Vier Erzählungen von Nick Hornby, in denen umwerfend sympathische und leicht naive Menschen in ziemlich blöde Situationen kommen und versuchen, das Beste daraus zu machen. Eine Mutter erfährt, dass ihr Sohn Pornostar ist, weil eine gemeine Nachbarin...
Book cover of Fan Mail

Fan Mail

Twenty Years of Writing About Soccer (an eBook original from Riverhead Books)

by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2013

A new collection of soccer writing by the bestselling author of Fever Pitch. After the phenomenal success of Fever Pitch, Nick Hornby tried to avoid writing about soccer, for fear that he'd be writing about it forever. But occasionally over the years he’s found it impossible to turn down...
Book cover of Pray


Notes on a Football Season

by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2012

Nick Hornby, author of the bestselling soccer classic Fever Pitch, offers an insightful account of an extraordinary sports season. Concentrating on a number of significant games in British soccer during the 2011–2012 season, Hornby chronicles the emotional, political, and societal highlights and...
Book cover of More Baths Less Talking

More Baths Less Talking

Notes from the Reading Life of a Celebrated Author Locked in Battle with Football, Family, and Time

by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2012

“Read what you enjoy, not what bores you,” Nick Hornby tells us. That simple, liberating, and indispensable directive animates each installment of the celebrated critic and author’s monthly column in the Believer. In this delightful and never-musty tour of his reading life, Hornby tells us not...
Book cover of 31 canciones
by Nick Hornby
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 22, 2019

Nick Hornby escribe sobre las canciones que le hacen mover y le conmueven, las que amó alguna vez y las que ocupan un lugar significativo en la banda sonora de su vida. Comienza con Teenage Fanclub, «Tu amor es el lugar desde el que vengo», y termina con la espléndida Patti Smith y su mítica...
Book cover of Songbook
by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2003

“All I have to say about these songs is that I love them, and want to sing along to them, and force other people to listen to them, and get cross when these other people don’t like them as much as I do.” —Nick Hornby, from Songbook A wise and hilarious collection from the bestselling...
Book cover of A Long Way Down (Movie Tie-In)
by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2006

A wise, affecting novel from the beloved, award-winning author of Funny Girl, High Fidelity, and About A Boy. New York Times-bestselling author Nick Hornby mines the hearts and psyches of four lost souls who connect just when they've reached the end of the line. A Long Way Down is now a major...
Book cover of A propos d'un gamin
by Nick HORNBY
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2014

Rentier oisif, célibataire fier de son immaturité et séducteur invétéré, Will a une nouvelle idée de génie pour draguer : assister à des réunions de parents célibataires. Mais la rencontre décisive à laquelle va le mener ce stratagème sera en fait celle d'un gamin de douze ans, Marcus,...
Book cover of La bonté mode d'emploi
by Nick HORNBY
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2014

La quarantaine passée, fatiguée par son métier harassant de médecin et un mariage qui a perdu toute saveur, Kate décide de demander le divorce. Dans l'espoir de la retenir, David, son mari, va alors changer radicalement : renouant avec ses idéaux de jeunesse, l'homme irascible devient un modèle...
Book cover of 31 Songs
by Nick HORNBY
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2014

Comment expliquer les résonances que trouvent certains morceaux dans nos vies ? On savait depuis Haute Fidélité que Nick Hornby était un fan de musique pop. 31 songs nous le confirme sous forme d'un témoignage unique autour de ses trente et une chansons " favorites parmi les favorites "....
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